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The risks to children of British public schools.

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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby erolz66 » Fri Nov 08, 2019 3:03 pm

To continue the list

North Sydney Girls High School


7th on the list is Sydney Grammar School - which is listed as 'non government' school and is the first school that was on paphitis list of top public schools and yes does have reports of sexual abuse at that school

Perth Modern School


Mac.Robertson Girls' High School


Melbourne High School


Hornsby Girls High School



So from this list of top Australian schools by exam results only one of the schools that was on Paphitis' list of top private schools is listed. Comparing the two lists in terms of searches against the schools name with the terms 'sexual abuse' on the list of the top ten on paphitis' list 9 out of 10 of them show reports of historic sexual abuse at those schools. Of the top ten government schools 1 out 10 of them has such a report and even that is at the 'milder' end of the spectrum of such child abuse.

From this data I think a fair summary would be.

Paphits' private schools do not give a child a better chance of higher exam result and do expose them to a greater risk of abuse.
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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby erolz66 » Fri Nov 08, 2019 3:10 pm

Paphitis wrote:What these schools provide families with is CHOICE.

As far as I am concerned, my opinion and from my perspective,what you are saying Paphitis is that your place your right to be free to buy advantage for you child in terms of the chances of securing a high paid job ahead of a child's right, any child including even your own, to not be exposed to unnecessary risk.

I think the child's right should trump yours and this you call the politics of envy.
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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby Paphitis » Fri Nov 08, 2019 3:24 pm

erolz66 wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:There is (I would suggest) a factor which may enhance the risk in the UK Private systems and that is boarding where both pupils and many staff will live on site, where, for UK Catholic schools, look at Ampleforth and Down.

That is a significant factor in terms of sexual abuse of children in schools. It is not the only factor imo in the wider of topic of do 'traditional British public Schools' on average subject children to greater risk of harm and damage, especially emotional, than state schools. Did you watch the you tube video ?


there is no evidence at all that children are subject to more harm at private Schools than they are in Government run schools.

In fact, the opposite is true. Privately run schools are generally safer and better protected from stupid riff raff and delinquency and other stupid debauchery.

Less chance for knife attacks, and there is also professional security patrols and CCTV everywhere.'Plus they have access to the best teachers and support staff for everything.

You can't even walk into these schools without permission.
Last edited by Paphitis on Fri Nov 08, 2019 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby Paphitis » Fri Nov 08, 2019 3:30 pm

erolz66 wrote:So Paphitis posted his list of the top ten 'public' (fee paying private) schools in Australia. What i did, quickly and not rigorously, was search each school name with the term 'sexual abuse'. 9 out of the 10 returned on the first page results of reports of sexual abuse at those specific schools.

Using this site ... hools.aspx I sought a list of the top Australian state schools by exam result. I then applied the same test to these (only the first 5 for now as I am running out of time right now). These are the results

James Ruse Argicultural High School


North Sydney Boys High School


Baulkham Hills High School

A report of a male teacher 53 and a 15 year old girl having consensual intimate relationship, that as I understand was still ongoing at least as long as the girl reach age of 19

Sydney Girls High School

Nothing that appears to relate to this specific school

Sydney Boys High School

Nothing that appears to relate to this specific school

None of the schools have had any instances of sexual abuse.

they are all clean skins with no one ever arrested or charged. What occurs is people making stupid and unfounded allegations because its Geelong Grammar but none of it is based on any fact.

There have been of course schools where sexual abuse has occurred but not in ANY of the schools I mentioned.
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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby Paphitis » Fri Nov 08, 2019 3:33 pm

erolz66 wrote:To continue the list

North Sydney Girls High School


7th on the list is Sydney Grammar School - which is listed as 'non government' school and is the first school that was on paphitis list of top public schools and yes does have reports of sexual abuse at that school

Perth Modern School


Mac.Robertson Girls' High School


Melbourne High School


Hornsby Girls High School



So from this list of top Australian schools by exam results only one of the schools that was on Paphitis' list of top private schools is listed. Comparing the two lists in terms of searches against the schools name with the terms 'sexual abuse' on the list of the top ten on paphitis' list 9 out of 10 of them show reports of historic sexual abuse at those schools. Of the top ten government schools 1 out 10 of them has such a report and even that is at the 'milder' end of the spectrum of such child abuse.

