MR-from-NG wrote:Paphitis wrote:MR-from-NG wrote:Paphitis wrote:MR-from-NG wrote:Paphitis wrote:MR-from-NG wrote:Paphitis wrote:And I rest my case.
You people are complete perverts. Can you please keep your sexual proclivities private please. I don't want to know what you people think about in your twisted minds. It put me off my lunch, and I need to look after myself. Thank You!
I just had to call fatigue at work today and was stood down as they had to find another crew as the FO did the same. So I came home, had 4 hours kip and I woke up and had some panadols and came here to find
you perverts talking about your arousal levels when you think of me.
Do you perverts know how disturbing that is? 
Seriously Paphitis? mate, you're an emotional wreck. Please stop flying for a while, you are putting peoples lives at risk.
Mmmmm...geez you've completely lost it.

Paphitis, lighten up a bit. We're all a bit mad and the fact we're here doing what we're doing is proof of that. Surely you have a bit of sense humour? Don't you?

Couldn't be more light myself or calm. Methinks you need to grow a sense of humour.
You not the sharpest tool I reckon...

It'd be silly of me to start having a pissing contest with you now Paphitis but just out of interest how would you measure "sharpest". How would you measure "success"? Failure? I'd be interested to know your definition of all these.
A pissing contest?
The last thing I would want. Why would I want a pissing contest with a deranged individual with some kind of derangement syndrome? Please take your own advice, calm down and try to get a sense of humour.
All is ok at my end i can assure you.
I know you well Paphitis, you are an argumentative cunt. You are taking the easy way out but that's ok. I don't have time to go into pages and pages of argument with you anyway.
One thing I can say with 100% certainty is this. I am wiser and sharper than you. I am more successful than you. I have more friends than you. I fuck better than you, even at this age

I wasn't being argumentative.
You just can't handle people with different viewpoints. And on top of that, you make threads about people far smarter than you being "kants" etc. Hence why I believe you have a derangement syndrome with no ability to reason or for critical thinking. You also seem to think that insulting millions of voters is a clever and bright thing to do. I got news for you. It isn't. It's actually quite disgusting.
In addition you wish to tarnish all Cypriots with the same brush with your sweeping generalizations.
There is nothing wise or clever about you I'm so sorry to say. You are a pissant!
You need to learn all about graciousness in defeat and learn to accept the will of the people and respect democracy and generally show a little bit of respect to your fellow humans.