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Postby Paphitis » Fri Mar 06, 2020 6:14 am

miltiades wrote:Sterling has hit a near-ten year low against the euro after data unexpectedly showed that British gross domestic product contracted in the second quarter for the first time since 2012.

GDP is not apparently on the up right now .

And to further highlight your blinkered view and tunnel vision:

UK unemployment is at 3.8% - 0.2% lower than the previous quarter.

You can read all about it here: ... employment

You can view the UK's employment data year by year and they seem to be on a 10 year high RIGHT NOW! ... s/mgsx/lms

So obviously you sound like an individual grabbing at any straw man to slander the UK and BREXIT. It seems to be the same old tactic over and over again, and you choose to ignore real data and real economic indicators. I posted the links for you to analyse.

It is very clear to me and anyone who looks at this data, that the UK isn't traveling as badly as you would like to believe and that BREXIT has not had the dramatic effect you would hope for.

If you were fair you would look at the entire picture rather than cherry pick to suit your blinkered view.

For instance, high currency value - is good for importers and bad for exporters.

Low currency value is good for exporters but bad for importers.

You can have a high currency and have a bad economy as well, and you can have the PESO as your currency and have a very strong economy. Currency value doesn't really comeinto it that much.

It's not just about traveling overseas you know. What hurts the economy far more is a countries inability to export and what affects consumer spending is a countries inability to buy goods and services cheaply, and this affects the entire population, not just those who can actually afford to travel to places like Greece and Cyprus.

A few years ago, the Australian Dollar was at parity with the USD. Today at 0.65 cents. The change is NOT because Australia is performing badly but because our Central Bank has reduced interest rates to 0.5% to stimulate the economy and for exporters and driving demand and employment. In a few years we will be a parity again. We always see these cycles in Australia and are use to them.

The Sterling is at 1.15 to the Euro and has been there for years. To me, that means the Sterling is stable. It doesn't affect people's lives or make people poorer unless you travel overseas. The UK has found its "happy place" at 1.15 and still driving GDP growth and employment which really does affect people's lives and their ability to put food on the table.
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Mar 06, 2020 6:55 am

I'll give you another example. You own a business which imports pots and pans from China.

A low currency will affect the prices at which you buy the stock forcing you to raise prices to cover costs. this may affect your turnover.

So that's bad for you.

However, let's look at it from another business owners perspective who actually manufactures goods in the UK or provides services from the UK and exports these goods and services.

their products end up becoming cheaper to overseas purchasers, so they will buy more of those products. Such a business faces increased demand for their goods and services, and will sell more and make more profit. Consequently, their employees could get a pay rise, fueling consumerism and the business could employ more people.

So low currency is good for them. Also good for manufacturing and let's face it, it's the manufacturers who really fuel the economy and create wealth because they are making products in the UK, spending money into the economy, employing more people, and paying more tax as a result.

Yeh so, a low value currency isn't necessarily a bad thing. To say it is is extremely simplistic and highly deceptive.
Last edited by Paphitis on Fri Mar 06, 2020 6:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Mar 06, 2020 6:56 am

miltiades wrote:It is highly unlikely that Sterling will return to the pre referendum levels either against the mighty Euro or the US Dollar.
Financial markets are the primary rate " settlers" and there is not the slightest evidence to indicate that Stg or indeed the British economy will miraculously surpass the pre referendum levels. I have yet to see any credible evidence that our economy will benefit outside the world's largest trading block. In my opinion based on realities is that an unmitigating disaster is inevitable. When a nation is driven by pseudo nationalism instead of economic prudence the results can never be anything but disastrous. The UK now has some 4 million children below the poverty line, how long before this number increases substantially? Food prices will rise to levels never before seen in the UK. But as th3 peasants say, we now have our country back and a fucking clown at the helm.
What a load of stupid plonkers !!

