cyprusgrump wrote:You've argued continually that leaving with no deal would be undemocratic 'because reasons'.
No that is simply untrue. I have argued that such an exit,
if the only way it can be executed is by bypassing and subverting every democratic norm in the UK for 500 years, is
then in that case and that case only by definition undemocratic. That, despite every thing I have said about this to date, still the best you have got is to pretend I have said and am saying the above
without the 'if' and 'then' part, speaks volumes to me.
cyprusgrump wrote:The MPs have had plenty of time to agree some other result but have not managed to do so.
Therefore the democratic result is a WTO exit that has already been agreed by parliament.
MP's had been unable to democratically agree on what form of exit to pursue, so they exercised their right to democratically change either the default position or date, a right that was the very basis for why they voted to accept that default position in the first place. Now because YOU do not like that
democratic decision to change the default date (and potentially change the default position as well some point down the line) you propose that they should have that right to change the default position or date, that was the very basis on which many of them did support it in the first, removed from them entirely and then claim having done this, that default date and position are still valid. It is nonsense.