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Brexit: just a reminder

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Re: Brexit: just a reminder

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:18 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Hilarious!

One of your top politicians saying "leaving the EU means leaving the single market" and the other saying "you have 2 years to negotiate and then you are out on WTO terms"

Did you really expect the average Joe in the street who voted "Leave" to be less ignorant and confused than your top politicians, because presumably s/he was so well informed from the media, his local pub, his friends and the...posted leaflet ? :lol: :lol: :lol:

One of them...? :?

You didn't watch it did you...? :roll:

That is the problem with you Remoaners, you regurgitate the same old shite time and time again but don't even bother watching the video when the alternative viewpoint is shown...

...or perhaps you did watch it but realised it completely destroyed your argument that nobody knew what they were voting for and have just tried to discredit it... :wink:

Whac-a-Mole springs to mind! :lol:

Only a dumb person would believe such nonsense (that leaving means completely out of the Single market and trading on WTO rules) whatever the number of politicians who said it (each for his own reasons or his own ignorance).
Hard Brexshitters like you are an exception because that's the music you wanted to hear anyway.

The process after the Brexit vote was very well known. Negotiations for 2 years. The negotiations were carried out and were NEVER about leaving the Single market completely.

Do you know understand what the average person who voted to Leave actually expected?
It's not what you hard Brexshitters insist they should.
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Re: Brexit: just a reminder

Postby Jerry » Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:59 pm

In the past Boris Johnson supported our membership of the EU, he decided (I clearly remember in the build up to the referendum the speculation as to which side he would support) that his ambition to become PM would best served by supporting leave so he got into bed with the ERG who wanted to take control of the Conservative party in order to achieve Brexit.

We keep being reminded that we voted "out" but the result only reflected the will of those who turned out to vote, it does not represent the will of the UK electorate TODAY, about three quarters of a million voters have died and a similar number reached voting age since June 2016. After three years of Parliamentary shenanigans the matter has still not been resolved, we must have another referendum to settle it, none of this "best of three" nonsense - let's see what the British people want today. Don't take my word for it, check this out. ... -has-been/
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Re: Brexit: just a reminder

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:22 pm

Kikapu wrote:Can someone explain what would happen, if they know, a scenario where we arrive at October 31st and BJ is still the PM without a new GE and he does not ask for an extension on article 50 from the EU despite the passage of the no deal Brexit becoming law?

If this were to be a chess game, it would be stalemate where no one wins and no one loses, so what happens then to article 50 and the deadline?

I think the law itself contains among other things that by 15 Oct the latest he should ask the EU for an extension upto 31 January 2020.
There are other things he is obliged to do for example enter negotiations with the EU and report to the Parliament every few weeks of the results. Basically the Parliament takes over as I understand it.
I don't think he has any choice unless he wants to go to prison for treason.
Also I think the law does not really exclude the possibility of leaving the EU with no deal. It just needs the approval of the Parliament.

All these from things I read here and there. I could be wrong.
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Re: Brexit: just a reminder

Postby Kikapu » Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:40 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Can someone explain what would happen, if they know, a scenario where we arrive at October 31st and BJ is still the PM without a new GE and he does not ask for an extension on article 50 from the EU despite the passage of the no deal Brexit becoming law?

If this were to be a chess game, it would be stalemate where no one wins and no one loses, so what happens then to article 50 and the deadline?

I think the law itself contains among other things that by 15 Oct the latest he should ask the EU for an extension upto 31 January 2020.
There are other things he is obliged to do for example enter negotiations with the EU and report to the Parliament every few weeks of the results. Basically the Parliament takes over as I understand it.
I don't think he has any choice unless he wants to go to prison for treason.

Well, BJ said today that he would rather die in a ditch than ask the EU for an extension.
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Re: Brexit: just a reminder

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:44 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Can someone explain what would happen, if they know, a scenario where we arrive at October 31st and BJ is still the PM without a new GE and he does not ask for an extension on article 50 from the EU despite the passage of the no deal Brexit becoming law?

If this were to be a chess game, it would be stalemate where no one wins and no one loses, so what happens then to article 50 and the deadline?

I think the law itself contains among other things that by 15 Oct the latest he should ask the EU for an extension upto 31 January 2020.
There are other things he is obliged to do for example enter negotiations with the EU and report to the Parliament every few weeks of the results. Basically the Parliament takes over as I understand it.
I don't think he has any choice unless he wants to go to prison for treason.

Well, BJ said today that he would rather die in a ditch than ask the EU for an extension.

I know. We will see after the law becomes official and binding.
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Re: Brexit: just a reminder

Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 06, 2019 12:04 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:They were cooking the books to meet EU criteria.

But no one knew they would have a complete meltdown.

If the banks new that, they would have consolidated the lending portfolios or foreclosed on people earlier to save the crown jewels rather than go under.

What about laiki? I suppose they knew as well. :lol:

ALL Banks (including Cypriot and Greek) knew that buying Greek Bonds was a high RISK investment.
I don't know how much information the Greek Banks had, but what is certain is that they didn't know the debt was getting out of control, simply because the Greek Government was hiding data.
The point is that when an economist is provided with false data he can predict nothing.

Yeh they knew it was a high risk because they got a higher return but none of them actually believed they will go bankrupt over it. If they knew that, they would have done things different.

They were making massive profits before the entire house of cards collapsed. they actually thought it was all going very well and you can see that because many of the Banks leaders also had stock holdings in Laiki and BOC.

They probably knew they were on a sinking ship a few months earlier but not years before. They were oblivious. Also, Greek Bonds were not always high risk. They became high risk over a period of time. Greek Bonds were probably similar to any other in the 80s and 90s and possibly early 2000s. Things deteriorated over time. Greece's Credit Rating declined over time and Greek Bonds became junk.

