cyprusgrump wrote:miltiades wrote:Congrats are due for the speech writers !!
By the way, I did politely enquire if you are gay as I believe you are
Run out of cohesive arguments old man...?
So you can't argue any longer with your tired old points so you resort to insults...?
No doubt if I pointed out that I had a beautiful wife, a fantastic daughter and two amazing granddaughters you'd accuse me of growing a beard...
Do grow up old man...
My main worry about today is rising sea levels... caused by the tears of Remainers!
Come now, suggesting or rather inquiring if you are gay it's not an insult. The fact that you appear to be rather obsessed with me , I wondered if you were gay. Now you have cleared it up I shall not press the matter further.
Just wanted to say that my tolerance for blatant stupidity is rather low, in fact is zero tolerance, now you understand why im forthcoming when it comes to stupidity, such as Brexit and the Clown, not forgetting Fuckrage.