cyprusgrump wrote:Something that I have never done.
You think ?
cyprusgrump wrote:The point I have made is that we can vote out inefficient government in the UK
So what is your complaint about Parliament not doing what you want then ? What is the problem ? If they do not do what you want , just vote them out ? Reality is not quite so simple though is it ?
cyprusgrump wrote:- we can't do that in the EU - especially when the likes of Von der Leyen are appointed in shady backroom deals.
The way the heads of the commission are appointed is how our democratically elected leaders chose to set up that system or agreed to such. So if we did not like that then according to you we just vote out that government and vote in one that does not agree to such. Not so simple in reality is it ?
The UK national political system is based on three pillars.
1. House of Commons - made up of democratically elected MPs that represent specific constituencies (and no I can not vote out Johnson if I want, unless I move to Uxbridge)
2. Civil Service - made up of self appointed people. The civil service chooses, behind closed doors, who holds the heads of the various departments. It is the classic 'job for life'. Even parliament can not 'sack' a civil service head.
3. House of Lords - made up of un elected appointees some with positions that are not just for life but carry on down generations.
The EU political system is based on three pillars
1. EU Council - made up of the democratically elected leaders of the member states.
2. EU Commission - made up of appointed people for a 5 year term, that has to ratified by the EU parliament and which the EU parlimament has the legal right to 'sack on mass should there be a majority that want to do so.
3. EU Parliament - made up of democratically elected MEPs that represent specific consistences.
That is the reality. Both systems have serious problems and failings. Both have elements of democratic validity as well as elements of democratic deficiencies. When you claim we must leave the EU because of it's democratic deficiencies without any attempt to consider is it more or less democratically deficient than UK national government and without any history of caring about democratic deficiency in the UK national system outside of 'campaigning' for Brexit, then what I hear is an excuse not a reason.
cyprusgrump wrote:Shouting "LIAR" over and over is not an effective debating technique.
How about calling out things that I think are lies, explaining exactly why I think they are lies and providing credible evidence and being more than willing to admit it when I make an error as part of that process ?