cyprusgrump wrote:miltiades wrote::lol:
cyprusgrump wrote:miltiades wrote:Let's now get back to the main matter that really matters . The future of the UK and the future generations. The next PM , Hunt, will have a hard time to get a new deal from the EU, as he is opposed, rightly so, to a no deal Brexit it does look that we shall still be in the EU after October 31st, no doubt to the annoyance of Fuckrage the Arsehole and his highly ...intelligent followers
We're leaving... Get used to it and get over it...
You know we are...
If you thought there was any chance of the UK remaining in the EU you (and all the other Remainers) wouldn't bother posting your pointless and hysterical anti-Brexit rants every day... You'd just sit back with your glass of wine and a smug look on your face...
But you don't do that do you...? Because you know, deep down that you lost and the UK is leaving...
We haven't lost !! Not yet !! The pound in your pocket has most definitely lost, not that you and the rest of little englanders give a toss just as long as you ....have your country back and ...control of your borders!!
I voted remain because I passionately care for the UK, my adopted country. I care for its economy, for the Pound too, I do not hate Europe and I do not subscribe to the crap fed to you by the Clown and Fuckrage the fascist arsehole. I care for the future of my children and grandchildren for the new generation that will feel left out , for the preservation of peace in Europe. You and the rest of Leavers were driven by one and only one force. Little Englander mentality, the empire no longer exists Britannia no longer rules the waves, the war ended many years ago.
What makes a great nation great in the 21st century is ECONOMY. Its strong currency, its ability to trade with with the world's largest trading block, it's close cooperation in security, free movement of goods and people, its ability to move ahead without the fear of another catastrophic war. The EU guarantees peace in Europe, human rights for all its citizens. You may, perhaps, be in receipt of pension or other UK originating funds, are you contented to see the pound in your pocket devalued? I must certain am not. I do not wish to obtain a Visa in order to visit other European nation , mind you I have a Cypriot ID which will allow me to do so as a European citizen. You and rest will be out in the cold. By the way,would care for a wager that we will not be out on October 31st ?