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anti-semitism in labour

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Re: anti-semitism in labour

Postby Lordo » Wed Dec 04, 2019 2:07 pm

now here is a very interesting call where a jewish woman rings in to say they are terrified of corbyn and what he will do. when asked to give a simple example of what he said or what he did that gave her that impression unable to give a single example. the one that she did come up with was that he does not support israel. as if that makes him anti-semetic. like hell it does.
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Re: anti-semitism in labour

Postby cyprusgrump » Thu Dec 05, 2019 11:45 am


The Jewish Labour Movement’s closing submission to the Equalities and Human Rights Commission has been leaked in full.

The conclusion – based on testimonies of 70 serving and former Labour party officials – damningly says “The Labour Party is no longer a safe space for Jewish people”.

100 additional testimonies from party members say they have suffered or witnessed antisemitism at party events.
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Re: anti-semitism in labour

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 05, 2019 12:28 pm


The Jewish Labour Movement’s closing submission to the Equalities and Human Rights Commission has been leaked in full.

The conclusion – based on testimonies of 70 serving and former Labour party officials – damningly says “The Labour Party is no longer a safe space for Jewish people”.

100 additional testimonies from party members say they have suffered or witnessed antisemitism at party events.

this is bullshit and you know it. submission made on behalf of the jlm? why? do they not have a faking mouth. this is israeli propaganda through and throeugh.

labour party is a democratic party to characterise an activating reselection process as hounding people out of labour party is bullshit. people get re-selected becasue local members decide to vote against them. the fact that hodge was not deselected proves the point.

of course you are forgetting the fact that israel has their people in place to cause havoc for corbyn becasue he is the first labour leader that does not support israel, compounded the fact that he supports the palestenians. that is his crime. and i got news for you boy, that aint no crime no how.

there are about 600 complaints that are being processed and apparently about 1000 still to be processed. out of 500,000 members that makes it about 0.003%. if only the uk had the same percentage. so as anti-racism and anti-semetism is against the law in this country, why do these people not take their case to the police. if they are guilty of that they should be prosecuted.

in the meantime we have a pm who thinks black people have smaller brains and muslim women waring hidjab are letter boxes and bankrobbers and the tory pary has no problem with that. thats perfectly normal thoughts as far as the party is concerned. that makes your fakin party 100% islamaphobic you asshole.

if only you had two brain cells to rub together, you may begin to understand.
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Re: anti-semitism in labour

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 05, 2019 12:35 pm

now here is a letter from corbyns constiuency. read it and see if you can fathom what is happening. i bet you will not understand a word of it. explain it to me. what does it say? letts see how much you understand.

As Jews, we’ve felt welcome in Corbyn’s party

06 September, 2019

• I WAS sorry to read that Juliet Mwaniki believes the allegations of anti-semitism in Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party, (Clichéd statements about anti-Semitism are not enough, August 30).

I and the many other Jews who have been Labour Party members in Jeremy’s Islington North constituency for many decades can attest to the fact that we have always felt welcome, as Jews, in Labour.

We, therefore, remain bewildered at the allegations, particularly as they are made without citing any evidence.

In light of the persistent attacks against Jeremy since he was elected as Labour leader, it appears that the allegations of anti-semitism have stuck because they require no evidence: the accusation itself is sufficiently toxic to be believed, if it is repeated often enough.

This is, of course, a fortunate outcome for Jeremy’s political opponents. But these are dangerous times, with an unelected Old Etonian trying to close down Parliament.

The Establishment in this country will, of course, fight a socialist Labour leader with anything they can: they cannot be expected to willingly relinquish their wealth and power to a fairer society.

All the more important that we, the people, are able to see the truth, and recognise spurious allegations for what they are. (Of the hundreds of allegations of anti-semitism in Labour made by Margaret Hodge, only a small percentage even related to Labour Party members.)

Those who are determined to retain the power positions they hold will not respect democracy or the truth. It’s now up to us to fight for both, and for a decent future for everyone in this country, not just for the rich and powerful.

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Re: anti-semitism in labour

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 05, 2019 12:38 pm

irony of all this is of course that corbyn is the least anti-semite person on earth but the establishment is so worried about him in power that they have pulled out all the stops and fools believe every word that comes out of their mouth. of course not everybody is fooled, some do the fooling because they fear a fair and just scociety.
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Re: anti-semitism in labour

Postby cyprusgrump » Thu Dec 05, 2019 2:34 pm


Corbynistas were approached this week with anti-Semitic quotes to see if they think the person who said them is fit for office. But there’s a twist! When the Labour activists were told the quotes were said by Boris they said he was unfit for office. Upon being told the truth their squirming is excruciating…

I wonder which one of the weirdos is Bore-Dough...? :?
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Re: anti-semitism in labour

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 05, 2019 2:53 pm

at least have the decency to say what was actually said. you are just bullshitting.

left wing people are agaist israel and bankers (tories). it may be that because a some jewsih people happen to be bankers and they are not very articulate in how they say what they say.

have the common decency to tell us what was said by so called corbiynistas so we can all understand what is going on.

otherwise you is just one hughmangous bullshitter.

evidence please of at least what said by whom? don't have to prove it as yet but eventually you will have to.

so stooooop bullshitting.
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Re: anti-semitism in labour

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 05, 2019 3:06 pm

if you want to understand antisemitism you can do a lot worse than listen to finkelstein.

and this one.

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Re: anti-semitism in labour

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 05, 2019 3:18 pm
in the college lecture theatre you could clearly hear a jewish man shout out the jews did not take uparms against the nazis, clearly proposing that the fault is with the palestenians for taking up arms against the israelis. but you cannot get away from truth. of course jewish people resisted the nazis with arms and at one point there was as many as 1300 odd fighters hiding in the forests attacking sapply lines for the germans troops in the eastern front. the reason i mention this is not becasue i think that was wrong. of course it was not, people should always resist the opressor but this jewish man claimed that the jews did not take up arms.

well here is a lovely picture of one such group, and can be clearly seent that they were in a holiday camp and not armed at all. i think what they were holding was umbrellas in their hands.

either you wake up or die an ignorant swine. which will it be?
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Re: anti-semitism in labour

Postby cyprusgrump » Thu Dec 05, 2019 3:23 pm

Lordo wrote:at least have the decency to say what was actually said. you are just bullshitting.

left wing people are agaist israel and bankers (tories). it may be that because a some jewsih people happen to be bankers and they are not very articulate in how they say what they say.

have the common decency to tell us what was said by so called corbiynistas so we can all understand what is going on.

otherwise you is just one hughmangous bullshitter.

evidence please of at least what said by whom? don't have to prove it as yet but eventually you will have to.

so stooooop bullshitting.

I provided the link to the article and the video showing the full interviews... :wink:

Were you really too stupid to click it...? :lol:

Of course not, you've just reverted to 'insult mode' as you always do... :roll:
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