Londonrake wrote:Portugal is of course a member of the Eurozone and thus doesn't have the capability to print money. So, I'm not sure what your point is. Other than the fact some socialist governments are more successful than others that is.
Corbyn and Mcdonnell are outright Marxists and have an entirely different plan. Although, as I suggested, under the watchful eye of Brussels it wouldn't be allowed to happen.
The Brecon by election clearly showed one thing today. Vote Farage and you get Swinson. In a General Election for Swinson read Corbyn perhaps.
His point is that they are doing well. For now.....
But here is the caveat,
is now frequently cited as a shining counterexample to the general crisis of European social democracy.
There are many other examples of social democracy creating crisis and all socialist, communists, marxists, et el believe that their ideology works but it’s just the way it was implemented by others in the past that resulted in disaster.