Oh and talking about lies hey....well here is the leaked report which has been filed with the ECHR.
You Corbynistas are an absolute disgrace to support such vitriol against innocent people and members of your Labour Movement just because they are JEWISH.
This is just another reason why Labour is going to get demolished.
https://www.scribd.com/document/4383670 ... o-the-EHRC
I actually read this ..... all 53 Pages! I doubt you did and if you did you didn’t understand it?
My conclusion is, that apart from a few nasty remarks by individuals, most of which were dealt with by the Party, most of the JLM complaints are only possible if the IHRA definition, and all eleven examples of 'antisemitism' are applied ...... and most of them are not anti-Semitic as they include remarks made about Zionists, Zionism, bankers, media etc and of course, any criticism of Israel. I have no problem with agreeing their concept of anti-Semitism ......... it’s the examples that make it an all encompassing statement that distorts that basic concept. Try reading this:
A fundamental principal held by Labour and by Corbyn personally, is that there is no place for anti-Semitism in the Labour movement or for any form of racism based on race, religion, ethnicity, colour or creed.
So explain why it is necessary for a separate 'Jewish' movement within the Labour party, The Jewish Labour Movement, that is explicitly and exclusively for Jews? Anti-Semitism is already covered within the rules of the Labour movement and designed to resist racism and the Party does take action against anti-Semitism. The JLV organisation can therefore only be for the protection of the Zionists and their interests NOT protection for the Jewish people living in the UK. If you like, JLV are (or would like to be) a mini version of AIPAC which virtually rules every political aspect of what goes on in the US.

So this exclusive movement creates a ‘special’ environment. But it is not for Jews, as they are already protected, but clearly for the insidious covert inclusion of protection for Zionism and cover for Israeli crimes under the same umbrella and all promoted as anti-Semitism ..... which, contrary to you, I do not believe exists in any significant extent within the Labour Party.
The whole MSM attack on ‘anti-Semitic’ Labour is purely political, as I have remarked before, as the principals of a socialist Labour Party is a threat to Elite/Zionist/Israeli interests, that all hide behind Judaism to protect their own interests but only succeed in giving Jews a 'bad name'!