Kikapu wrote:iPaphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Lordo wrote:there are some people that should not have access to the internet
Norway has full access to the single market, and very limited barriers to trade with the EU.
In return it makes substantial contributions to the EU budget, and has to follow most EU rules and laws. ...
Norway is not part of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) or the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)
why the fak would eu give us a free trade deal , whats the matter with the brexiteers, oh i know they have no fakin brians. the scull cavity is empty.
Switzerland is also in the single market with the EU which the 4 freedoms apply, and they are part of the Schengen but not an EU member state. UK wanted to be in the single market with the EU after Brexit, but did not want the 4 freedoms and the EU said, “no way, José”.
Well no deal BREXIT it will be then.
I can see it from Britain’s side of the fence. I wouldn’t want the 4 freedoms either. I like Australia’s point based system and strong borders. You keep the 4 freedoms to yourselves Thanks!
Actually Australia would be lucky to have 4 freedoms and a single market with the EU since Australia needs no less than 100 million more people to develop the country to slowly start becoming an economic powerhouse.
No I am sorry, but Australia is lucky because we are a million miles away from the EU and their "4 freedoms"
As for a single market, we have zero tariff trade with so many countries - China, USA, South Korea, Japan, India, and I also believe with the EU.
Australia is an economic powerhouse and we have a way of life that is superior to any in the EU and as such we would like to protect that way of life, worker conditions and also our national identity. We are at the very least the second strongest economy among the OECD. Use to be noumero uno until Trump came along and toppled us from first place.

I do not believe in economic development at the expense of everything else - including our way of life, family and traditional values.
You keep that disease in the EU.
Thank GOD we have a massive moat and a strong Navy to boot.