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Israel/Palestine .......

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Re: Israel/Palestine .......

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Aug 20, 2019 7:25 am

I am not going to get into a pointless exchange, I will let the thread itself be the response and justification for my post! However, I thought this exchange was enlightening .......

(Dutch is an American Zionist …. hence he does not have too good a grasp on history) :wink:

Dutch said:
Wow, so many fallacies: where do I even begin? How about right here (highlighted):

( From a previous reply from the subject of his post. “…..Israel has basically decided to make room for itself in the Middle East”…………….)

Israel is the ONLY nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language and worships the same G*d that it did 3,000 years ago.

You bet this, Mr. Persian?

The educated and very polite response from the subject target of ‘Dutch’s’ rather ill-informed opinion, an Iranian member called ‘Iranian Monitor’:

Misses the point again, but all the same: that is a neat and interesting formulation. I have no problems with it, even if the oldest continuous civilization is that of China and Iran is one of those on top of the list. But going to the point I was making:

Obviously, if someone asked someone else to show them "Israel" on a map a 100 years ago, they wouldn't be able to do so. And that wouldn't be merely because of the kind of ignorance that one could expect from those in the almighty America you seem to worship next to Israel. There was no such thing as an Israel in 1919, nor was there any such thing in 1819, or 1719, or 1619, or 1519. The last time anyone called the place you call Israel now by that name was: well, let’s just say, it was a very long time ago Even 2,500 years ago, when the Persians ruled there, we didn't call it Israel!

And after such a long absence, when you are returning to a place your very ancient ancestors may have called home, but which you had lost control of for almost the entire duration of recorded history, and which your ancestors (save a few) had deserted for such a long time, a decent respect to the customs and traditions of those who in the meantime were living there, and those who were to become your neighbors, would have required that you make your entrance differently: with a lot less noise, without bringing with you so many foreign elements, and above all, without trying to call everyone around you such nasty names!!

You did it the way you did it; we can't argue over spilled milk. But if you really intend to make this your home, and aren't here just as a foreign colony which has to eventually leave, you have a lot of people you need to make up with. A lot of people you need to learn to befriend. Otherwise, this won't be your home and you won't be a real part of this place. Instead, just as you are described, you will be seen as a colonial outpost which will eventually be gone.

If you want to follow up on this, which I doubt, the forum site can be found at:
Robin Hood
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