From this data I think a fair summary would be.

Paphits' private schools do not give a child a better chance of higher exam result and do expose them to a greater risk of abuse.

Yes they have reports but nothing has ever been found legit.

they are just mud slinging allegations from class warfare imbeciles trying to cut these schools down a peg or 2 but no one is buying and no one has ever been arrested and no investigation of any seriousness had ever taken place at any of them.

Sexual abuse is not something you will find in these schools.

You are more likely to find sexual abuse from Government Schools which are teaching children to be gender neutral and that its ok to crossdress.

Any allegations of any substance against these schools could potentially destroy them and its not as if the children in those schools don't come from the most powerful and richest establishment families in Australia with access to the best lawyers money can buy. Families like Downer, Abbott, Murdoch, Stokes, Costello and so on.

They would be destroyed immediately.

You can't walk more than 50 meters without passing an armed guard.

Some of the kids are dropped off by maids who are not Russian or Sri lankan "maids" (slaves) like in Cyprus. they are paid minimum wage in Australia which is $22 per hour. And they drive a 200,000 dollar mercedes.

I'm pretty damn certain that Queen Elizabeth and the rich and most powerful families don't pay $40,000 for their kids to get abused.

Well probably when Prince Charles went there he would have not had to pay a single dime, and Geelong would have been crawling with Australian Secret Service, and ASIO as well. Prince Charles would have had an entire security detail at all times.

I'm really sorry Erolz but I think I am going to trust institutions like Geelong Grammar and the families who are able to send their kids their over a garagiozi like yourself who is claiming they are being sexually abused.

It's not as if you actually care for any of the families that have their children attend these schools. You consider these families to be families of extreme privilege and you want to wage war against these families and really rape them because you envy this world because that is how people of your political persuasion roll.
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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Nov 08, 2019 3:53 pm

And here we have the most uneducated person in the forum Paphitis, who thinks his piloting diploma is
equivalent to a University degree bursting our balls with his typical high school essays, about what?
Primary and secondary education in elitist private schools!!

I repeat I have nothing much against those schools other than the unnecessary pressure applied on students to outperform at the highest possible academic level. It is true that the average academic performance of those graduates is about A-, not only in the UK but all over Europe.
I have personal experience (albeit that was at the University) of how devastating such a system can be, and how this superior academic performance is achieved, as I already described earlier.
Thank God as an adult i had the choice of ending it before destroying my life. However primary or secondary school children don't have that choice because it's the parents who decide not them.

What I am totally against and I wouldn't do it to my children even if it was totally free, would be so send them to a boarding schools of the kind of Eton et al. The closed and remote environment far from any parental surveillance, exposing the children to total strangers who are often perverts, is a crime by itself that I would never do to my children. Depriving my children of their maternal psychological support at an age then DO NEED IT the most, is another crime I would never do.

But suppose you would by mistake do that. You spend a fortune sending your child to Eton and the like.
Wouldn't you naturally expect that your child would continue to some Oxford University or something?
Wouldn't it be unthinkable to you to stop just there??
Yet the truth is 3% of the 270 or so graduates of Eton, get so crushed they do stop just there. The percentage is higher in other elitist boarder schools in Europe (about 5%). That should just give you a clue of the effect on the remaining 95 to 97%
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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby Paphitis » Fri Nov 08, 2019 3:55 pm

You see privilege. What I see are disciplined and well heelled families who invest a lot of money into their children because they value education and discipline.

I also see lots of families who fight tooth and nail to send their kids there and are struggling to stay afloat but I admire them even more.

And I see institutions which deliver a superior educational service to the children fortunate enough to attend these schools and I also see a lot of them achieve great things in life and become successful.
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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby erolz66 » Fri Nov 08, 2019 3:59 pm

Paphitis wrote:Yes they have reports but nothing has ever been found legit.

they are just mud slinging allegations from class warfare imbeciles trying to cut these schools down a peg or 2 but no one is buying and no one has ever been arrested and no investigation of any seriousness had ever taken place at any of them.

Sexual abuse is not something you will find in these schools.

