Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:Paphitis wrote:I’m just sitting back floating in all the tears of salt water!
Glorious! I just need another Coopers Pale Ale.
Our wonderful Boris has made history.

As the saying goes, it takes a fool to know a fool.!!!
Boris is probably the most charismatic politician we have seen in the UK in a very long time.
Since we are talking about intelligence, charisma is definitely a marker for high IQ.
You don't like him because you don't agree with his policy which has been a breath of fresh air for the UK as a whole. Hence his landslide victory.
As I have stated before, your average voter is politically stupid, who fall prey for political candidates for their one liners, superficial slogans, false promises and presumed intelligence.

I'm sorry but the premise that voters are stupid is silly.
Maybe it applies more to the younger Corbynistas because as people get older and get a taste for the real world they quickly come to terms and understand very quickly that in order to get ahead in this world takes a lot of work and sacrifice and there are no free lunches anywhere as someone always has to pay, and that is the tax payer. So they move towards more traditional centrist and conservative parties realizing how stupid they were indeed when they were smoking the Socialist Smooch at uni.
The UK has a voluntary voting system which means you don't have to vote if you don't want to. This means those who remain disconnected or not interested in politics don't have to vote.
The voters who did vote voted on the issues that are important to them the way they see and interpret the various issues at play.
People are a lot more informed these days due to the internet and social media which can also be a bubble in twitter's case (I love Twitter actually because its such an amusing Leftie echo Chamber), so everyone is bombarded with information 24/7 and that lends itself into better analysis of the issues from biased and non-biased media. in the old days all we had was biased media but now we all have everything at our fingertips.