cyprusgrump wrote:You are being deliberately obtuse, but still…
There is nothing obtuse in pointing out the plain reality that the impacts of Brexit and especially a no deal brexit on any country other than the UK will effect their trade negatively with a
single country (the UK) where as it will effect the UK's trade with over a hundred countries (all members of the EEA and all other countries that the EU currently has deals with that we have not been able to agree a 'roll over' with in the event of brexit - which is the vast majority of such countries). What is obtuse is to claim that " German exporters have more to lose.." given this simple undeniable reality.
cyprusgrump wrote:As I’ve said, the UK has no need to apply tariffs to imported goods.
Never in the history of the UK since 1700's onward (and probably before) has the UK chosen to not apply any tariffs or customs checks on goods imported in to the UK from anywhere in the world. This is another simple fact. Yet you claim 'we have no need to apply tariffs on imported goods' and ignore that the UK government has explicitly said what goods from where it
will impose tariffs and customs checks in the event of a no deal brexit.
cyprusgrump wrote:It is clearly in the interest of certain EU countries (primarily Germany) to be able to ship its manufactured goods to the UK without additional costs which would make their products less competitive in a world market.
Of course Germany would prefer to not have additional costs placed on it's exports to the UK. Your claim was not German exporters will lose, your claim was "German exporters have
more to lose". They do not for the simple reason that Brexit affects their trade with ONE country (the UK) where as it affects the UK's trade with hundreds of countries.
cyprusgrump wrote:If Brussels chooses not to offer free trade to the UK then Germany will suffer greatly and German manufacturers will be shouting from the rooftops.
Yes increased costs for German exports to the UK will negatively impact Germany. Even ignoring your claim of 'more' and ignoring that this negative impact on German exporters to the UK is the result of OUR actions, OUR choices and not theirs, the idea that they could simply avoid this by giving the UK the same friction less trade arrangements between the UK and Germany that exists whilst the UK is a member of the EU once they have left and without that risking the very existence of the EU itself as an entity is just the same old 'lies' that extreme Brexit supporters have been telling for years now. If you can have all the trade benefits of being in the EU, without having to be in the EU, then there is not point in the EU existing, in terms of trade.
cyprusgrump wrote:Those that try to play down the importance of the UK often overlook that it is the 5th/6th largest economy in the world.
I am not playing down how important UK German trade is to Germany. I am just challenging the lies you are telling (like it will affect Germany exporters
more then UK ones and countless others)
cyprusgrump wrote:And remember, we’ll be saving Thirteen Billion Pounds each and every year. Any tariffs on UK exported goods pale into insignificance compared to the amount we’ll save.
Again just lies. It is telling to me that you seem unable to make an argument for Brexit that does not require you to lie. Firstly we do NOT pay, have never paid 13 billion a year. That is just a lie and what is more you know it is yet still keep repeating it as if it is not. We do not pay the gross figure to the EU we pay the net figure. Even ignoring that and saying well its still a hell of a lot that we pay and will 'save' once we are out of the UK, it is still a lie. Even if you ignore that a significant amount of the NET figure we do pay comes directly back to the UK and say even after this it's still a huge figure that we will 'save' once we are out of the EU it is still a lie. It is still a lie because it is premised on the idea that we do not get anything in return for those payments. It is like me saying I spend £150 per month at Tesco's so if I stop shopping at Tesco's I will save £150 per month. It is a bullshit argument because I will still need to buy my bread somewhere. I might well be able to buy those things I used to get from Tesco's elsewhere cheaper but I will NEVER be able to get them elsewhere for no cost. So things like 'certification of cars as safe' is currently one of the many things we get in exchange for our payments to the EU. If we leave the EU we will still have to certify cars as safe and the idea that we will be able to do that at zero cost if we were not in the EU is just bollocks. What is more you have to at some level know it is bollocks yet you still keep making the claim.
cyprusgrump wrote:Some commenters on here forget that there is a huge market out there both for imports and exports. My new car was made in Korea, my old washing machine was made in Germany, the new one will be an LG. I drank a bottle of wine from Cape Town last night, the list is endless...
And currently the UK enjoys trade advantages, over WTO rules, with every single one of those countries you mention through it's membership with the EU. All of which will end the day after a no deal exit. We were told before the vote , that it would be easy to 'roll over' those advantages that we currently enjoy with non EU states by being a member of the EU, on day one of our exit. This has been proven to have been yet another lie. We have spent three years trying to agree such 'roll over' trade terms with such non EU countries and to date, despite being told we would do so easily with all of them (because the UK is such a large and important trading unit) we have so far failed to do so with the vast majority either in terms of individual countries or in terms trade volumes.
cyprusgrump wrote:It is incredible how we can buy competitively priced products from outside the EU and yet some Remainers believe it is impossible to exist outside of the single market.
More lies. Remainers do not say and have never said it is impossible to exists outside the EU, or the EEA or the EU customs union. You, personally, DID claim that "German exporters have more to lose (than UK ones as a result of Brexit)" and that is just so clearly bollocks.