Dear Remainers,
I proudly voted to leave the EU and am sad that we haven’t done so yet…
...however, the daily wailing of the disappointed Remainers over the past three years has been a joy to behold!
And the bizarre thing is that you seem to think that merely throwing insults at those that have a different political opinion will win the argument! If you can just call Boris a ‘clown’ a few more times (on a backwater forum that nobody eligible to vote for him is likely to read) then surely you’ll win the day!
I’m sorry to tell you that insulting those that voted in a different way isn’t a coherent way to win an argument – it hasn’t worked for the past three years and isn’t going to work now – it is water off a duck’s back quite frankly…
However, keep it up - it obviously keeps you 'happy' and you can't have anything better to do in your lives I guess...?
Best regards,
Unintelligent, ignorant, racist little Englander.