cyprusgrump wrote:erolz66
Like so many Remainers, you seem to thing that shouting ‘lies’ and ‘liar’ at anybody you disagree with is an effective form of argument.
It isn’t.
Is that what I did ? Just shout 'lies and liar' ? Or did I call out your lies and then explain exactly why I consider them lies. That you claim all I have done is shout liar, whilst not addressing at all the arguments I made in support of the label 'lie' speaks volumes to me.
To claim the UK pays 13 billion to the EU as the cost of it's membership IS a lie. It is just not true. It is a lie because at no time in history has the UK ever paid 13 billion in a year to the EU. There is no getting around it. No matter how many times you claim that we pay such a sum it will still be a lie because it is just not true.
cyprusgrump wrote:To us leavers, it is just water off a duck’s back.
Being unfairly labelled racist because you support the UK leaving the EU is not the only thing that is 'water of a duck's back' to some leavers, like you. Everything is 'water of a duck's back' to them including basic truth and reality, as I suggest is clearly seen in our discussion so far. The fact that your claim of 13 billion IS a lie is just 'water of a duck's back' to you. It is simply irrelevant if that figure is correct or not. It is a figure that suits your position and thus it is the figure you use. If it is true or not is simply irrelevant for you, as far as I can tell.
cyprusgrump wrote:We’ll have to see what happens when we do finally leave but there is little point engaging with you further.
lol. You are the one who makes claims that are blatantly not true and when that is pointed out, do nothing to address the arguments made as to why the claim is not true but instead claim that all those you are arguing do is say 'liar and 'lies' and then bemoan the lack of 'effective argument' from those you disagree with and question the point in even trying. I am literally laughing out loud as I type this. lol