Pyrpolizer wrote:Learn the facts of how time is allocated to speakers in the EU parliament Paphitis.
The Brexit party with 30 MEPs only got 1 minute talk time (our of 3 hours total) when the issue of Brexit was recently discussed in the EU Parliament.
MEPs don't rely on talk time to affect decisions. They participate in committees, and one of our MEPs is now a commissioner.
If you don't participate in committees or you don't join any of the 8(?) recognized groups you basically do nothing in the EU-and you have no say.
That's what Farage is doing now .
Did you know that Italy has 10 MEPs like that? Spain has 2 (of the "Catalionia Now") party...
Most of Farage's fuss in the EU was when UKIP joined the Europe of Nations and Freedom group, hence he was allocated about 4-5 minutes talk time +some more for questions.
Cypriot MEP's all joined larger groups and they too get their 4-5 minutes on issues concerning Cyprus.
I know how it works, and they need to apply for the time before they get it.
And when they get it, if they get it, they don't seem to know how to use it or have any impact whatsoever, unlike the BREXIT MEPs who are running rings in the so called pseud "euro-parliament".
I have seen many Italians MEPs create a stir, but when it comes to Greek and Cypriot MEPs it seem its oh so quiet! Shhhhh Shhhhhhh...