Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:
when Britain gets its FTA (I believe it will), why on earth would Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland leave the union when they would have a chance to benefit from the economic benefits of being in the Union and also have Free Trade with Europe?
And why would they want to join a derelict and crumbling Eurozone that is sinking and killing off little countries like Greece, Cyprus, Ireland, and Portugal. Aren't they scared they will go down that road when they are forced to abandon the Stirling to the Deutsche Mark Euro.
Paphitis, for the UK, being an EU member has been an economic boom for all those years. Brexit is not about UK economics being bad because of being an EU member, but it is so much more that, it’s feeling being more superior to the other foreigner in the EU club and not wanting EU citizens coming at will to the UK. Now that the UK has took all it can from being an EU member, they want to become the “Lone Ranger” to try and benefit more for themselves only, which was the arrogance of choosing, cherry picking a deal with the EU which would benefit the UK best and leave the “shit” stuff to the EU. The EU said to the UK in essence, “go fuck yourself”. EU said, if you want to leave, go ahead, but don’t expect to walk away with a sweetheart deal, and they won’t. It is really a slap in the face what the UK is doing, but it is their choice, but the EU is not going to make it easy for them either.
I challenge the notion that the EU has been good for the UK.
I actually feel that the identity of Nations is under attack and the very first to go will be the very small States. And the EU has at the very least contributed to their economic demise. No longer can they as independent States control their fiscal future through their own Central Bank. Everythging is geared to the big 2 or 3 at the other end, not for us.
Britain has to be very careful. It is a desirable place to live and work. London is changing and yes they need to do something otherwise the UK will never be the same.