the very thing they detest may well be their saviour. it looks likely that some eu countries have had enough of the tories and if by some fluke, boris avoids a no confidence vote or even worse still he actually wins a majority, they may not extend article 50. then boris will have his day and show the world what a coward he is. he will than do the only thing possible a uk government can do without the need of all the eu countries approving it.
of course the chance of that happening is 326 to 1 because all it will take is one more tory mp to vote gaiainst him then labour mps for him and his goose is cooked. in fact one tory mp is planning to do that even before the vote. then who ever comes to power clark or harman will delay article 50 and take to an election asap which is what was needed al lalong. when may resigned, she should have done the decent thing and call for an election. but of course this brexit lark has never been about ecenomic or political advanantage outside the eu becasue we will allways be a vassal state to the biggest bully on the block, it has always been stopping the tory party split and leave them in wilderness for a generation.
not longleft now. we shall be enlightened and very soon.