And your point is???

My point is, no one had a friggin clue what was to befall Greece and Cyprus or about the banking Collapse years ahead of time.

To say that anyone had any inkling of what was going to happen is just 100% utter deluded stupidity. No ne can ever predict the markets with 100% certainty and accuracy or calculate what the GDP will be worth in 15 years time.

that's the point!
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Re: Brexit: just a reminder

Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 06, 2019 12:13 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:Utter bollox as has been pointed out on here dozens of times before... :roll:

I've posted the video on numerous occasions of leavers and remainers pointing out what 'Leave' would mean...

You’ve fallen for the ‘re-framing’ process that the usual suspects indulge in when they want to bamboozle people. There’s no such thing as a ‘Hard Brexit’. Its Remainer code for ‘Leaving the EU’. They’ve renamed ‘Leaving’ as ‘Hard Brexit’, and are now telling you that ‘Leaving’ should mean lots of things that strangely enough seem a lot like stay in the EU.

All the way through the referendum they were telling us that voting to Leave meant exactly what they now term a Hard Brexit – no Single Market access, not being the Customs Union, no free trade deal. This was because at the time they were trying to scare people to stay in the EU. But people voted to Leave anyway.

Having lost the vote, they changed their tune, suddenly Leaving actually meant lots of other things that coincidentally seemed very like staying in the EU – being in the Single Market, accepting EU laws and the ECJ, being in the Customs union. And the thing that they had just months previously defined as ‘Leaving the EU’ was some terrible thing that the ‘Far Right’ was trying to ‘impose’ on the UK.

What do you mean they were telling ALL you people?

There are millions of British people who are not watching the news or the debates who voted to leave knowing it would happen 2 years later after negotiating the terms. Those people just trusted the Government would get them out with some sort of an agreement which would be acceptable to them anyway.
Therefore what YOU personally expected from voting to Leave was not the same as what everybody who voted to leave.
To be the same then the voting slip should clearly write "Leave the EU with or without a deal".
Hence the referendum question was not clear and it just stole the vote of a number of unsuspected citizens, and should be declared invalid.

Can you deny the fact that a certain number of those who voted to leave wouldn't do it if they knew it would be without deal?

Good grief... :roll:

The government sent a brochure to every single household in the country (cost £9M if I remember rightly) explaining what Leave meant and recommending Remain...

I've reproduced the last page below.

You Remoaners can't seriously still be claiming that there were millions of of people that didn't watch the news, had no access to the Internet, didn't discuss Brexit down the pub or with their family and who had their letter box nailed shut so they didn't get the government brochure? :lol:

Since you like calling your compatriots Remoaners you wouldn't mind calling you a Brexshitter would you?
So Brexshitter point me the line where it says voting to Leave means leaving with no deal.
The average Joe in the street 2 years ago KNEW that voting to Leave meant the Government would enter negotiations with the EU for upto 2 years to agree the terms of leaving. The average Joe also trusted his Government would do a good job.That's the reason millions of British voted to Leave and you hard Brexshitters cheated on them, knowing damn well the referendum was not clear.

Yes enter into negotiations butthere was never a guarantee ANY deal could or would be reached as the Article 50 Bill stated very clearly!
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Re: Brexit: just a reminder

Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 06, 2019 12:18 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:Hilarious!

One of your top politicians saying "leaving the EU means leaving the single market" and the other saying "you have 2 years to negotiate and then you are out on WTO terms"

Did you really expect the average Joe in the street who voted "Leave" to be less ignorant and confused than your top politicians, because presumably s/he was so well informed from the media, his local pub, his friends and the...posted leaflet ? :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's impossible to educate all voters but the terms of the referendum were clear.

People vote one way because they have done so for years. You as a Cypriot know that better than most people.
If people prefer to watch Coronation Street and not listen to their PM who explained it clearly not just on one occasion but many, is no one's fault at all.
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Re: Brexit: just a reminder

Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Sep 06, 2019 6:45 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Only a dumb person would believe such nonsense (that leaving means completely out of the Single market and trading on WTO rules) whatever the number of politicians who said it (each for his own reasons or his own ignorance).
Hard Brexshitters like you are an exception because that's the music you wanted to hear anyway.

The process after the Brexit vote was very well known. Negotiations for 2 years. The negotiations were carried out and were NEVER about leaving the Single market completely.

It is amazing how you Remoaners try and re-write history! :lol:

You think if you same something loudly enough, often enough and rudely enough people will think you are right and what you are saying is true... :roll:

But it isn't, the internet doesn't forget... Politicians on both sides said a vote for Leave would mean leaving all of the institutions of the EU including the ECJ and yes, The single Market.

I've posted some videos here already, even David Cameron saying we negotiate for two years then Leave on WTO terms...

Leave means leaving the EU - it is a binary in or out thing...

The evidence was clear, it was discussed everywhere for ever and the people decided to leave the EU....

Pyrpolizer wrote:Do you know understand what the average person who voted to Leave actually expected?

No of course not - but neither do you or any other Remoaner...

What we do know is that the case for both sides - including leaving The single Market. - was made clearly, even to the extent of sending a letter to every household...

...and the people voted Leave based on that information. You can't say fairer than that...

Or are you so pompous and condescending that you think the electorate are too stupid to understand and shouldn't be trusted with important decisions like the future of their country eh...? :roll:
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Re: Brexit: just a reminder

Postby miltiades » Fri Sep 06, 2019 7:11 am

You, bucket, and the vast majority of geriatrics and little Englanders, would rather see their country on its knees than be a part of Europe, you just hate Europeans especially the top dog , Germany. The fact that the pound has made some recovery on the hope that Brexit might not happen its indicative of how the financial world feels about Brexshit.
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