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yet another incident at larnaca airport

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Re: yet another incident at larnaca airport

Postby Lordo » Tue Jul 09, 2019 11:27 pm

your confidence in your government and media telling you the truth is admirable. so free it took them 40years to admit murataga sandallilar atlilar and dohni. yes indeed so free its beyond belief.

darkness mushrooms buuuuuuuullll shit
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Re: yet another incident at larnaca airport

Postby Maximus » Tue Jul 09, 2019 11:52 pm

Just Keep on consuming erdogans fungus enhancing fertilizer then. Enjoy...
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Re: yet another incident at larnaca airport

Postby Lordo » Wed Jul 10, 2019 4:11 pm

Maximus wrote:Just Keep on consuming erdogans fungus enhancing fertilizer then. Enjoy...

unlike you i have not fallen for the myths of the past or present leaders, but you have swallowed everything from makarios to this day. thats a lot of natural ferdaliser and libazma too. enjoy
but of course the tcs are pragmatic pibol unlike you fools who believe evrything you are told.
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Re: yet another incident at larnaca airport

Postby Maximus » Wed Jul 10, 2019 5:34 pm

Lordo wrote:
Maximus wrote:Just Keep on consuming erdogans fungus enhancing fertilizer then. Enjoy...

unlike you i have not fallen for the myths of the past or present leaders, but you have swallowed everything from makarios to this day. thats a lot of natural ferdaliser and libazma too. enjoy
but of course the tcs are pragmatic pibol unlike you fools who believe evrything you are told.

Wake up bordo.

You contradict yourself over a huge range of issues.

You are about as consistent as Willy wonker in his chocolate factory......

Some other commentators elsewhere are so desperate to see this incident reported that they are throwing fits to believe it. Apparently, the coach was smashed up, tourists where threatened, and kids, and the perpetrators were chasing the coach on the highway and trying to pull it over. All in police view.

Yet, there is not one picture of this smashed up coach. Yet it is not being reported anywhere with any semblance of credibility.

And the cm of all media would have covered it. They can’t wait for shit like this...

I will eat my words if it is true and I have already said that I condemn the attack if it is true. but, I just don’t believe the Turkish media at the present time...seems to me that the Turks are desperate to throw dirt on the gc and roc at these times with all their wrong doing and negative press. Like said earlier, it’s turkeys and the tc fault that they Attract reprisals. Enough illegality is committed by both in Cyprus.

Yeah I might be wrong, but why should I believe it? Turks spread enough negative propaganda about Cyprus and have next to zero credibility.
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Re: yet another incident at larnaca airport

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jul 10, 2019 8:56 pm

...sadly i have to agree with you Maximas.

Sadly because, the lie, is as possible as the truth. I ask, how many of these busses leave from Larnaca each day? And why? It is, if it actually happened, hard to believe. Clearly there is a lot about this story which has not been told. Eyewitness accounts, cellphone photos, statements, official comments in reply to questions; where is the Journalism?

...while the act is reprehensible, in any case, the article is not news, but more likely something else. Indeed, the allegations should be looked into. On many levels it is abhorrent. Imagine the scandal, if after all these years, the fact that busses take tourists directly to the occupied north to be housed in properties illegal is revealed. Much would have to be explained, especially with the incident allegedly involving an escalation of violence with the police as witnesses. This is headline news; but it isn't.

...there are violent people in Cyprus, there is no excuse for them. While "Greeks" and "Turks" exist among us who would not hesitate to use violent means to express themselves, Cypriots are not "them". You are mistaken Lordo if you believe that all Greeks are ''Greeks'', or that ''Turks'' do not exist. This is not all that there is. If you live in fear, it is misplaced. If you love Cyprus, if you are a Cypriot, i suggest you join me in my optimism, this is a beautiful place; "be" loving, be Cypriot.

...if this is the ''Turkish'' press, a tabloid from it, i ask what notable extremes like this article are in the ''Greek'' press? If they exist, i would like to read those, as well. I would admire such an effort, frankly, a topic on "news" worth debunking, "Cypriot". But, i don't have that skill; it would not surprise me Lordo, that you do.
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Re: yet another incident at larnaca airport

Postby Maximus » Wed Jul 10, 2019 10:01 pm

Well here it is.

The long and short of it is,

The bus had a water bottle thrown at it and a rear view mirror broken. While it was waiting to pick up tourists. On top of that, there were claims that the couch was followed on the highway.

This is all circulated on social media.

It’s an incident that has been blown out of proportion, exaggerated, and akingi is looking for justice. for something like this?

