Robin Hood wrote:Still no proof in fact what has been released seems to all conflict! But the assumption that it was most likely a probable and highly likely malevolent and successful attempt of someone with power to shut someone else's mouth permanently, seems to have caught the imagination of many both in the MSM, independent sites, social media and other forums.
He may have been topped. Who cares? Me thinks though you're ( but not actually
) missing the point. On the one hand (clearly unobtainable for non entities like us, from any source) forensic evidence is required to "prove" the case. On the other a conspiracy theory of course always possesses its own proof which can be considered acceptable, no matter how circumstantial or wafer thin. That's referred to as "having your cake and eating it" (aka hypocrisy).
You can always tell the leftie's vulnerabilitys. They pour scorn upon scorn on the subject.
Robin Hood wrote:The only thing missing is blaming it on Russia by suggesting it was highly likely Novichock from a deodorant spray, planted in his cell by FSB agents, caught on CCTV then ......
Actually it was the GRU, the FSB did a better job on Litivenko but they're other - bludgeoned to death as usual - stories.
I don't know why you give a shit about Epstein. He was a very wealthy American Jew and a Merchant Banker. Seems to tick most of your boxes to me.