Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Boris Johnson has finally added some logical thinking and is acting from a position of strength.
Past policy and actions from the traitorous Teresa May and British Parliament have placed Britain in an awkward position of weakness by ruling out no deal BREXIT.
Today, Boris Johnson said that Britain will ‘turbocharge’ towards a no deal BREXIT and invited the EU to the negotiating table.
Even if the EU do not, Britain is now talking the talk and walking the walk and the EU need to be a bit more considerate or face some consequences as well. It’s a double edged sword here if the motivator is capitalism and money.
Bravo Boris. Bravo!
If Boris keeps this up, he is the next Winston and will be PM for 10 years.
The EU said they will look at any new proposal BJ will offer. The EU also said they will not re negotiate the deal they have struck with May. So far the EU has maintained their position 100% since the agreement, so the ball is in BJ‘s court, especially when the British parliament does not support a no deal Brexit. BJ can declare anything all he wants in his first speech as a PM, but as the old famous UK tv commercial in the 70’s use to say, “where is the beef“?
What else would the EU say Kikapu when Britain goes to them like the beggar? This is a business deal, and it must be treated as a business deal. Both parties have something to lose and both have something to gain and the EU are playing hardball because of the stupidity of Theresa May and British Parliament.
Either way, BJ has no choice. He has to issue an intent for no deal or Hard BREXIT. Then invite the EU to the table and wait for their response. A Free Trade is a win win for all parties. When Britain has determined it will go towards hard brexit, then maybe the EU won't be so gun ho. There are so many non EU members right now that have Free Trade with the EU, so why are they saying they are going to punish Britain? I will tell you why? The EU are
blackmailing, or trying extortion. This is what I expected from these criminals.
How dare the EU play that game? And to me, it sends a message to other EU countries that have sold out - like Cyprus and Greece for instance.
They are no longer independent countries. They are dependencies. They are now nothing more than a colony like Cyprus was pre 1960. Britain has proven that there is no way out for you poor sods so now, you are at their mercy and they will over the decades dictate and run your society according to their plans.
Whether true or not Kikapu (it will come out in the wash) Britain and BJ have no other choice now but to stick to their guns and proceed towards full scale HARD BREXIT. Begging for a deal will end in tears. I can't believe The British Parliament couldn't work this out. It should be obvious.
UNLESS THEIR TACTIC IS TO SCUPPER BREXIT COMPLETELY....which just goes to show, that Britain is ruled by the elites and not the people who voted and just goes to show that the referendum was just democratic window dressing, which can be ignored when the elites and ruling classes don't like the result or choice of the people.