miltiades wrote:cyprusgrump wrote:miltiades wrote:I have been an ardent watcher of financial markets for half a century now. The one thing I have learned is the volatility of markets be it the currency one or stocks.
I was extremely pleased when at just after the election exit polls predicted a Tory majority, at least in financial terms, Sterling shot up by 2 cents on the euro touching 1.205 . The markets reacted promptly in the knowledge that stability was returning to the political scene at last. In fact tge markets were reacting prior to Thursday 12th of January on the strength of election polls. Well it didn't last long, by yestetday Tuesday 17th Stg was traded below the pre election news and it seems that the current downward trend is continuing. Brexit looming, uncertainty in the UK economy will continue for some time yet. I can not predict the level that Stg will be at by the end of this month, suffice to say I have today converted my Stg to euros. I have always believed that Brexit is bad for the UK economy and apparently so does the financial world. I see no viable reason as to why would Stg strengthen in the forthcoming months. I even believe that come Brexit day, January 31st 2020, the pound will be below 1.10 euro.
Time will tell....
If any of your previous predictions (based on your being an ardent watcher of financial markets for half a century) had come true like, Sterling dropping below parity...
...or even Hunt being the next Conservative leader... might have some credibility.
History tells us that they haven't and you haven't any...![]()
So instead of making a fool of yourself, why not just sit back, drink your Keo and enjoy the ride...?
You obviously were born stupid. Your command of proper comprehension is abysmal. I did not predict Hunt, more wishful thinking you ignorant little peasant.
As for Stg losing ground, its not wishfull thinking but common sense, something you do not have and never will, once an idiot always an idiot!
Sadly for you (you utter ignoramus), the Interwebz never forget!

miltiades wrote:Bookies have the Clown odds at 2/9, where as Hunt at 9/2. I'm convinced that the 160 thousand Conservative members , mostly middle class professionals are not that daft surely. The bookies are taking bets on Boris winning, but who are mostly these punters? I suspect working class, the bookies are raking it in, bound to have a field day.
As days go by Boris will undoubtedly drop a clanged or two, it wont make a blind bit of difference to his followers, after all they voted "Leave" not much intellect there !!
I'm still convinced that Boris will not win and Hunt will be the new PM. May ...God help him. What a bloody mess !!
While we are on your terrible prognostications, did you not also post...
miltiades wrote:A vote of no confidence, it has been reported, will take place sometime next week. There is no doubt that the government will lose the vote and the Clown will go down in history as the shortest serving PM EVER.
Reports coming through is that a national unity government will emerge, this will undoubtedly inflame Little Englanders especialy our resident General and of course the Bucket man.
Will Brexit happen on 31st October ? Who knows but my own feeling is that an extension will be requested and prior to that perhaps a General Election.
Apparently hundreds of troops are in Hyde Park right now in anticipation if civil disorder. I have had a belly full of Brexshit
and Im sure most of you also have.
Honestly, Credibility thy name is not Militades!