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The risks to children of British public schools.

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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 20, 2019 12:18 am

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:I was talking about generally saying there is no systemic abuse in the Private Sector and the Private Sector has never been stronger. In fact it's getting bigger and stronger because parents like me rely on this system for the safe education of our children.

No you were NOT talking generally. In response to the article I posted about a public enquiry that itself followed the conviction - CONVICTION - of four former members of staff at a specific school you said 'This is completely false'. You said it was false. You said it in reference to this specific incident.

When it comes to 'systematic abuse' in such schools I think the findings of a public enquiry in the UK and the findings of the royal commission in Australia have vastly, immeasurably, more credibility than you do. Funny that no ?

You live in denial. You can not handle the truth. So you just claim it is not true. SO why do you not just fuck off out of my thread. I will take it as read that you will simply claim any and all evidence of sexual abuse in your precious schools , including convictions in courts of law, are all false because that is all you have. So please just fuck off now from this thread.

Yes yopu are. You are getting a few isolated cases and tainting everyone with the same brush.

It;s a typical commie characteristic in order to bring down all these institutions, religions, and the establishment.

Too bad for you it will not work as just today, 1 million fine Aussie kiddies just went to to attend their fine Private Schools which keep these kids on the very straight and narrow where they belong.

And of course we are all very proud of them.

We have plenty to be thankful for and the Private Education System will ensure the likes of the Corbynated Chickens of this world, are kept at bay.

I love all these schools. Every single one because they make a massive contribution to Australia and they outperform Australian Government Schools by a mile.
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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby erolz66 » Wed Nov 20, 2019 12:28 am

Paphitis wrote: You are getting a few isolated cases and tainting everyone with the same brush.

These are not a 'few isolated cases'. The pattern occurs over and over again in case after case after case. Hence the need for Royal commissions and public enquiries.

Paphitis wrote:I love all these schools. Every single one because they make a massive contribution to Australia and they outperform Australian Government Schools by a mile.

You are just impervious to reality and facts. The FACTS are that out of the 10 best performing schools in Australia by exam results only ONE of you beloved private schools features, which is also in the list of 'few isolated cases' as well. The other 9 are all totally selective STATE schools. Your beloved private schools do NOT out perform the best STATE schools.

Now please just fuck off out of this thread. All you have to offer is head in the sand denial of reality. It can be taken as read that is all you have.
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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby erolz66 » Wed Nov 20, 2019 1:47 am ... r-2018.pdf

The culture of a school can be an important factor that influences the incidence and response to child sexual abuse perpetrated by school staff and peers. A strong, hierarchical and masculine culture has been noted as a feature of institutions where abuse is likely to occur (Erooga, 2012; Poynting and Donaldson, 2005; Colton, 2002; Utting, 1997; Brannan et al, 1992). A paper exploring group bullying, including serious sexual assault, at an elite Australian boarding school revealed that this type of behaviour was endemic in such schools where a female presence is minimal, and a culture of ‘ruling class masculinity’ encouraged boys to be tough, repress their emotions, and compete with and dominate each other (Poynting and Donaldson, 2005).

The potentially heightened risk of peer on peer sexual abuse in schools with a significant gender imbalance was recognised in a 2015 serious case review into Stanbridge Earls residential special school, and is also covered in the Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance (Harrington and Whyte, 2015).

Studies have also identified that a large power imbalance between children and staff, as well as the implementation of strict behavioural codes, which make children overly compliant, can increase the risk of abuse from school staff (Algood et al, 2011; White et al, 2003). Power balances between staff can also make reporting abuse to third parties more difficult. Staff who report their superiors might fear that their report will be rebuffed, and that if the accused individual remains in power, they will be punished by the accused (Green, 2001). Those who report such abuse might also feel that they will be abandoned by the school should they undertake such reporting.

In the research described previously, relating to abuse at an elite Australian boarding school, the reaction by the school and parents to the incidents highlighted the culture and attitudes towards sexual abuse; downplaying the sexual violence and instead describing it as bullying (Poynting and Donaldson,2005). Other literature identifies social views of masculinity (Connell and Messerschmidt, 2005) as a contributory feature that creates an environment that may limit the disclosure of child sexual abuse, notably abuse which is carried out by other males.

