Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:DT. wrote:
Arms embargo lifted
Financial military financing for Greece and Cyprus
Greece, Israel Cyprus US alliance formalized
Sanctions on turkey
It’s a Xmas list. Feels like something shifted in the region.
Very good news.
Get on the Trump band wagon.
I’m really sorry but I’m calling it right now. Trump is the best leader we have had since post WW2.
As far as Cyprus is concerned, I agree with you, that so far Trump has played a positive roll. Maybe because Turkey has fucked up so much in their desire to believe they are a super power in challenging the USA almost on everything, going as far as threatening they will give the USA an “Ottoman slap” should the US stand in their way in taking Manbij. Let’s hope Turkey continues their FU with the USA for a long time to come. The other thing that gets the Americans attention is the hydrocarbons, especially when it benefits their American oil companies and their allies. Don’t fuck with the USA when it comes to hydrocarbons as Turkey is finding out with this bill passing the senate.
Not just with regard to Cyprus.
I am literally struggling to find anything Trump has done wrong. He is ticking all the right boxes for me Kikapu.
Not only is he doing a great job, but I think he is probably deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize hands down.
The only gripe I have with trump is that he repealed Obamacare. I know he promised to do that and maybe he wanted to tear it down because Obama bought it in and maybe it was too expensive, but the US should be striving for universal health care at some point. This is the biggest downfall of the US.
It is rich enough and a good health system accessible to all Americans is something the US should strive for. The US establishment should be embarrassed that they don't have this.
If they fucking come over to Australia and look at the Medicare model and take a few pointers back home, then the US is set.
Trump has delivered a great deal to the US other than that. He is obviously bringing in the X factor. At this point, I am finding his administration to be a huge success.
Look, I was against Trump in the beginning for being too dumb to be a President and was shocked when he won. I was actually in Sydney at the time watching the election results coming in and as he passed the 270 electorate vote count, I had to leave my hotel room in the rain to get some air, but since then, he has surprised me also in some of his policies in a positive way.
I don't think there ever be a Universal Health Care system in the USA, and it is not because the country can't afford it, it has all to do with the Capitalist mentality, primarily by the Republicans. They want to keep taxes as low as possible, unlike high taxes in most European cities, Canada and Australia which does have UHC. Large majority of Americans and their families get their group health care as their job benefit from their employer, which the employer pays most of the cost and the employee pays the rest. 15 years ago, it was 80-20 ratio. It may have changed some now, so most Americans do have Health Insurance. The problem arises when someone does not have a job, then they are not covered unless they pay for the whole cost themselves, which isn't affordable at that point. However, it does not mean they are refused medical coverage for emergencies since they can go to any General City hospital to be seen. The problem is, you can wait there for hours. Serious health problems without Health Insurance can send people into huge debts. The US government does not want to play a "nanny" role and want people to be responsible for their own needs. On the one hand one can agree with this, and on the other hand, one cannot since not everyone has the same financial living standards.
In Switzerland, we too do not have Universal Health Care, but every single person who is legally in Switzerland has (MUST have) a basic private Health Insurance paid by themselves. Average cost is about CHF 4,000 Swiss Francs per person per year, but in return, the income taxes are very low in comparison to countries where they do have UHC. Income tax is about 10% (not including the social benefit deductions) for someone earning CHF100,000 Swiss Francs a year, which is about the average income for someone working full time. It is a private Insurance with Universal coverage should it be needed when traveling abroad and you get the very best health care service with that. I must say, I do very much like the system here as you can choose which services and from which company you want your Health Care needs. This does not cover dentist or injuries, just illness. Accident injuries usually have a separate coverage provided by the employer, or you must buy it separately if not working, but it is not so expensive.
I really never looked into the Obamacare how it functioned so I really do not know if it was good or not. I do know that there were still millions of people who were without health insurance because they couldn't afford to pay for it if they were not employed. Also after age 65, one is eligible for Government Health Care if they have worked at least 40 quarters in their lives in the US called "Medicare". One also need to have worked 40 quarters to be eligible for government pension also.
I can understand this low tax mentality Kikapu. I really do.
Let's put it this way, if the average worker in the US pays much less tax (do they?) than their European and Australian counterparts who pay high tax, then the average worker should be able to put some of those savings aside and pay for Health Insurance. I know that US Employers even provide as part of an overall package.
Bit sadly, some people will still miss out so hey need to at least look at it because a modern sophisticated country like the US should have safety nets in place to capture most people and provide them with cheaper Health care.
As for the low tax environment. I prefer it too to the Australian and Scandinavian model. Governments always screw everything up when they put their finger in the pie.
The education system in Australia for instance is failing. Our primary schools and Secondary schools are now below Kazakhstan levels despite all the money being thrown at it. The Government is trying to change it and adopt the Finnish model but the people who become teachers in this country are the dregs and school failures. School Teaching isn't as respected here as in most other European Countries so the system is doomed.
So we might have UHC, but we have literacy problems for our children and this is forcing parents to pay massive fees into private education (Catholic, Anglican or Lutheran Systems) So its all swings and roundabouts I am afraid.