.......... you still out there?
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland- ... t-49222120
Londonrake wrote:.......... you still out there?
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland- ... t-49222120
kurupetos wrote:Don't worry, the koala is not a pilot...
Paphitis wrote:kurupetos wrote:Don't worry, the koala is not a pilot...
And how much you prepared to wager in that one? I ask that because I’m prepared to wager any amount you want. 1000? 2000? How about 10,000 Euros mate? It’s on the table right here and right now since you are sure. Your chance to make some money.
My profession has nothing to do with the forum and is private but I am definitely a pilot and have been all my life and if I wasn’t, the only thing I am prepared to do besides fly, is work for myself. I do stuff on the side and can make a living on these activities if I wanted to. I do run a property business and do my own developments and I am handy on the tools as well.
I do complain a lot day to day but I do feel privileged to work in the Aviation Industry and I do love it very much. I always wanted to fly planes from when I was 5 and I made it happen and I have thousands of hours in the air and seen some incredible stuff. I worked my arse off and sacrificed a lot to get where I am. Aviation requires sacrifice.
My Son wants to be a pilot now and I am going to want him to learn in the States under the FAA because it’s cheaper and the Americans are good at Aviation and his career will progress to one of the majors at a young age from one of their regionals that are owned by the big 3.
The USA is 2 steps ahead of the rest of the world.
Maximus wrote:Interesting Paphitis,
It is very rare for a person to know from a young age what they want to do in life. Everyone has a calling but some people end up drifting to a place they don’t really want to be.
This career choice also crossed my mind but it never progressed further than that.
Why did you choose to be a chauffeur instead of a formula one driver.?
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