If it was so simple and straight forward, why isn’t every country that has its own currency booming?
I can’t answer that as it depends on so many factors. Frequently quoted as examples as to why it does not work is Weimar and Zimbabwe. Unlike China and Japan their debt was in foreign currencies .... predominately the USD. As they tried to repay this with too much local currency sloshing around, you get a reduction of the intrinsic value of the currency and they then print even more to repay the debt. So Weimar and Zimbabwe are to good examples to quote as failures and assume that will always happen.
But it is once again ....... based on debt and the problem is not the debt itself but the source of that debt!
It just doesn’t work like that, printing more money, and setting interest rates at 0% will devalue the pound.
That is not true.
If the money created goes into the real economy it creates jobs and business opportunities, as a result the country’s GDP will rise. If the created money goes into equities, savings and existing asset’s (
Property) it adds nothing to GDP it will inflate asset prices and you have asset inflation and yet you are dealing with identical amounts of money in each case. This is why both the BoE and ECB QE programmes failed to improve the economy .... the GDP didn’t rise because the created money did not go where it could create wealth, it went into assets.
....... it will encourage people and enterprise and government to take out loans. Higher interest rates encourage savings. This is how the economy and inflation is controlled
Take out loans’ ...... creating more debt that, under the present system, has to be repaid to the banks with interest. Look closely ...... the banks
HAVE to keep printing money to boost the economy but then take it back + interest which has the exact reverse effect and that is....... a depressed economy and ultimately a depression! It also leads to ever increasing debt.
Higher interest rates encourage savings.’ ...... and savings detract from the economy as it is money that is not being used to create wealth. So to have a lot of savings is not good economics ..... the Japs found that out years ago!
You know, the central bank of a country is like the main manufacturer, the other banks are like distributors of the product, Which is currency.
Sorry but again that is not true! Under the current system it is commercial banks that create the currency ..... not the Central Bank. The BoE is in effect the office and the commercial banks are the factory churning out cheap credit. The BoE supposedly controls the economy by adjusting interest rates. Well ..... that does not do much to control the economy when they are bouncing along the ZERO% line!
They all need to make something out of it and maintain the value and integrity of their product.
The banks product is debt ...... they effectively produce nothing that could not be done in a far more effective and economically productive way. The system as it stands is geared up to support the banks ...... not the economy, and that applies to most western economies.
If, as the commercial banks do now, you create currency without a liability to repay it to any other party, then why let the private commercial banks do it at interest when the BoE (as you seem to suggest they do) create it without creating a liability and not having to introduce austerity to repay the loan ..... and interest. It is like having a nice fertile garden in which to grow vegetables ....... but you buy then from your neighbour because a law prevents you from doing what he is doing! To me that is nonsensical.