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Will a Clown enter no.10 ??

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Re: Will a Clown enter no.10 ??

Postby erolz66 » Fri Jul 26, 2019 2:48 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:Or you could look as a wider, less selective picture eh...? :lol:

Of course you will not... :roll:

I vote to remain in 2016. A majority voted to leave. If TM had not spunked her majority up the wall in calling the 2017 general election we would probably have left on the 29th March with a deal. If having spunked her majority away she then reached out to try and find a cross party consensus we very likely would have left on the 29th March. Instead she made herself beholden to 10 NI DUP MP's. If the like of ERG group and other conservative MP's had not done everything in their power to try and get a singular means of exit that they and only a minority of the country support we almost certainly would have left the EU on the 29th March. So you go ahead blaming some MP's who do not vote in the commons the way a majority of their electorate indicated they wanted them too, whilst ignoring those MP's doing exactly the same that do support what you want. I personally will continue to lay blame at the door of those who had they behaved differently it would then have made a difference.

I voted to remain. I did not vote to remain on the basis that should a majority vote to leave, I had then given up any right to any democratic say in HOW we leave, though listening to some 'democratic' leavers, this is indeed what they think.

This is what I wrote on another forum on Jun 14 2017, days after the general election, over tow years ago now.

For me this is no longer about 'politics' - it is a matter of maths. It is mathematically possible that a Tory /DUP allaince with a parliamentary total of 328 seats could push through the nine or more bills necessary to deliver on Brexit but it would be the equivalent of flipping heads nine times in a row and these are not the kind of odds you want in order to merely be able to implement a managed exit of the UK from the EU. A deal that can not be implement through the passing of the necessary bills in parliament is not a deal.

Let us be clear however that those 'extreme' Brexiters, those who want nothing other than a total and 'immediate', non reversible, withdrawal from every and all aspects of the EU and who will not accept any compromise at all, regardless of what the consequences may be and regardless of what the majority want, will scream and screech and wail and gnash their teeth. They will rage about 'respecting the will of the people' , whilst ignoring all and any evidence that actually the will of the majority of the people is now that we should, indeed must, have a cross party approach to Brexit. They will do everything in their power to get what they want, use every dirty trick, every distortion and deception. We will no doubt see it here on this forum. Yet in the face of a cross party consensus such will all be to no avail. 50 'rebels' against it in the Tory ranks or Labour ranks, will not matter, will not be able to block the parliamentary bills necessary, will not be able to blackmail the whole country and generations to come to get their way. 75, 100 , 150 - still will not matter in the face of a cross party consensus. The extremist, the ones who will accept no compromise at all on what they want, will be pushed to the margins, where they belong and where they have always belonged, instead of being the ones driving the agenda as they will do more than ever under any attempts to deliver on Brexit from a single party alone, where a mere 5 or 10 of them could hold the entire country to ransom by threatening to 'rebel' against the bills necessary to implement and deliver on Brexit.

I do not know what kind of Brexit agenda a cross party consensus would come up with. It may come up with an agenda that I personally dislike intensely but it really does not matter. We have no time left. We have to now work within the limits of what is possible and all of us have to abandon our 'maximalist' demands in pursuit of delivering a managed exit of the UK from the EU. But let us suppose for a moment that what it looks like is some kind of continued participation in some form of the 'single market' - you know the thing that was the EEC before the EU came along, the thing that during the referendum debate it was widely claimed was the thing we did 'sign up for' and that generally we were 'ok' with. Would this not give us a chance to 'see how things go' without closing future options ? That if in 5 or 10 years after Brexit we were to decide that actually we also wanted to leave whatever form of 'single market' participation a cross party Brexit agenda might deliver, we would be free to do so in a planned and managed manner. Be in no doubt that for some on the extreme Brexit side that is the whole point of seeking a total exit now without any compromise, because if in 5 or 10 or 20 years we come to decide that actually it was a mistake, there will be no way back. No way back if 60% of the people want such or 70 or 80 or 90. For this extremist minority do not just want to throw the baby out with the bath water, they want the baby's throat slit and the mother sterilised as well for good measure.
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Re: Will a Clown enter no.10 ??

Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Jul 26, 2019 2:54 pm

Lordo wrote:Blah, blah,blah,blah, blah,blah,blah, blah,blah,blah, blah,blah,blah, blah,blah,blah, blah,blah,blah, blah,blah,blah, blah,blah,blah, blah,blah,blah, blah,blah,blah, blah,blah,blah, blah,blah,blah, blah,blah,blah, blah,blah,blah, blah,blah,blah, blah,blah,blah, blah,blah,blah,

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You Remainers remind me of those Japanese soldiers still fighting WW2 years after it ended... :roll:

Here is the thing...

1) The Conservatives called the referendum
2) Leave won
3) A Remain biased parliament has wasted three years trying to thwart the will of the people
4) As a result of 3), May has been ousted and a Leave favouring PM and cabinet put in her place
5) If we don't leave there will be a GE
6) The numbers (below) will result in a big majority for Leave in the new government
7) We will leave.

Simples! :D
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Re: Will a Clown enter no.10 ??

Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Jul 26, 2019 2:58 pm

erolz66 wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:Or you could look as a wider, less selective picture eh...? :lol:

Of course you will not... :roll:

I vote to remain in 2016. A majority voted to leave. If TM had not spunked her majority up the wall in calling the 2017 general election we would probably have left on the 29th March with a deal. If having spunked her majority away she then reached out to try and find a cross party consensus we very likely would have left on the 29th March. Instead she made herself beholden to 10 NI DUP MP's. If the like of ERG group and other conservative MP's had not done everything in their power to try and get a singular means of exit that they and only a minority of the country support we almost certainly would have left the EU on the 29th March. So you go ahead blaming some MP's who do not vote in the commons the way a majority of their electorate indicated they wanted them too, whilst ignoring those MP's doing exactly the same that do support what you want. I personally will continue to lay blame at the door of those who had they behaved differently it would then have made a difference.

I voted to remain. I did not vote to remain on the basis that should a majority vote to leave, I had then given up any right to any democratic say in HOW we leave, though listening to some 'democratic' leavers, this is indeed what they think.

This is what I wrote on another forum on Jun 14 2017, days after the general election, over tow years ago now.

For me this is no longer about 'politics' - it is a matter of maths. It is mathematically possible that a Tory /DUP allaince with a parliamentary total of 328 seats could push through the nine or more bills necessary to deliver on Brexit but it would be the equivalent of flipping heads nine times in a row and these are not the kind of odds you want in order to merely be able to implement a managed exit of the UK from the EU. A deal that can not be implement through the passing of the necessary bills in parliament is not a deal.

Let us be clear however that those 'extreme' Brexiters, those who want nothing other than a total and 'immediate', non reversible, withdrawal from every and all aspects of the EU and who will not accept any compromise at all, regardless of what the consequences may be and regardless of what the majority want, will scream and screech and wail and gnash their teeth. They will rage about 'respecting the will of the people' , whilst ignoring all and any evidence that actually the will of the majority of the people is now that we should, indeed must, have a cross party approach to Brexit. They will do everything in their power to get what they want, use every dirty trick, every distortion and deception. We will no doubt see it here on this forum. Yet in the face of a cross party consensus such will all be to no avail. 50 'rebels' against it in the Tory ranks or Labour ranks, will not matter, will not be able to block the parliamentary bills necessary, will not be able to blackmail the whole country and generations to come to get their way. 75, 100 , 150 - still will not matter in the face of a cross party consensus. The extremist, the ones who will accept no compromise at all on what they want, will be pushed to the margins, where they belong and where they have always belonged, instead of being the ones driving the agenda as they will do more than ever under any attempts to deliver on Brexit from a single party alone, where a mere 5 or 10 of them could hold the entire country to ransom by threatening to 'rebel' against the bills necessary to implement and deliver on Brexit.

I do not know what kind of Brexit agenda a cross party consensus would come up with. It may come up with an agenda that I personally dislike intensely but it really does not matter. We have no time left. We have to now work within the limits of what is possible and all of us have to abandon our 'maximalist' demands in pursuit of delivering a managed exit of the UK from the EU. But let us suppose for a moment that what it looks like is some kind of continued participation in some form of the 'single market' - you know the thing that was the EEC before the EU came along, the thing that during the referendum debate it was widely claimed was the thing we did 'sign up for' and that generally we were 'ok' with. Would this not give us a chance to 'see how things go' without closing future options ? That if in 5 or 10 years after Brexit we were to decide that actually we also wanted to leave whatever form of 'single market' participation a cross party Brexit agenda might deliver, we would be free to do so in a planned and managed manner. Be in no doubt that for some on the extreme Brexit side that is the whole point of seeking a total exit now without any compromise, because if in 5 or 10 or 20 years we come to decide that actually it was a mistake, there will be no way back. No way back if 60% of the people want such or 70 or 80 or 90. For this extremist minority do not just want to throw the baby out with the bath water, they want the baby's throat slit and the mother sterilised as well for good measure.

