by Paphitis » Fri Dec 06, 2019 2:05 am
Seriously, in what country are border control actually nice? they are there to do a job.
they are not there to be your friend or an ambassador to the country or a tourist desk operator.
I as a Cypriot just found Cypriot border control to the same as most other countries.
The most I got from a Cypriot Border Control Officer was "good Morning". He then took the passport, looked at it for a few seconds and stamped it and gave it back to me. Some say nothing.
They got an incredibly mundane job sitting there for hours stamping passports. Poor buggers.
In Australia it's much the same, but that is only one layer of control, you go through Customs next and they can be rude. You will never meet more rude people. You have to hand in your declaration form and if you declared stuff they will then open all your bags looking for those items. Be prepared for the prospect of them confiscating some of those items. If you do not declare, then be prepared for massive fines. They will look at you like a drug dealer.
Some of the comments they make can be quite arrogant, but the trick here is to be jovial and nice. If you are, you take the edge of considerably.
They have the power to deny entry as well, and to arrest you with the Federal Police who are in the vicinity. Then you are locked up till the next flight outbound where they will officially deport you and deny you entry into Australia for the rest of your life if you have a foreign passport. They will finger print you and take all your details in case you decide to come again.
They even ask you where you are staying, will contact referees of people you are staying with, check how much money you are carrying or your Bank accounts and they could deport you if you don't have enough money.
Not to be messed with.
This is police state kind of stuff and Cyprus isn't a police state in comparison but the good thing about Australia, is that you can feel the presence of law enforcement and the laws are enforced and that is ok with me.
Cypriot Border control Officers are pussy cats compared to that.