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can uk within eu control her borders

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can uk within eu control her borders

Postby Lordo » Sun Sep 29, 2019 11:21 pm

this was how they fooled the workingclass to vote for brexit. a lot of people believed it but was it true?

now here is the first fact.

Like all EU Member States, the UK is subject to obligations to ensure the freedom of EU citizens to move and reside freely within the EU. Freedom of movement of workers and rights of establishment in other Member States were fundamental aspects of the common market well before the UK joined the EEC in 1973 and have remained of significance to the internal market programme.

so it was there all along and was not introduced later. but how free are they exactly.

These rights do not undermine the UK’s ability to control its borders, for three principal reasons.

First, the largest category of migrants to the UK come from outside the EU, and are not entitled to rely on EU laws on freedom of movement. The UK’s ability to restrict entry to this group is unaffected by its membership of the EU.

Secondly, whereas many Member States have replaced individual controls with a common policy at their common frontier (known as the Schengen Area), the UK chose to retain its right to independent border control and is entitled to check the identity of every individual entering the country.

Thirdly, EU law does not provide nationals from other EU Member States with an unlimited right to enter or remain in the UK.
Most importantly, the right to live in the UK without any conditions or formalities only lasts for three months.
In addition, the right is subject to limitations “on grounds of public policy, public security or public health”.
Specifically, the UK retains the right to restrict the freedom of movement and residence of EU citizens and their family members, where their personal conduct represents “a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental interests of society” and the home Member State of any expelled EU nationals must allow those nationals to re-enter their territory.

The debate about economic migration within the EU needs to be put into context. While immigration is an emotive topic and can cause substantial social unrest, freedom of movement within the EU internal market helps address skill shortages and the consequences of an ageing population. According to the OECD, migrants are more likely to be net contributors if they are younger, in work and skilled. The evidence suggests that on average, EU migrants make a net contribution to UK public finances. The Office for Budget Responsibility estimates that immigration will reduce public sector net debt as a share of UK GDP over the long term relative to the levels it would otherwise reach.

As well as tightening up the rules on sham marriages and on suspected terrorists and criminals coming to the UK, the recently agreed Settlement introduces an “emergency brake” to restrict EU migrants in the UK claiming in-work benefits for a period of up to four years. This restriction is operable over a seven-year period.
The Settlement also gives the UK an option to index child benefit payments to the cost of living in the country where the child resides, for all new arrivals to the UK.
This mechanism can be extended to all existing workers from 1 January 2020

so what exactly was told to the british public in 2016? and even today how can anybody claim that there is total freedom of movement in the eu. and of course the assholes will insist all this is lies. bulllllll shiiiiiiit man
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Re: can uk within eu control her borders

Postby Lordo » Sun Sep 29, 2019 11:27 pm

and of course there was also the blatant lies that terggy was about to join and 70 million muslims would move into eu. i mean how many countries that joined the eu just emptied of the whole populations. and idiots bought it. i mean how thick do you have to be to accept such lies. well i guess if you are thick enough to believe you will have a deal outside which is better than in and that it would be the easiest deal as you will have all the cards, you are prime readu for the next lie and all the others.

never mind the tax we have to pay once we are out. oh i forgot we will be charged tax so long as eu agrees with it. what?? which country will not protect its indussties by not taxing. oh i forgot of course britain will after brexit.
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Re: can uk within eu control her borders

Postby Lordo » Mon Sep 30, 2019 10:58 pm

what no comments.
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Re: can uk within eu control her borders

Postby David Monk » Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:34 pm

I thought the main reason for Brexit was not because of the worry about immigration, but the UK's loss of sovereignty. Once sovereignty has been lost, it cannot be recovered. The people, who are benefiting from trade with the EU and do not want the UK to leave, could soon find their fortunes change, and then it will be to late to do anything about it.
The Remainers want to take us all with them, and for us to suffer the consequences of their actions. The people have already voted to leave, so let the peoples' vote be respected.
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Re: can uk within eu control her borders

Postby Lordo » Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:43 pm

David Monk wrote:I thought the main reason for Brexit was not because of the worry about immigration, but the UK's loss of sovereignty. Once sovereignty has been lost, it cannot be recovered. The people, who are benefiting from trade with the EU and do not want the UK to leave, could soon find their fortunes change, and then it will be to late to do anything about it. change.
The Remainers want to take us all with them, and for us to suffer the consequences of their actions. The people have already voted to leave, so let the peoples' vote be respected.

which sovereignty are we talking about?

the right to prorogue parliament
or is it workers human rights
or is the city's right to defraud the investors
or is it the right to be forced to work 90 hours a week

which one were we missing?

how will it change?
will we be able to have our own regulations and then sell our produce to the eu regardless?
if we are going to be outside the eu how much will be pay under wto rules, not just to the eu but to the rest of the world?

you think you will be able to organise free trade deals in just a couple of years? but i love the idea of full soverignty when we have to get all 163 countries in the world to agree to our trade deals. you thought agreeing with 27 other countries were not easy, boy are in for a surprise.
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