cyprusgrump wrote:Jerry wrote:British people had many reasons to vote the way they did but I have little doubt that the outcome was determined by a small number of racists who want foreigners out. I hope the leavers posting here feel comfortable with having their wishes determined by racists; I'm not suggesting for one moment that posters here share their views.
There were many reports of foreigners being abused after the referendum. My son's firm employs quite a few European workers, about a week after the referendum the management had to call a mass meeting and threatened instant dismissal to anyone discriminating or abusing a fellow employee; for example the day after the vote one Polish engineer was found a note on her desk offering a lift to the airport, others were asked if they had started packing their suitcases.
Farage's creations, UKIP and Brexit Party, rely on the racist vote for much of their support, if Leavers here are happy to ride on their coat-tails to justify their position then so be it.
Racist no longer has any meaning...
It used to be a heinous insult but you Remainers have thrown it around so often it is now meaningless... Essentially, anybody that thinks Brexit is a good idea is now a racist, all 17 million of us!
Water off a duck's back...
Another pathetic try, I specifically said, "I'm not suggesting for one moment that posters here share their views." and no insult intended but if you choose to interpret it so then feel free to be meaninglessly insulted.