You had a very simple binary choice like the rest of us... :roll:

You put your tick in the box but more people put their tick in the other box. It really is as simple as that.
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Re: Will a Clown enter no.10 ??

Postby erolz66 » Fri Jul 26, 2019 3:02 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:You've very eloquently made my point for me... :lol:

From a taxpayers point of view, how many layers of government is he financing...?

Yet this has not been your approach before I gave it to you as far as I see, preferring instead rhetoric like we can save 13 billion a year by leaving the EU (we can not). I do not personally subscribe to the idea that all government is 'bad'. I do think it is one of those things that many people feel emotionally, right up to the point when they need government at which point they start thinking there is not 'enough' government. Even if I say ok we need less government, then for me I would want to look at removing those bits of government that were least efficient. Leavers often claim the EU makes 90% of our laws. So national government takes 99% of our national tax revenue and produces 10% of our laws and the EU takes 1% of our national tax revenue and makes 90% of our laws (not true actually but its a classic leaver lie imo). So which do you think is best to do away with ?
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Re: Will a Clown enter no.10 ??

Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Jul 26, 2019 3:08 pm

erolz66 wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:You've very eloquently made my point for me... :lol:

From a taxpayers point of view, how many layers of government is he financing...?

Yet this has not been your approach before I gave it to you as far as I see, preferring instead rhetoric like we can save 13 billion a year by leaving the EU (we can not). I do not personally subscribe to the idea that all government is 'bad'. I do think it is one of those things that many people feel emotionally, right up to the point when they need government at which point they start thinking there is not 'enough' government. Even if I say ok we need less government, then for me I would want to look at removing those bits of government that were least efficient. Leavers often claim the EU makes 90% of our laws. So national government takes 99% of our national tax revenue and produces 10% of our laws and the EU takes 1% of our national tax revenue and makes 90% of our laws (not true actually but its a classic leaver lie imo). So which do you think is best to do away with ?

Well, we've already decided to do away with the EU bit so we can get on with that first and then see how things look from there...

I think one of the fall-outs from Brexit will be a focus on the actions of The Lords and the Civil Servants over the past three years so that will be win-win then!
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Re: Will a Clown enter no.10 ??

Postby erolz66 » Fri Jul 26, 2019 3:10 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:You had a very simple binary choice like the rest of us... :roll:

You put your tick in the box but more people put their tick in the other box. It really is as simple as that.

It is that simple. What is also simple is that the entities that are most responsible for Parliaments failure to leave the EU are the likes of the ERG and the extreme wing of those who support leaving. Not something that fits very well with what you want to believe but true none the less as far as I am concerned. Sure you prefer to blame ME and people like me, because I dare to not agree with you, for the failure of the UK to leave the EU. However nothing I have done or not done since the referendum has made or could make any difference to the outcome. What the extreme leavers have done and not done is the biggest single cause of the UK not being out of the EU today. It is their pursuit of a specific form of leaving, that does not have majority support, in parliament or the country, that they are doing everything in their power to avoid being put to the people, via referendum or general election, that has blocked us from having left already and is still blocking us from leaving on 31st October and is putting us leaving at all at risk. Why do you not blame these people ?
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Re: Will a Clown enter no.10 ??

Postby erolz66 » Fri Jul 26, 2019 3:19 pm

cyprusgrump wrote: I think one of the fall-outs from Brexit will be a focus on the actions of The Lords and the Civil Servants over the past three years so that will be win-win then!

If the end of all this is us looking seriously as a nation at our own national political system, it's failings and ways we can improve it, then that would indeed be a big 'pro' on the ledger of 'pros and cons of leaving'. However this will not happen. The reason why this will not happen is that you (and by you I mean all of the UK electorate) do not really care about how democratic the UK system of government is or is not or how efficient it is or is not. Once you have got your specific desire on Brexit you will have no interest in debate or discussion on say proportional representation or issue like that. You (we) will not argue with passion on these issues. We will return to our general apathy about 'government' that was the case pre 2016. I hope I am wrong about this but I fear I am not and if I am not if will pretty much be the final proof as to how much such 'arguments' really were excuses and not reasons.
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Re: Will a Clown enter no.10 ??

Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Jul 26, 2019 3:21 pm

erolz66 wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:You had a very simple binary choice like the rest of us... :roll:

You put your tick in the box but more people put their tick in the other box. It really is as simple as that.

It is that simple. What is also simple is that the entities that are most responsible for Parliaments failure to leave the EU are the likes of the ERG and the extreme wing of those who support leaving. Not something that fits very well with what you want to believe but true none the less as far as I am concerned. Sure you prefer to blame ME and people like me, because I dare to not agree with you, for the failure of the UK to leave the EU. However nothing I have done or not done since the referendum has made or could make any difference to the outcome. What the extreme leavers have done and not done is the biggest single cause of the UK not being out of the EU today. It is their pursuit of a specific form of leaving, that does not have majority support, in parliament or the country, that they are doing everything in their power to avoid being put to the people, via referendum or general election, that has blocked us from having left already and is still blocking us from leaving on 31st October and is putting us leaving at all at risk. Why do you not blame these people ?

You see the ballot paper I posted above (and again below)...?

Read it carefully, you'll see there are just two options: -

1) Remain a member of the European Union
2) Leave the European Union

Now, if there was a third box which said something along the lines of 'Leave the European Union in name only, remain tied to the EU in many ways, introduce a backstop which would be difficult and possibly impossible to get out of, etc.' and more people ticked that box then you might have a point.

But it didn't say that did it? The most popular option was Leave the European Union so there really is nothing 'extreme' in opposing the WA that MAY was so keen on forcing through...

May, in case you hadn't noticed being a Remainer... :wink:
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Re: Will a Clown enter no.10 ??

Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Jul 26, 2019 3:27 pm

erolz66 wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote: I think one of the fall-outs from Brexit will be a focus on the actions of The Lords and the Civil Servants over the past three years so that will be win-win then!

If the end of all this is us looking seriously as a nation at our own national political system, it's failings and ways we can improve it, then that would indeed be a big 'pro' on the ledger of 'pros and cons of leaving'. However this will not happen. The reason why this will not happen is that you (and by you I mean all of the UK electorate) do not really care about how democratic the UK system of government is or is not or how efficient it is or is not. Once you have got your specific desire on Brexit you will have no interest in debate or discussion on say proportional representation or issue like that. You (we) will not argue with passion on these issues. We will return to our general apathy about 'government' that was the case pre 2016. I hope I am wrong about this but I fear I am not and if I am not if will pretty much be the final proof as to how much such 'arguments' really were excuses and not reasons.

Very good of you to speak for me and the rest of the population but I believe you are very wrong... :roll:

Certainly, there is very strong feeling among Leavers that The Lords and The Civil Servants in government have behaved appallingly and undemocratically over the past three years... I don't think that is going away any time soon.
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Re: Will a Clown enter no.10 ??

Postby erolz66 » Fri Jul 26, 2019 3:35 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
You see the ballot paper I posted above (and again below)...?

Read it carefully, you'll see there are just two options: -

1) Remain a member of the European Union
2) Leave the European Union

Now, if there was a third box which said something along the lines of 'Leave the European Union in name only, remain tied to the EU in many ways, introduce a backstop which would be difficult and possibly impossible to get out of, etc.' and more people ticked that box then you might have a point.

But it didn't say that did it? The most popular option was Leave the European Union so there really is nothing 'extreme' in opposing the WA that MAY was so keen on forcing through...

May, in case you hadn't noticed being a Remainer... :wink:

What makes you an 'extreme' leaver in my eyes is this statement that 'remaining tied to the EU in many (any) ways after Brexit is to have not left at all'. This is nonsense. No one considers that Turkey is in the EU in all but name. No one. Not before the referendum and not after it. Yet I am supposed to believe that if the UK were to leave the EU and remain in the or a customs union we would not have left the EU. I am supposed to believe that every person who voted leave believes that Turkey is in the EU in all but name. I do not believe this. It is nonsense and clearly so imo. The truth is there is only ONE definition as to if a country is in the EU or not. If you have an equal seat at the table as all other members then you are in the EU. If you do not then you are not. Simple.
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