cyprusgrump wrote:As has been mentioned earlier, this was a behind closed doors stitch up for the top jobs at the EU!
Democracy at its finest eh?
That the candidates for these (fixed term) jobs are decided by consensus amongst the democratically elected leaders of the member states is precisely how 'democracy' currently works within the EU for such appointments. Now as someone who is not first deciding their position (I want the UK to remain in EU) and who then goes around trying to find excuses for why that decision is one of logic and reason, even though it is not, I can and do accept that such a system , even though it involves the decision being made via consensus of democratically elected leaders, is less than democratically ideal. When I claim to be concerned with democracy, it is not just an insincere excuse that allows me to try and support a decision I have already made and this is shown by 'consistency'. If on the other hand I claim my decision was made in the first place based on things like democracy, but I only show concern for democratic deficiency when that supports the decision I already made but show no interest in it at all when it does not, then it would be clear that my 'reasoning' is nothing of the sort. It is in fact just a 'pretence' that allows me to try and pretend my decision is one based on reason when it is not.
cyprusgrump wrote:That s precisely how democracy works in the UK. We get to vote for a Party and the Party chooses a leader who becomes the PM. That is exactly how it has worked in the past and is being implemented perfectly democratically on this occasion.
Order. Order. You have got the order wrong. We do not in normal circumstances first choose a party to elect and then after we have chosen such a party they go an elect their leader. In 98% of the 'past' it is the other way round, first the party chooses its leader and then we decide which party to vote for. By claiming there is nothing 'democratically deficient' in the idea that the PM of the UK is chosen by vote of only 0.25% of the UK population with the other 99.75% of the population having no say in that decision, you just prove that when you bemoan 'democratic deficiency' within EU institutions, that is not a reason, it is just an excuse because you care nothing for the issue of 'democratic deficiency' other than how it can be used to try and create an impression that your decision is based on reason.
cyprusgrump wrote:Parliament has already voted for ‘No Deal’ as the default or ‘fall back’ position. If Parliament has to be Prorogued to achieve that it would be perfectly democratic.
Clearly for you the definition of 'perfectly democratic' is nothing to do with how much a given system gives people an effective say in the decision that effect their lives or not. For you the definition of 'perfectly democratic' is does this allow me to pretend that my decision is based on reason when in reality it is not. Anything that does allow this is for you and by definition 'perfectly democratic'.
MP's voted to trigger article 50 knowing the default position was one of no deal exit on the basis that parliament is sovereign and it could change it's mind before that default option was triggered. It is like when I sign up for Amazon Prime free one month offer, I know that the default position is if I do not cancel before that month is up I will get charged. If after I sign up on these terms and on that basis, Amazon remove my ability to be able to cancel before the free period is up, that would be a travesty. Arguments that I willing chose to sign up knowing the default position and thus there is nothing wrong in Amazon making it impossible for me to cancel and thus it is not a travesty would clearly be a BS argument. That is if you use the word travesty in its normal sense. Of course if you define the word 'travesty' to mean anything that supports my attempts to pretend that my decision that has been made on the basis of reason when in reality is has is not a travesty and anything does not allow me to do this is a travesty, then all bets are off.
cyprusgrump wrote:On the other hand, if some legal means is sought to prevent the will of parliament then that would be a travesty.
The idea that government and parliament should be and are subject to the rule of law is not a travesty. Unless of course you define the word 'travesty' to mean .... (see above)
cyprusgrump wrote:Especially if it was brought about by John Major – a man who Prorogued parliament to avoid a ‘cash for questions’ scandal. Hypocrisy, thou name is John Major!
LOL. You really need to try and stop drinking that Guido Fawlkes cool aid. Every single prime minister that has ever called a general election (which before the fixed term parliament act of 2011 was their prerogative) has porouged (shut down) parliament after dissolving it. You can not call a general election (dissolve parliament) without also porouging (shutting it down). If the likes of Johnson and Raab (by the way you do not know Raab represents a constituency that voted remain ?) were suggesting to shut down parliament because a general election was being called, this would be entirely 'normal' and no one would have any issue with. It is exactly because they are suggesting doing so NOT as a necessary part of calling a general election but without an election with specific intent of denying Parliament it's sovereign rights and ability to change its mind, the basis on which MPs did voted for article 50, like amazon stopping me from cancelling after I agree on the basis I could cancel up till a certain date, that this is a problem , a travesty and a inherently democratically flawed process.
Seriously cyprusgrump if you just had the honesty (with yourself or generally) to admit that your choice of supporting leave is really just not about 'logic' and 'reason' I would say fair enough and there would be no need for any further discussion or argument. However if you wish to continue to try and convince yourself and others that you decision is based on logic and reason and all you have to offer is arguments that can not stand the test of 'consistency' and indeed require inconsistency for them to even make any sense, then I am just going to keep calling BS