Sotos wrote:Funny how Lordo posted several posts at the beginning of the thread, trying to push further down any replies to him.
First of all the Turk propagandist intentionally left out the last 2 articles of the Treaty of Guarantee (IV & V), probably because he didn't like IV:Article IV.
In the event of a breach of the provisions of the present Treaty, Greece, Turkey
and the United Kingdom undertake to consult together with respect to the representations or measures necessary to ensure observance of those provisions.
In so far as common or concerted action may not prove possible, each of the
three guaranteeing Powers reserves the right to take action with the sole aim of •
re-establishing the state of affairs created by the present Treaty. ... rantee.pdf
The Treaty of Guarantee is very clear: partition is prohibited, the "Guarantors" guarantee the independence, and territorial integrity of Cyprus, and the only intervention allowed is one of re-establishing the state of affairs created by the treaty.
Turkey with the invasion did exactly the opposite of what they agreed to do: Instead of re-establishing the state of affairs created by the Treaty, it instead violated the independence and territorial integrity of Cyprus, and partitioned the island.
It could not be more clear that the Turkish invasion and occupation are illegal.
(now watch how the Turk propagandist will have no way to reply and he he will start swearing)
me sacred? don't be stupid and don't blame me for your assholeness you stupid idiot.
The Treaty of Guarantee is very clear: partition is prohibited, the "Guarantors" guarantee the independence, and territorial integrity of Cyprus, and the only intervention allowed is one of re-establishing the state of affairs created by the treaty.
the question is very simple was the state of affairs established? like it was. now back into the cage boy.
now i happen to agree with the statement that terggy should have not re-establish as it was never established but to actually establish the affairs of state as stipulated in the agreement.
so what should have they done.
first of all give all the existing and past mps and ministers of the gcs a trial, charge them for treason and then hang them form the nearest tree for the crimes against the cypriot people
the same for all eoka members for the same reason
the same fate for the media for the same reason
the same for the military and i mean every single person that registered for military service at any rank
the same for al lthe civil service for the same reason
did i leave anybody out. oh you can add to that that murdered my cousin who was a young man and my neighbour who had a wife with children and another on on the way
of course i believe in democracy and i do wish terggy today takes action and restores state of affairs as agreed in the constitutionof the cyprus in 1960.
did i leave any swines out.