Londonrake wrote:cyprusgrump wrote:Clearly parliament, our elected representatives should be the ones managing our departure.
However, what is clear is that the majority of MPs would prefer to stay in the EU - that is why we haven't left yet...
Thankfully, Boris has made it clear that we will be Leaving with or without a deal. I'm happy either way...
And if he doesn't deliver there will be a GE, we'll elect a parliament that wants to Leave and we will Leave with or without a deal.
The whole deal/no deal thing is patently a ruse. It’s never been about any deal. That’s just a way of pretending to “honour the 2016 referendum result” (as both major parties promised to in their 2017 election manifestos) but doing so with a crocodile tear, faux altruistic concern for the result. In reality, it’s simply about not wanting to leave the EU. Until you get a simple, unavoidable decision a). No deal. B). Revoke Article 50 these people will continue to hide behind obfuscating excuses and verbal chaff.
It doesn’t matter how many times you post you will still get the same convoluted questions/answers to what was a very simple question, with no ifs, buts or qualifications. One which resulted, given all the effort put in by the big guns, in an inconceivable result. A vote to leave the EU. The largest mandate in the UK’s electoral history.
You’ll just keep going around in circles as they go on and on. It obviously makes them feel better.
There’s still an unwillingness to acknowledge the obvious, whatever happens the UK is never going back to the way things were pre-2016. Things like the inexorable rise of Farage’s single issue party, from non-existence a few months ago to becoming the largest body in the E.U. Parliament, will be waved away with a few statistics. Delusion.
I wish I could uptick your post!