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Recognize the "TRNC"? - Lose CY Citizenship

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Re: Recognize the "TRNC"? - Lose CY Citizenship

Postby Maximus » Sun Dec 01, 2019 1:03 am

You are such a typical Turk Bordo.

That is what they all say,

"you need to learn some real history.........boy"

Then make it up as they go along.

:lol: :lol:

The Turkish version of history (even current affairs) is the most incredulous......

But go on then, teach me some true history. :lol:
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Re: Recognize the "TRNC"? - Lose CY Citizenship

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Dec 01, 2019 7:04 am

Lordo wrote:
Maximus wrote:I dont know about that,

What I do know though is that the "TRNC" and the politics of the TC's (general) are acting as a pariah against the RoC and the majority of Cypriots respectively.

I wasnt around pre 1974, but history tells me that that is how it was pre 1960 too. just replace "TRNC" and TC with Ottoman empire and Ottomans.

boy you need to learn some true history and then speak. you sound real prize ignoramous when you say things like that. as if your history has some relevance to the true history of cyprus.

...Lordo, he was not there; in that regard give him something to think about, give us all something on which to decide ourselves.

I lived in what was called a "mixed" village, Max, and to this day every year somewhere close to Limassol they gather, these villagers to celebrate the Saint's name day, and as tradition has it they bring their own chairs. Are these people "Greeks" or "Turks"? They are a People who agree with my thinking, they represent themselves' as Cypriots, and dwellers close to the land they have cultivated together literally for hundreds of years. Call us Communists, some people use the term so liberally, call us cooperators, Great Cooperators, the stories are the same, people suffered in the village until they socialised their way of life, sustaining themselves, their village collectively; it was beautifully organised, how their trees and their wheat was harvested, a big wheel which every year was started at a different place, and where all the villagers together collected their harvest going round this circle. Those were happy days for me; so much History in all those trees.

I know Cypriots, and i must say that i know "Greeks", i know Turks who are Cypriot, but now that i try to think about it i know no "Turks", not personally at least. "Turks" like "Greeks" are hard for me to accept, that is my own prejudice, i know that. But i know that a Cypriot way welcomes loving acts as a People fiercely proud of this nature, being kind. Indeed, you will find the worst in Cypriots, too, and in effect, i think, we have come to the point where we must choose. Between "Greek"/"Turk", or Cypriot, this is the choice. And i try to speak plainly, as a Cypriot, and a Citizen of the World.

You Lordo, take the time to be brave, you are a poet, i want to believe i am not wrong about you, only in a wolves clothing, you.

And you Max remember, there is more to the story, there is a side, not "Greek"; that in affect "Greekness", is not so different to "Turkishness", let's never forget that their victims for the most part were neither (and that despite the decades, as Cypriots, still exist).
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Re: Recognize the "TRNC"? - Lose CY Citizenship

Postby Mustiejodu » Sun Feb 16, 2020 6:01 am

Your heart and mind is in the right place. Your probably the only person on this forum genuinely believes in Cyprus for all Cypriots but everyone else in this forum in my opinion does not see a TC as equal and you only have to read through the lines in what they all say to see the true reality of the situation. How is it that the Berlin Wall came down but our walls don’t. Because the truth is the Berlin Wall fell because it was the will of the majority of people in both sides. This is not the case in Cyprus and that’s why dreamers like you and a ex dreamer like me are the minority.
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Re: Recognize the "TRNC"? - Lose CY Citizenship

Postby B25 » Sun Feb 16, 2020 2:29 pm

Mustiejodu wrote:Your heart and mind is in the right place. Your probably the only person on this forum genuinely believes in Cyprus for all Cypriots but everyone else in this forum in my opinion does not see a TC as equal and you only have to read through the lines in what they all say to see the true reality of the situation. How is it that the Berlin Wall came down but our walls don’t. Because the truth is the Berlin Wall fell because it was the will of the majority of people in both sides. This is not the case in Cyprus and that’s why dreamers like you and a ex dreamer like me are the minority.

