miltiades wrote:Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:Time will tell who will be scoffing HP!
The EU IS the world's largest trading block. Idiots however , mostly working class and geriatrics don't give a toss as they are and always have been europhobics.
As for you, well ..General you got the Syrian issue wrong not forgetting so much else.
The EU isn't the largest trading block.
It's definitely the worst performing trading block though. That's because it's way over regulated and restricted.
The UK wants to look further afield to the Asia Pacific and North America. Markets which are twice or more larger than all of the EU. Probably 3 times larger with China and India.
The EU
"The EU is the world's largest trading block. TheEU is the world's largest trader of manufactured goods and services. The EU is the top tradingpartner for 80 countries. By comparison the US isthe top trading partner for a little over 20 "
Why don't you first research before opening your mouth !!
It's not!
The USA alone is just a tiny fraction under all of the EU combined.
That's before you add the likes of Canada, Japan, Singapore and Australia.
So my friend, just one country alone accounts for the entire EU - that country is the USA. the UK need to do is have a FTD with the USA and the EU has been replaced in one foul swoop and that is without all the baggage of being in the EU would entail.
Another trade deal with the likes of Canada, China, India, Japan, Australia and the UK has the last laugh.
A further trade deal with the EU, and its almost like taking the piss. In the end, the UK will be fine.
You really are a dellusional Plonker !! Where in the article does it state that the USA is the worlds largest TB ? NO WHERE!!
The EU IS the largest by far. Don't just express your own opinions. Just go on google and search : World's largest trading block.
No I'm not delusional.
I'm a pragmatist. the EU is out of control and those who are out of the EU are the ones kicking all the goals. that's because the EU isn't a trade block at all like the rest of the blocks are such as NAFTA, ASEAN, APEC, and BRICS are.
I did do a google search and the USA equates to about 90% of the entire EU trade volume. I provided a link for you.
I was not expressing an opinion. I was expressing a FACT!
There is a lot going on out of the EU and the epicentres today are North America, and Asia Pacific plus China and India. Another FACT.
A trade deal with the USA, canada, Australia and NZ is inevitable. Those markets alone exceed the EU.
In all likelihood, Free Trade deals are also inevitable with Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and India.
Also a good chance for a FTD with China.
So the question the EU should be asking is "who's their daddy"? Answer is UK.

The UK outsmarted the EU after nearly 4 years for torture and British ineptitude. It took Boris to really stick it up them, and stick it up them he did. The EU LOST!

And the funniest thing of all is this. You are presuming that because of BREXIT, the UK will not have a Free Trade Deal with the EU. The UK can have a FTD with the EU by the end of the year. So basically, they could win it all and still have BREXIT. Amazing that hey?

So in other words, by 2021, the UK could be the best placed European country having its finger in the pie everywhere. You were all very quick to write the UK off, and take the piss and terrorise that country. It was literally 4 years of hell for them, but they turned the tables round and now the shoe is on the other foot. If it was me, I would bury that boot right up the EU's ass.