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Follow the links and search vacancies as far back as they go. This EU site is run in conjunction with the Cyprus Governments Ministry of Labour so you should in theory get a true picture of salaries here. Many of the jobs shown are low paid but every so often Technical/Professional vacancies come up.
CYP1300 may seem good but if you are the only wage earner in the family it may not be enough. As elswhere in the EU Cypriot couples now tend to both work, fine if you have family support with looking after a child and runing a home but additional costs if you dont.
Salary deductions Social Insurance Tax provident fund etc, guess this depends on personal circumstances but in the UK I would be paying several hundred pounds a month more than I do here.
CYP500 rent is high but like the UK its all down to location, unlike the UK generally this may include good quality furnishing as to if it is to your taste or not is another matter. Make sure whatever you rent has central heating as contrary to popular belief Cyprus has a winter and it can be cold, nothing like the UK of course but it can still be a shock. Like wise make sure that the property has adequate air conditioning (a unit in each room).
Beware many landlords/ladies prefer to rent to foreigners (exactly the opposite of what alex669 has said, but we each write from our own perspective) rather than Cypriots as the foreigner is generally not so well informed about a tenants rights. My Cypriot brother-in-law flatly refuses to rent to his fellow citizens and he's a patriot! prefering to rent to the people he fought against for four years as they dont say 'take me to court for the rent'. Get a lawyer to look over the rental contract. We rented an unfurnished house for four years and had a great landlord until we gave him four months notice of our intention to quit when we needed only have given a month, we then saw the other side of our genial host.
Cypriot version of Council Tax is Municipal or Village Tax which is very low, we pay CYP88 per year for a three bed room village house including water service charge but not metered consumption and CYP65 a year for a three bed room town flat plus CYP38 per year water/sewerage excluding water consumption charges. If house is not connected to mains sewerage system expect to pay CYP60 a year for the honey cart to come around, less or possibly nothing if you dont flush paper away (never got used to that in over thirty years) and the septic tank is working correctly.
If family health insurance comes with the job count it as a bonus if not have a search around for costs. We pay CYP100 per month for two adults with Universal/PPP but we are a lot older, get exactly the same deal as with PPP in the UK but at about two thirds of the cost.
Hope there is a car with the job as prices are generally higher in Cyprus, if a car do'es come as part of the deal ensure it is a family sized car that you are getting and not a two seater car/van variant with all the refinements but no where to put the family.
Electricity charges are I believe a little higher than in the UK so only use air con in the room you are using and save money by going out for Sunday lunch.
The UK ex-pat community can be a mine of useful information where you can find out all the nitty gritty bits about living here, possibly become an alchoholic and play the role of the colonial. Unfortunately it can also be a sea of seething discontent with everyone moaning about the 'Cypriots' and Cyprus in much the same way as the Cypriot UK disapora moan about the 'English' and England. Better to get to know your neighbours and make friends within a broader community as my Cypriot wife did when we lived in the UK where she perfected the art of tea making and I have living in Cyprus perfecting the art of, well just enjoying life.
Good Luck