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Re: what next?

Postby Londonrake » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:10 am

erolz66 wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
erolz66 wrote:As ever you misunderstand me and the point I made. I have no disdain for smileys. I simply pointed out that it probably says something about those posters who use them to a degree that is greatly atypical compared to their average use and pondered what it might say about such posters.

No, there’s no misunderstanding. Searching obsessively through 50 of somebody’s back posts ( in 7 minutes? :lol: ) and meticulously counting Smilies. Then calculating an average isn’t something to be misunderstood. But look - I’ve got you using them now. :wink:

No you still misunderstand. I know this because I know what I mean. Let me, in reaction to you pro actively bringing your misunderstanding of what I did say and mean previously in order to try and score some kind of 'point', try again.

There is always one 'guy down the pub', who laughs at their own jokes more than anyone else, who can not give a dig or quip about someone without a smug wink or wry smile on their face, more then anyone else. Who can not express a view or opinion without an air of smug satisfaction and superiority, more than anyone else. You may or may not be that guy in the real world for all I know but from my perspective you undoubtedly challenge for that 'top spot' here on this forum. I have that impression because of your atypically excessive use of smileys. That was the opinion I was expressing.

Erolz, trust me on this, knowing what you mean is an art form.

We’re all entitled to our opinions of course. Although something Brexit has taught me is that, as far as the illustrious liberal elite (and a good deal of our parliamentary “Democrats” for that matter) are concerned it has to be the “right” opinion. Or, a second confirmatory one must be given.

If you want an insight, I don’t tend to do digs or quips in the real world. Apart perhaps from the light hearted and sometimes self deprecating. I would hope my old nemesis RH (are you & Mrs H well mate? :wink: ), CG and Milti might confirm. Here, I’ve learned to give as good as I get. I’m absolutely no match though for Lordo (who hands them out like sweeties) or our good friend Milti. In that respect I should mention our late departed GR, who was the past master that gave me my first (“watch me get rid of this cunt!”) lesson.

BTW, you’re obviously spending too much time around Lordo recently. It’s more usually “cannot”. Can not tends to be used when not forms part of another construction. That is, it makes sense when you take the can away. :wink:
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Re: what next?

Postby erolz66 » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:14 am

By the way Grump who will (if you have a vote) or would (if you do not) vote for on Dec 12th ? Tory or Brexit ? I would ask Londonrake as well but as it is impossible as far as I can tell to get a simple straight honest answer from him to such questions, it probably would be just a waste of time. Maybe answering such questions is what he means by refusing to be 'dragged into ever more extensive posts' ?
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Re: what next?

Postby erolz66 » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:23 am

Londonrake wrote:We’re all entitled to our opinions of course. Although something Brexit has taught me is that, as far as the illustrious liberal elite (and a good deal of our parliamentary “Democrats” for that matter) are concerned it has to be the “right” opinion. Or, a second confirmatory one must be given.

You mean like when the British people delivered a no majority result in 2017 and the Tories decided that was not an instruction from the people than no one party alone should decide how we implement the referendum vote and instead decided that they should try and force through a minority choice anyway and when that went all tits up for them, they then decided to try and have another GE in the hope of getting a better result the second time around ? Is that the kind of thing you are talking about ?

Londonrake wrote:If you want an insight, .....

I am always more than willing to meet up with anyone in real life in order to get a better insight and understanding of who they are and where they are coming from. I have instigated such RL meetings many times. However if you think you just telling me here that in RL you are a 'good guy' has much impact on my perceptions of you as a person, that are derived from how you act and behave here on this forum, then I am afraid you are working under a serious misconception there.
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Re: what next?

Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:26 am

erolz66 wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:Why is it Project Fear? We know that Socialism has never worked anywhere - ever... What makes you think it will work this time...? :roll:

Again with the 'royal we' - always a red flag for me when someone expressing their own personal opinion does so as the view of 'many'.

Places like Norway have higher tax rates than the UK, they have a state owned rail system, lower gaps between the richest and poorest, lower levels of people and especially children living in poverty, a history of more liberal immigration policies and countless other differences to the UK. These countries do ok. They are not Venezuela.

Don't be daft... :roll:

Norway may have some features of socilism but it isn't a socialist country by any means - they embrace a free market economy for a start - unlike Steptoe and his chums... :wink:

Look at the differences then compare with the manifestos. Norway has higher tax - Labour propose increasing tax rates for higher earners, Tories propose lowering them for higher earners. Noway has state owned rail system, Labour proposes taking UK rail back in to state ownership, Tories to keep it privatised. And and and.

What IS daft in MY opinion is the claim that Labour would seek to turn the UK in to Venezuela when if you look at what they propose it is actual closer to Norway. Such a claim is the most classic, blatant and blunt form of 'project fear' in MY opinion.

In your opinion...? :wink:

Always a red flag for me when someone expressing their own personal opinion does so as fact...

Strictly speaking, the difference between Socialism and Capitalism is who owns the means of production...

It is quite possible for Socialism to work and flourish in a free market economy - John Lewis Group being a very good example.

But Steptoe doesn't just want to own the means of production, he wants to manage the economy... Which coincidentally where Venezuela went wrong... :wink:

Nationalising the railways is fine if you accept that a small number of bureaucrats will run them less efficiently than the aggregate knowledge of millions of people - still it is only taxpayer's money eh...?

And price controls too! Believing that again a small number of bureaucrats know the 'right' price for anything rather than trusting than the aggregate knowledge of millions of people...

Now where else did nationalising industries and controlling market prices go spectacularly wrong recently...? Oh yes, our old friend Venezuela...

