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lets establish the truth about the cyprus problem

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Re: lets establish the truth about the cyprus problem

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 28, 2019 12:07 pm

was it really rw?
were they asking for independence? like hell they were. very strange human beings if you ask me to want to end subjugation by one contry and want to be subjegated by another.

so we come to the killing of the first tc by eoka. which brainbox decided to start killing tcs? did they not realise that it would tear the country into two?
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Re: lets establish the truth about the cyprus problem

Postby Maximus » Sun Jul 28, 2019 1:32 pm

You need to support what you say with something more substantial and credible bordo.

At the moment, you are just posting ambiguous opinions that are not making much sense.

You are also ignoring centuries of invasion, oppression, looting and massacres by the ottomans and the results of a democratic referendum.
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Re: lets establish the truth about the cyprus problem

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 28, 2019 3:12 pm

Maximus wrote:You need to support what you say with something more substantial and credible bordo.

At the moment, you are just posting ambiguous opinions that are not making much sense.

You are also ignoring centuries of invasion, oppression, looting and massacres by the ottomans and the results of a democratic referendum.

what is there thats not credible of what i have said so far.
fact 1 in 1955 eoka started shooting briddish soldiers and civilians alike as well as gcs who worked for the briddish.
fact 2 at some point just before 1958 tcs became targets too. are you seriously saying you have doubts about what i said.

the question is very simple. did the leadership of eoka relaised the consequences of starting to kill tcs. but i guess if their descendents do not understand the significance in 2019 whats the chance these swine could.
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Re: lets establish the truth about the cyprus problem

Postby Maximus » Sun Jul 28, 2019 3:32 pm

According to rw, the British soldiers started shooting at the gc first for no reason.

They, like the ottomans, thought Cyprus belonged to them and subjugated the gc's for decades and centuries. Both were invaders trying to impose colonial rule and to deny the gc of any democracy or right to decide on the future of their civilization and country.

Of course you would ignore this and try to superimpose how the tc as a whole are the victims after all the historical injustices and transgressions they were a part of.

You don't really want to recognize the truth.

You are part of generation maybe a new comer, that has been transplanted in Cyprus to try to control and suppress the " greeks" and to drag them back from self rule or have any form of identity to or union with Greece. This is a historical and present day fact. You are living proof of it.

, you proclaim to be a cypriot, that is seperate and shill for turkey, more than any gc is seen to shill for Greece. Yet you accuse the gc of doing this and use it as justification for turkeys illegal occupation of cyprus while ignoring the historical and present day facts of what really is the cyprus problem.
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Re: lets establish the truth about the cyprus problem

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Aug 31, 2019 1:52 am interesting article worth reading, ... lakopides/

Russo-Cypriot relations, as they relate to the present, and its evolution to now; Turkish belligerence, and American interest, in it.
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Re: lets establish the truth about the cyprus problem

Postby kurupetos » Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:08 am

Lordo wrote:
Maximus wrote:You need to support what you say with something more substantial and credible bordo.

At the moment, you are just posting ambiguous opinions that are not making much sense.

You are also ignoring centuries of invasion, oppression, looting and massacres by the ottomans and the results of a democratic referendum.

what is there thats not credible of what i have said so far.
fact 1 in 1955 eoka started shooting briddish soldiers and civilians alike as well as gcs who worked for the briddish.
fact 2 at some point just before 1958 tcs became targets too. are you seriously saying you have doubts about what i said.

the question is very simple. did the leadership of eoka relaised the consequences of starting to kill tcs. but i guess if their descendents do not understand the significance in 2019 whats the chance these swine could.

You need to provide credible sources, when you mention facts... otherwise they are just crap. :wink:
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Re: lets establish the truth about the cyprus problem

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Sep 02, 2019 9:24 pm is truth,

The map of the so-called “Blue Homeland” shows Turkey‘s maritime borders stretching across the Greek islands of the eastern and southeastern Aegean and even into the Cyclades, indicating a 462,000 square kilometer (290,000 sq.m.) area that Ankara claims as its own. ... egean-map/

...the Problem, is "Turkishness".
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Re: lets establish the truth about the cyprus problem

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 03, 2019 8:12 am

Monday, May 29, 2017
The spirit of reconciliation demands the truth ... nds-truth/


...indeed, i ask who are our heroes?

In all of this, we know that at the hands of "Greeks", and "Turks", those not "Greek", or not "Turk", were made to disappear, or murdered ruthlessly; let's never forget those who died, died for "being" Cypriots.

...thus the debate has never found a solution because it is flawed, not being based on Truth, but on the intentions of the parties hostile. It is not between Greeks and Turks, the Problem. It never has been. Cypriots exist. And they remain despite the decades outside of this debate. It is they, the other half, their victims, that have as their adversary, "Greeks" and "Turks", no different, the same. It is they the world should not forget, and remember.

Nothing will take back the shame of Cypriots who witnessed the Intolerance of such madness. But, to take back the intention of Enosis is not hard, if under the one Flag of Cyprus we have, we stood. If we dared to fly this Flag everywhere. And wherever we went, we carried this Flag with us. Someone will die, you say; the first, for this Flag? I don't think so, many more have died already.

But now more than ever though, our leadership need inspiration, Cypriots everywhere need to express their concern. A flag, this Flag, by flying it wherever they may look is a good beginning.

We are not "Greeks", we are not "Turks", we are in effect what "they" are not, if we are to be Free.
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