Londonrake wrote:Kikapu wrote:The UK leaving the EU may be enshrined in the Law, but it can still be challenged in the courts as Article 50 being illegal if in fact it violates any part of the Good Friday agreement which the UK signed that treaty. I think lawyers are waiting to see how the whole Brexit is going to play out before they put an injunction on to Article 50 to rescind it if all else fails to prevent Brexit.
I believe an appropriate description of that is “living in cloud cuckoo land”

. Do you have anything credible at all that supports it? By credible I mean other than along the lines of “I think”.
Do you have any understanding of the likely consequences of the judiciary “preventing Brexit”.
the judiciary's functionis to implement the laws that parliament pass and parliament pass the alws becasue they get voted in by people.
now, 13 million people vited for the tory party in 2017 to do brexit with a deal. nobody from the brexiteers ever claimed no-deal brexit was a good thing. in fact they went further, they calimed that suggesting that we would have no deal breaxit is part of project fear and in reality they will be only too willing to give us a trade deal that would be better than what we had when we were in. after all we would use the tex free system without having to pay anything for it. and btw you don't have to buy a tikect today, the numbers in your head will be entered into the draw without buying a ticket, but better still they will be put in a pot with more chance of winning than the ones who paid their ticket. and the pigs will fly to deliver your prize.
so when it comes to situation we find ourselves in. who in their right mind would object to delaying the article 50, holding an election so the winner could strike a deal with the eu. having agreed to the deal, then putting it to the referendum to say this is what you can have. do you want it or do you feel you are better off remaining.
let them vote and parliement will still have to implement their vote. but at least this will be the full knowledge of the plan we will have with the deal or no deal.
and you think anybody would think this line of thinking is wrong. like hell it is. what kind of democrat is scared of holding a vote. if it was up to you people we would hold an election, get the tories to win and never hold another election again.
when we had a vote it was 3 years ago with over a million people who were not able to vote as they were under age. another vote is what we are going to have but this time informed choice. people will now know that brexit unless we are very close will mean it will leave the union and probaply so will the scots. it time to rub a little bit of truth salt on your old wounds to knock some sense into you.