Furthermore, in residential schools, research has indicated that there can be an acceptance of such behaviour and deliberate overlooking by staff members of the abuse. Some of these staff may have been subject to a similar educational system and experience (Schaverien, 2004). In several of the cases of child sexual abuse in boarding schools perpetrated by school staff reported to Childline, it appeared that the teacher’s behaviour was well known, and essentially allowed (Childline, 1997). The importance of an open and supportive, as opposed to closed and hierarchical, organisational culture has therefore been emphasised as a way of preventing child sexual abuse and improving reporting in institutions (CEOP, 2013; Munro and Fish, 2015).
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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 20, 2019 1:50 am

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote: You are getting a few isolated cases and tainting everyone with the same brush.

These are not a 'few isolated cases'. The pattern occurs over and over again in case after case after case. Hence the need for Royal commissions and public enquiries.

Paphitis wrote:I love all these schools. Every single one because they make a massive contribution to Australia and they outperform Australian Government Schools by a mile.

You are just impervious to reality and facts. The FACTS are that out of the 10 best performing schools in Australia by exam results only ONE of you beloved private schools features, which is also in the list of 'few isolated cases' as well. The other 9 are all totally selective STATE schools. Your beloved private schools do NOT out perform the best STATE schools.

Now please just fuck off out of this thread. All you have to offer is head in the sand denial of reality. It can be taken as read that is all you have.

Yes they are. they are only a few isolated cases alright.

Every day 1 million kids go to these schools incident free and are happy to be going to these schools.

I am sure every single Aussie kid would be perfectly comfortable attending the Australian Eton - Geelong Grammar.

having your kids go to these types of schools is like a dream.The kids that attend them come from good and well heeled families who have their priorities right and who are disciplined. The kind of families you want your kids to get involved with in life.

And you don't have to go to Eton or Geelong to get the best. The Catholic System only charges half the amounts and offer great standards and the families that go there are also well heeled. You just want families with manners and respect and usually people that have children attend these schools have it as a general rule.
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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby erolz66 » Wed Nov 20, 2019 1:56 am

And this 'case' I have mentioned before but given Paphitis claim that

"Yes I claim it's false because all the accusations of abuse are wild hyperbole and exxagerated by a media that loves this kind of stuff." and "And dig deeper and you find that all the poor bugger did was hug a child. This is what is happening here."

I think it is valid to go back to the truth know once more. ... csa-report

Children abused for decades at 'sadistic' London school, inquiry finds. IICSA report lays bare culture of cover-up and denial that facilitated 30 years of abuse

A “sadistic and predatory” atmosphere and a culture of cover-up and denial in a Catholic school allowed sexual abusers to commit crimes against children for decades, an independent inquiry has found.

One survivor who was abused from the age of 12 by Andrew Soper, a former abbot, told the inquiry: “I often wonder what my life would have been like if I hadn’t been abused … I feel like I am still in a black hole and just can’t climb out of it. “I don’t think I can ever put down in words fully what [Soper] has done to me. He has damaged me for life, and I am afraid that that damage will never go away.”

Soper, who was known as Fr Laurence Soper, was jailed for 18 years in 2017 on 19 charges of rape and other sexual offences. He was convicted after skipping bail and spending five years as a fugitive in Kosovo.
He had joined St Benedict’s as a teacher in 1972 and was the abbot of Ealing Abbey – the school’s parent body until 2012 – for nine years until 2000.

A survivor who described being anally raped by Soper said he was unable to tell his parents because “their faith was so strong, they would never have believed it from a priest”. He said he continued to suffer mentally as a result of the abuse.

Another monk, David Pearce, the head of the junior school and the then bursar, was jailed in 2009 for eight years – reduced to five on appeal – for sexual offences against five pupils. Fourteen former pupils complained to statutory authorities of being sexually abused by Pearce.

Two lay teachers, John Maestri and Stephen Skelton, were convicted of multiple offences involving more than 20 children between the 1970s and 2008. In 2016 the deputy head, Peter Allott, was convicted of offences relating to child abuse images.

According to the report, many in the school and abbey were aware of abuse but felt powerless to act. “Staff were afraid that by speaking up they would lose their jobs,” it said. The culture in the abbey and the school “was generally closed, defensive and resistant to external involvement,” the report added.
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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 20, 2019 2:06 am

very easy cut and pasting from the net. I can get you a dozen such cuts and pastes but the reality on the ground is an entirely different matter.

The reality on the ground is that abuse is virtually non existent today and the education performance matrices outperform the Government sector.

So overall, the Private Sector is actually the benchmark when it comes to education in Australia and for that we are all grateful.

