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Snake - what kind?

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Re: Snake - what kind?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:50 am

Markings do not look quite right for the Cat snake but it could be Coin snake (Coluber Numifer) or Blunt Nose Viper (Macrovipera lebetina ). They both have similar diamond markings and brownish colours but the BNV is quite a chubby triangular shaped beastie - about as thick as your arm and just a bit longer... and the markings are not so well defined as on the Coin Snake
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Re: Snake - what kind?

Postby Lordo » Mon Jul 15, 2019 5:28 pm

kurupetos wrote:
Lordo wrote:
CrookedRiverGuy wrote:
Lordo wrote:look at its tail, if it is short and stubby, it looks like goufi which is very poisonous.

What's a goufi? I read up a little and understood the only really venomous one was the blunt nosed viper?

the blunt nosed viper in cyprus is known as goufi. in griik sheepriot terms goufi means deaf. for some reason they are known as that.

we have a saying "goufi na se grousi."

Dongolosu nakkasi... :mrgreen:

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Re: Snake - what kind?

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Mon Jul 15, 2019 8:25 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:Markings do not look quite right for the Cat snake but it could be Coin snake (Coluber Numifer) or Blunt Nose Viper (Macrovipera lebetina ). They both have similar diamond markings and brownish colours but the BNV is quite a chubby triangular shaped beastie - about as thick as your arm and just a bit longer... and the markings are not so well defined as on the Coin Snake

Thanks! I found pictures of the Coin snake that resembles its patterns very well. I'm happy as long as it wasn't the BNV (this one was very slim btw and the head did not look like the BNV). The lady of the house would freak out if it was the BNV. Anyway; shhhh.... - I've only shared this with you guys :wink:
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