A poor analogy, in Germany the Russians buggered off and let the people unite, whereas, in Cyprus Turkey won't fuck off and let us. That's the problem, it's not the GCs or TCs it's your motherland Turkey that is holding us apart. period.
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Re: Recognize the "TRNC"? - Lose CY Citizenship

Postby Maximus » Sun Feb 16, 2020 3:21 pm

The TC wanted Taksim and conspired with Turkey to invade the island to commit ethnic cleansing.

They achieved that as well as stealing a disproportionate amount of property that never belonged to them.

The reality is, the TC dont respect democracy or other peoples rights and they still want to be independent.

So, stop blaming the GC's for your communities choices, wishes, desires and failures.

50 years later, your community is now dealing with an existential threat and still haven't changed their broken mentality.

You can dodge man made laws and act like a pariah behind Turkish guns for some time but you cant avert Karma and poetic justice if you carry on.
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Re: Recognize the "TRNC"? - Lose CY Citizenship

Postby Murataga » Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:05 pm

Maximus wrote:The TC wanted Taksim and conspired with Turkey to invade the island to commit ethnic cleansing.

They achieved that as well as stealing a disproportionate amount of property that never belonged to them.

The reality is, the TC dont respect democracy or other peoples rights and they still want to be independent.

So, stop blaming the GC's for your communities choices, wishes, desires and failures.

50 years later, your community is now dealing with an existential threat and still haven't changed their broken mentality.

You can dodge man made laws and act like a pariah behind Turkish guns for some time but you cant avert Karma and poetic justice if you carry on.

GCs are the slime of Europe. They are known to be lazy, corrupt and ugly. They are culturally tolerant, in fact rewarding, to lying and cheating which is anathema for the western European cultures. They have never had a state on this island of their own. They contribute essentially nothing to the EU yet cost immense political and financial capital for the union. Many in the EU have expressed resentment of their admission already over the years.

They have abolished the RoC established per international agreements through lying and strong arming the TCs. Today they are trying to fake to the world that they are Cypriot; yet at the same time they sing the anthem of Greece, have their sorry ass militia trained by Greece, listen to music by Greece, watch TV from Greece, send their kids to schools with curriculum of the Greek educational system, waive the Greek flag next to that of RoC, speak Greek. It is pathetic. You can fool some for some time. But never us.
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Re: Recognize the "TRNC"? - Lose CY Citizenship

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:57 pm

...let's all speak English then.
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Re: Recognize the "TRNC"? - Lose CY Citizenship

Postby Maximus » Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:47 pm

Murataga wrote:
Maximus wrote:The TC wanted Taksim and conspired with Turkey to invade the island to commit ethnic cleansing.

They achieved that as well as stealing a disproportionate amount of property that never belonged to them.

The reality is, the TC dont respect democracy or other peoples rights and they still want to be independent.

So, stop blaming the GC's for your communities choices, wishes, desires and failures.

50 years later, your community is now dealing with an existential threat and still haven't changed their broken mentality.

You can dodge man made laws and act like a pariah behind Turkish guns for some time but you cant avert Karma and poetic justice if you carry on.

GCs are the slime of Europe. They are known to be lazy, corrupt and ugly. They are culturally tolerant, in fact rewarding, to lying and cheating which is anathema for the western European cultures. They have never had a state on this island of their own. They contribute essentially nothing to the EU yet cost immense political and financial capital for the union. Many in the EU have expressed resentment of their admission already over the years.

They have abolished the RoC established per international agreements through lying and strong arming the TCs. Today they are trying to fake to the world that they are Cypriot; yet at the same time they sing the anthem of Greece, have their sorry ass militia trained by Greece, listen to music by Greece, watch TV from Greece, send their kids to schools with curriculum of the Greek educational system, waive the Greek flag next to that of RoC, speak Greek. It is pathetic. You can fool some for some time. But never us.

You didnt address a single point,

it is because it is all true.

Instead, diversion, projection and gas lighting is what your response is.
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