That is another keeper I'll be taunting you with at a later date! :lol:

Getting quite a collection of your ridiculous prophesies now... :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 06, 2020 7:18 am

Plonker, i would be exiliratingly happy and rejoice at every bit of good economic news that comes out of the UK, I sincerely hope that the myriad of financial sources along with me are proven wrong.
As I have said before Im very much a realist and just can not see any economic benefit deriving from our EU exit. Only the LEs peasants, such as you, shut their eyes whilst sitting on their brains and rejoice at being out of the worlds largest trading block. Most if not all are oblivious of what is staring them in the ir face, I can understand you with a fucking bucket over your head, and admire your....stupidity. What a Plonker !!
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Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Mar 06, 2020 7:51 am

miltiades wrote:Plonker, i would be exiliratingly happy and rejoice at every bit of good economic news that comes out of the UK, I sincerely hope that the myriad of financial sources along with me are proven wrong.
As I have said before Im very much a realist and just can not see any economic benefit deriving from our EU exit. Only the LEs peasants, such as you, shut their eyes whilst sitting on their brains and rejoice at being out of the worlds largest trading block. Most if not all are oblivious of what is staring them in the ir face, I can understand you with a fucking bucket over your head, and admire your....stupidity. What a Plonker !!

You keep on (betwixt profanity and insults :roll: ) about the eu being 'The World's Largest Trading Block', but will it be so once the fifth largest economy in the world leaves it...?

Isn't the UK equivalent to the eighteen smallest eu countries...? How much eu trade is UK trade?

How will they cope without the £350m a week the UK sends? Which part of their budget will they cut to compensate or who will pay more...? Italy perhaps...?

For extra points, see if you can answer without profanity or insults... :wink:
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:41 am

miltiades wrote:Plonker, i would be exiliratingly happy and rejoice at every bit of good economic news that comes out of the UK, I sincerely hope that the myriad of financial sources along with me are proven wrong.
As I have said before Im very much a realist and just can not see any economic benefit deriving from our EU exit. Only the LEs peasants, such as you, shut their eyes whilst sitting on their brains and rejoice at being out of the worlds largest trading block. Most if not all are oblivious of what is staring them in the ir face, I can understand you with a fucking bucket over your head, and admire your....stupidity. What a Plonker !!

well then, if that is the case you would be looking at the GDP Growth figures and the employment figures and chucking a party.

You are not sincere about your motives.

I told you before, The EU trading block becomes quickly an irrelevance when they will enter into a trade block with the USA and others. A FTD with the USA, Canada, Australia, NZ, Singapore and India is a foregone conclusion. The UK doesn't need the EU. They don't want to be handcuffed to the EU. And in the end, they will still likely end up with a FTD with the EU as well. So, they get their cake and eat it too.

There are big problems in the EU. look at Greece. Turkey has told millions of illegal immigrants that the Greek Border is open for them to walk across. Greece is now in a difficult position trying to secure their border. A Trump wall doesn't seem such a bad idea now does it?

And I guarantee you, if these illegals cross the border, the EU powers like Germany will drop Greece like a hot spud. They will not help alleviate Greece's load one iota. Just like in Lesvos and Limnos there are Shanty tent cities housing tens of thousands of people in limbo.

So, just from that alone, I don't like the EU. It's as fake as a house of cards as far as I'm concerned.
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Postby B25 » Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:58 am

The wonderful EU has just awarded Turkey with 500 Mn Euros for the refugees, instead of condemnation, sanctions and assistance for Greece, they award this F psychopath with 500 Mn pocket money. wtf, and you think this EU will save us.
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Mar 06, 2020 9:19 am

B25 wrote:The wonderful EU has just awarded Turkey with 500 Mn Euros for the refugees, instead of condemnation, sanctions and assistance for Greece, they award this F psychopath with 500 Mn pocket money. wtf, and you think this EU will save us.

So basically, they have told Turkey to keep doing this every time they need some cash...

basically awarding the rapist so they don't do it again. But the rapist will keep raping for the money...

Good grief, those EU bureaucrats are not very sharp tools! :shock:
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Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 06, 2020 2:31 pm

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:Plonker, i would be exiliratingly happy and rejoice at every bit of good economic news that comes out of the UK, I sincerely hope that the myriad of financial sources along with me are proven wrong.
As I have said before Im very much a realist and just can not see any economic benefit deriving from our EU exit. Only the LEs peasants, such as you, shut their eyes whilst sitting on their brains and rejoice at being out of the worlds largest trading block. Most if not all are oblivious of what is staring them in the ir face, I can understand you with a fucking bucket over your head, and admire your....stupidity. What a Plonker !!

well then, if that is the case you would be looking at the GDP Growth figures and the employment figures and chucking a party.