Yet, he has stood idly by and done nothing about the theft of gc crops in the buffer zone some weeks Ago. Continues with his illegitimate demands in and around Cyprus. He is trying to put this incident on par with the letters stasis send to the un sec gen about turkeys illegal actions in Cyprus eez, he felt he had to do the same with this. :roll:

He is a one sided sensationalistic clown. This shit is not news worthy.

:roll: ... a-airport/

The tc need to get their act together, it’s no secret, there are people in Cyprus that don’t like them. They have themselves to blame for that.
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Re: yet another incident at larnaca airport

Postby Lordo » Thu Jul 11, 2019 3:41 pm

Maximus wrote:Well here it is.

The long and short of it is,

The bus had a water bottle thrown at it and a rear view mirror broken. While it was waiting to pick up tourists. On top of that, there were claims that the couch was followed on the highway.

This is all circulated on social media.

It’s an incident that has been blown out of proportion, exaggerated, and akingi is looking for justice. for something like this?

Yet, he has stood idly by and done nothing about the theft of gc crops in the buffer zone some weeks Ago. Continues with his illegitimate demands in and around Cyprus. He is trying to put this incident on par with the letters stasis send to the un sec gen about turkeys illegal actions in Cyprus eez, he felt he had to do the same with this. :roll:

He is a one sided sensationalistic clown. This shit is not news worthy.

:roll: ... a-airport/

The tc need to get their act together, it’s no secret, there are people in Cyprus that don’t like them. They have themselves to blame for that.

had a water bottle thown at it. you think police investigate a single water bottle being thrown at something. yesterday you accused me of faking news you asshole.

apparently the report was not reported to the police. they were there watching it you asshole. try taking face out of your ass you may be better informed. this is so serious akinci has raised it with un. lets face it you guys were born assholes and will die assholes.

on a good point though the mobiles have no been linked. lets see how that works.
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Re: yet another incident at larnaca airport

Postby B25 » Thu Jul 11, 2019 3:57 pm

These minor incidents are nothing compared to what you Turkish cunts are inflicting daily on our country. You illegally hold 37%, you have trashed our mountain with the pacman logo, not to mention the historical and cultural heritage you have destroyed or looted and we are being fucking accused of through a water bottle at one of your illegal coaches. Hade F.U. what a F hypocrite.
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Re: yet another incident at larnaca airport

Postby Maximus » Thu Jul 11, 2019 4:40 pm

Lordo wrote:
Maximus wrote:Well here it is.

The long and short of it is,

The bus had a water bottle thrown at it and a rear view mirror broken. While it was waiting to pick up tourists. On top of that, there were claims that the couch was followed on the highway.

This is all circulated on social media.

It’s an incident that has been blown out of proportion, exaggerated, and akingi is looking for justice. for something like this?

Yet, he has stood idly by and done nothing about the theft of gc crops in the buffer zone some weeks Ago. Continues with his illegitimate demands in and around Cyprus. He is trying to put this incident on par with the letters stasis send to the un sec gen about turkeys illegal actions in Cyprus eez, he felt he had to do the same with this. :roll:

He is a one sided sensationalistic clown. This shit is not news worthy.

:roll: ... a-airport/

The tc need to get their act together, it’s no secret, there are people in Cyprus that don’t like them. They have themselves to blame for that.

had a water bottle thown at it. you think police investigate a single water bottle being thrown at something. yesterday you accused me of faking news you asshole.

apparently the report was not reported to the police. they were there watching it you asshole. try taking face out of your ass you may be better informed. this is so serious akinci has raised it with un. lets face it you guys were born assholes and will die assholes.

on a good point though the mobiles have no been linked. lets see how that works.

Well it is not how the cm have reported it.

They say a water bottle was thrown at a coach and a rear view mirror was broken while it was waiting to pick up tourists. Maybe that’s why the police didn’t bother, they don’t bother with petty shit like this.

Akingi thinks this is something that needs to be escalated to the un. :roll:

He is being pathetic and this is not a patch on Turkish and tc crimes in Cyprus.

Gc are being harassed and taken advantage of almost daily and you are literally Crying over spilt milk.

Why don’t you accept and reverse the magnitude of your crimes in Cyprus that are forever unresolved.? If you did, maybe, probably the animosity coming your direction will stop and you can get somewhere.

Your problem is, you want the law to apply for you, while you are in violation of it as well as deny a major portion of citizens their civil and legal rights. Plonker....
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Re: yet another incident at larnaca airport

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:42 pm

...amazing, such a bus service exists since 2008. (and only one incident?) it the bus with the blacked out windows and Turkish Flags plastered allover it?

(i read the comments)
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