We are grateful because we all have the option of not letting our kids being taught by Socialist Lesbians with pink hair and nose rings! I think inflicting our children on this, is abuse and horrific!

I am so happy driving by every single private school in Australia seeing all those wonderful buildings and seeing the children wearing finely pressed uniforms and representing their schools like great ambassadors. Puts them in the right frame of mind for later in life as far as I am concerned.

I am so happy that the Private School sector is expanding and getting bigger as demand increases. the more schools they open so more kids have access to them, the better.

Investing in Private Schools is an investment and those who attend Private Schools are more likely to send their kids to private Schools to ensure they too get the same opportunities or better. Overall, the country and society as a whole benefit from these schools enormously.
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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby erolz66 » Wed Nov 20, 2019 2:27 am

Paphitis wrote: I can get you a dozen such cuts and pastes but the reality on the ground is an entirely different matter.

No you can not. Given the ratio of public to state schools is about 10:1 you would need to show 10 'cut and pastes' for each public school example. You can not do that. They just do not exist, even if you were capable of questioning what you simply want and chose to believe, which it is clear you are not capable of doing in any case.

Paphitis wrote:We are grateful because we all have the option of not letting our kids being taught by Socialist Lesbians with pink hair and nose rings! I think inflicting our children on this, is abuse and horrific!

Teachers convicted of literally physically fucking children as young as 9 years old over decades you dismiss as 'not true' and 'just hugging' and then claim that someone with a different political view to yours, or sexual orientation, teaching your children is 'horrific abuse'. You are warped. You should seek help imo.
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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 20, 2019 2:30 am

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote: I can get you a dozen such cuts and pastes but the reality on the ground is an entirely different matter.

No you can not. Given the ratio of public to state schools is about 10:1 you would need to show 10 'cut and pastes' for each public school example. You can not do that. They just do not exist, even if you were capable of questioning what you simply want and chose to believe, which it is clear you are not capable of doing in any case.

Paphitis wrote:We are grateful because we all have the option of not letting our kids being taught by Socialist Lesbians with pink hair and nose rings! I think inflicting our children on this, is abuse and horrific!

Teachers convicted of literally physically fucking children as young as 9 years old over decades you dismiss as 'not true' and 'just hugging' and then claim that someone with a different political view to yours, or sexual orientation, teaching your children is 'horrific abuse'. You are warped. You should seek help imo.

No its not. Maybe in the UK.

But the ratio in Australia is 1 in 5. 20% of all kids attend Private Schools and today, the private sector is by far the most stringent and also the most protective of the kids.

Everyday, 1 million kids attend these schools.

And isn't it lovely how Corbynated Chicken is about to get done over in a landslide because of all your lunatic policies such as cutting of the funding to legitimate schools in the UK who have contributed a great deal to the UK?

You can jump up and down all you like, but the people are not buying all this stupidity hence why the Tories are looking at a record majority.We have all had a gut full of all your stupid policies, high spend high tax regimes, and new age shit with open borders.

We want to go back to more traditional and more conservative ways thank you very much and we don't want the EU.

We don't want large government controlling every aspect of our lives. I suggest you go to Turkey for that shit. Oh wait! You are already in an illegally occupied area of the world.

Watch and learn. Watch and learn.
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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby erolz66 » Wed Nov 20, 2019 2:34 am

Paphitis wrote:But the ratio in Australia is 1 in 5

So put up or shut up. If you can easily find 5 state school 'cut and paste' examples for each one of the kinds of abuse in Australian public schools I have highlighted here, then do it.

put up or shut up
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Re: The risks to children of British public schools.

Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 20, 2019 2:39 am

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:But the ratio in Australia is 1 in 5

So put up or shut up. If you can easily find 5 'cut and paste' examples of the kinds of abuse in Australian public schools for each one I have highlighted here, then do it. Big mouth , no action.

It's actually much greater than that!

20% of all Australian Kids attend Catholic Schools.

Another 15% attend other independent schools - Lutheran, Anglican, Presbyterian, Protestant, Orthodox and other independent non denominational schools.

Only 65.7% attend Government Schools and that is shrinking year after year.[email protected]/mf/4221.0

In 2018:

there were 3,893,834 students enrolled in 9,477 schools
65.7% of students were enrolled in government schools, 19.7% in catholic schools and 14.6% in independent schools
teachers made up 69.5% of in-school full-time equivalent staff
the grade 7 to 12 Apparent Retention Rate for Australia was 84.5%, and
the student to teaching staff ratio for all schools and affiliations was 13.5.
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