You are not sincere about your motives.

I told you before, The EU trading block becomes quickly an irrelevance when they will enter into a trade block with the USA and others. A FTD with the USA, Canada, Australia, NZ, Singapore and India is a foregone conclusion. The UK doesn't need the EU. They don't want to be handcuffed to the EU. And in the end, they will still likely end up with a FTD with the EU as well. So, they get their cake and eat it too.

There are big problems in the EU. look at Greece. Turkey has told millions of illegal immigrants that the Greek Border is open for them to walk across. Greece is now in a difficult position trying to secure their border. A Trump wall doesn't seem such a bad idea now does it?

And I guarantee you, if these illegals cross the border, the EU powers like Germany will drop Greece like a hot spud. They will not help alleviate Greece's load one iota. Just like in Lesvos and Limnos there are Shanty tent cities housing tens of thousands of people in limbo.

So, just from that alone, I don't like the EU. It's as fake as a house of cards as far as I'm concerned.

Your knowledge of currency fluctuations is as good as your knowledge of tax matters, in other words non existent.
A devaluation by the way is a government act not a market act. Directly aftet the refetendum it was not a " devaluation initiated by the government but a currency weakness forced upon the pound by market forces. The mighty euro is rising against the US dollar trading at over 1.13$ where as a week ago it traded at 1.09$ .
This isn't Syria where daily , as the ...commander in chief, you were making policies. Economics isn't a science and neither is it a subject that one can make rules as one goes ahead as you do.
Brexit will di irreparable damage to the UK economy, I hope that the clown can instill even a tiny amount of confidence in the financial markets, highly unlikely since he is rather busy .....fathering mor3 children!!
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Mar 06, 2020 2:35 pm

miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:Plonker, i would be exiliratingly happy and rejoice at every bit of good economic news that comes out of the UK, I sincerely hope that the myriad of financial sources along with me are proven wrong.
As I have said before Im very much a realist and just can not see any economic benefit deriving from our EU exit. Only the LEs peasants, such as you, shut their eyes whilst sitting on their brains and rejoice at being out of the worlds largest trading block. Most if not all are oblivious of what is staring them in the ir face, I can understand you with a fucking bucket over your head, and admire your....stupidity. What a Plonker !!

well then, if that is the case you would be looking at the GDP Growth figures and the employment figures and chucking a party.

You are not sincere about your motives.

I told you before, The EU trading block becomes quickly an irrelevance when they will enter into a trade block with the USA and others. A FTD with the USA, Canada, Australia, NZ, Singapore and India is a foregone conclusion. The UK doesn't need the EU. They don't want to be handcuffed to the EU. And in the end, they will still likely end up with a FTD with the EU as well. So, they get their cake and eat it too.

There are big problems in the EU. look at Greece. Turkey has told millions of illegal immigrants that the Greek Border is open for them to walk across. Greece is now in a difficult position trying to secure their border. A Trump wall doesn't seem such a bad idea now does it?

And I guarantee you, if these illegals cross the border, the EU powers like Germany will drop Greece like a hot spud. They will not help alleviate Greece's load one iota. Just like in Lesvos and Limnos there are Shanty tent cities housing tens of thousands of people in limbo.

So, just from that alone, I don't like the EU. It's as fake as a house of cards as far as I'm concerned.

Your knowledge of currency fluctuations is as good as your knowledge of tax matters, in other words non existent.
A devaluation by the way is a government act not a market act. Directly aftet the refetendum it was not a " devaluation initiated by the government but a currency weakness forced upon the pound by market forces. The mighty euro is rising against the US dollar trading at over 1.13$ where as a week ago it traded at 1.09$ .
This isn't Syria where daily , as the ...commander in chief, you were making policies. Economics isn't a science and neither is it a subject that one can make rules as one goes ahead as you do.
Brexit will di irreparable damage to the UK economy, I hope that the clown can instill even a tiny amount of confidence in the financial markets, highly unlikely since he is rather busy .....fathering mor3 children!!

No one gives a crap! Don't you know the world is running out of toilet paper?

O kosmos hanete tsie to mouni xtenizete!
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