You are quite simply wrong and demonstrably so. I will demonstrate. Let us take your top school

Geelong Grammar

form the website of the Australian Governments Royal Commission into institutional responses to Child Sexual Abuse

https://www.childabuseroyalcommission.g ... l-released

Five staff members at Geelong Grammar School – Graham Leslie Dennis, John Hamilton Buckley, Stefan Van Vuuren, Philippe Trutmann and John Fitzroy Clive Harvey (known as Jonathan Harvey) – have been convicted of child sex offences.


These are not 'mud slinging allegations'. They are facts. Facts that are in total contradiction to your claims that " and no one has ever been arrested and no investigation of any seriousness had ever taken place at any of them". Unless of course you want to try and argue that 'sexual penetration' of a child by an adult teacher is not of 'any seriousness' ? Not only has sexual abuse been found at Geelong School historically, it has been found multiple times, involving multiple perpetrators over decades.

Just read the report Paphitis.
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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby Paphitis » Fri Nov 08, 2019 4:06 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:And here we have the most uneducated person in the forum Paphitis, who thinks his piloting diploma is
equivalent to a University degree bursting our balls with his typical high school essays, about what?
Primary and secondary education in elitist private schools!!

I repeat I have nothing much against those schools other than the unnecessary pressure applied on students to outperform at the highest possible academic level. It is true that the average academic performance of those graduates is about A-, not only in the UK but all over Europe.
I have personal experience (albeit that was at the University) of how devastating such a system can be, and how this superior academic performance is achieved, as I already described earlier.
Thank God as an adult i had the choice of ending it before destroying my life. However primary or secondary school children don't have that choice because it's the parents who decide not them.

What I am totally against and I wouldn't do it to my children even if it was totally free, would be so send them to a boarding schools of the kind of Eton et al. The closed and remote environment far from any parental surveillance, exposing the children to total strangers who are often perverts, is a crime by itself that I would never do to my children. Depriving my children of their maternal psychological support at an age then DO NEED IT the most, is another crime I would never do.

But suppose you would by mistake do that. You spend a fortune sending your child to Eton and the like.
Wouldn't you naturally expect that your child would continue to some Oxford University or something?
Wouldn't it be unthinkable to you to stop just there??
Yet the truth is 3% of the 270 or so graduates of Eton, get so crushed they do stop just there. The percentage is higher in other elitist boarder schools in Europe (about 5%). That should just give you a clue of the effect on the remaining 95 to 97%

I don't have a diploma. i actually have a degree.

And I never said Aviation is the most top shelf of professions, but we pilots are professionals like lots of others in other areas. I never put my profession as being over and beyond others but it is a technically advance profession that is highly regulated and highly controlled.

Yes, becoming a pilot is definitely a white collar profession. Pilots are not at all uneducated. But as I said before, Aviation isn't unlike many other professions out there in the professional sphere.

There is no unnecessary pressure being applied to the children at all. Each child will develop at their own pace and not all of them are going to become Doctors, Lawyers or NASA Astronauts just because they attend Geelong.

They will however have a head start in life and be very well heeled and that is more important than achieving a particular academic result. Academic results are only a small part of the equation. What counts for me is the discipline, and the networks. they children will be part of one of the most established networks of professionals within Australia. They will also be shielded and protected from Government influence and the Government Curiculum which is not always what it should be because of all the new age nonsense they come up with. The schools are run by big religion and that is what I prefer.

So it's about control, ethics, orality, discipline and respect and not necessarily pushing my kids to be NASA Astronauts or a big shot Lawyer, Doctor or Stoke Broker or whatever the case maybe.

The children have a very healthy balance between academia and Sport and mindfulness activities and mental well being is also taken care of within these schools.

these schools do not push the kids beyond their means but they do help the kids push their boundaries and achieve goals as they should.
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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Nov 08, 2019 4:12 pm

Paphitis wrote:It's not as if you actually care for any of the families that have their children attend these schools. You consider these families to be families of extreme privilege and you want to wage war against these families and really rape them because you envy this world because that is how people of your political persuasion roll.

Just dot it like this:

Paphitis wrote:Spoiler warning! Extreme nonsense follows.
It's not as if you actually care for any of the families that have their children attend these schools. You consider these families to be families of extreme privilege and you want to wage war against these families and really rape them because you envy this world because that is how people of your political persuasion roll.
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