And lastly, as for 'increasing tax rates for higher earners' how many times does it have to be tried and tested to realise you can't 'tax the rich' - these are just the politics of envy. :roll:

The rich can organise their affairs to reduce tax or leave the country completely to avoid paying it altogether... France tried this just recently, it doesn't work.
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Re: what next?

Postby erolz66 » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:36 am

cyprusgrump wrote:Nationalising the railways is fine if you accept that a small number of bureaucrats will run them less efficiently than the aggregate knowledge of millions of people - still it is only taxpayer's money eh...?

So is that true of the NHS too ? That we can have a socialised health care system, but only if we accept it has to be less efficient than a private health care system ? I guess with such views no need to worry if the NHS is safe with you ;) What about roads while we are it. Lets privatise those as well I guess, based on your theory of the world.

cyprusgrump wrote:And price controls too! Believing that again a small number of bureaucrats know the 'right' price for anything rather than trusting than the aggregate knowledge of millions of people...

Is there anything in the Labour manifesto about introducing price controls ?

cyprusgrump wrote: - these are just the politics of envy. :roll:

You are conflating envy with equity :roll:

cyprusgrump wrote:The rich can organise their affairs to reduce tax or leave the country completely to avoid paying it altogether...

It is time for REAL change.
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Re: what next?

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:43 am

cyprusgrump wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Boris can do no wrong now.

You may as well add Trump can do not wrong as well. who is really the "little brainwashed sheep" here Paphitis ?

It is time for REAL change.

Elect Steptoe and change into Venezuela...? :lol:

:lol: Yeh exactly right.

let's all become poor, unemployed, destroy the NHS and let's all be below the poverty line. :lol:

They talk about REAL change but all they got is the cliche. They don't know how to have real change other than spend spend spend, and tax at 70% and then bankrupt everyone to the stone age. :lol:
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Re: what next?

Postby Londonrake » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:44 am

erolz66 wrote:I am always more than willing to meet up with anyone in real life in order to get a better insight and understanding of who they are and where they are coming from. I have instigated such RL meetings many times. However if you think you just telling me here that in RL you are a 'good guy' has much impact on my perceptions of you as a person, that are derived from how you act and behave here on this forum, then I am afraid you are working under a serious misconception there.

And I thought I was being nice to you of late. :cry:

I wasn’t actually asking for a date. As far as your perceptions of me are concerned, I was merely trying to steer you away from your stereotyping. The reality is I couldn’t care less what yourself, or for that matter anyone else on this forum, thinks of me.

In answer to your other post re voting intentions? You’re being a bit unfair. It seems a reasonable enough question. That is (hopefully :D ) not loaded. No need to ask for yours of course. Currently though, Mrs LR is menacing me with a box of tools. Back soon .................hopefully. :(
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Re: what next?

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:47 am

Londonrake wrote:Paphitis gets a lot of vilification. It strikes me though that this sort of thread would be terminally quiet but for his inputs. Unless of course people are happy with everybody saying the same things. :?

Yes I do.

But it's ok. people like Miltiades are threatened by me because of my anti EU stance. He needs to wash his mouth out and mind his manners.

When people resort and stoop to such lows, you know they are under pressure and have already lost.

There is a way to debate and that is with some civility. there are a few remainers that post with civility. Kikapu springs to mind as a good example.

having an alternative viewpoint is fine by me, and Miliades needs to accept the Brexiteer viewpoint as being mainstream and an extremely valid viewpoint held by millions of British Citizens. That would be millions of his compatriots and he needs to be mindful of their feelings, and reasons for voting BREXIT. They have valid reasons and opinions too. To blatantly disregard these people is just the height of stupidity and arrogance. :roll:
Last edited by Paphitis on Sun Nov 03, 2019 12:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: what next?

Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:54 am

erolz66 wrote:So is that true of the NHS too ? That we can have a socialised health care system, but only if we accept it has to be less efficient than a private health care system ? I guess with such views no need to worry if the NHS is safe with you ;) What about roads while we are it. Lets privatise those as well I guess, based on your theory of the world.

You said it!

Currently NHS inflation is greater than GDP inflation... Put simply, if we continue as we are eventually every single penny the country earns will be spent on the NHS, every penny!

The NHS is outrageously inefficient... We simply can't continue as we are, bunging an extra £20bn at it every now and again... :roll:

The NHS, time for REAL change... :wink:
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Re: what next?

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:57 am

cyprusgrump wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
erolz66 wrote:Why is it Project Fear? We know that Socialism has never worked anywhere - ever... What makes you think it will work this time...

In my experience, the usual response to that is “because they’ve never tried the real thing”. Many of the same people also say it about Communism - with its hundred million dead.

Of course! :D

Except in the case of Venezuela, they were all lauding it as a perfect example of 'real change' and 'real socialism' just a few years ago... :lol:

...until the money ran out and it all went tits-up of course... :roll:

We have what we call Chardonnay and cafe Latte Communists and Socialists in the West.

These are usually the Bourgeoisie Chardonnay Drinking and cafe Latte sipping inner city dwellers who don't need to work who fall for the catchphrases of equality, and the State providing everything. They are not people who lived under these regimes in eastern Europe, or Latin and South America under brutal dictatorships.

Little do they know that equality means equally poor and living in a Commie Concrete Flat, where you go to work for a bowl of rice.

Then as you say, everything crumbles and falls apart.

These people are just completely aloof and not in the real world. I think it's just a virtue signal for them. :wink:

When you actually speak to real people who actually came from Eastern Europe (Poland, Hungary, East Germany and so on) they will tell you they came to countries like Australia and the UK to escape and the last thing they want is a Corbynated Chicken bringing these flashbacks and nightmares for them back again.
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