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Solution!! - Turn Kyrenia into a Cypriot Las Vegas!

Propose and discuss specific solutions to aspects of the Cyprus Problem

Who agrees with turning Kyrenia into a new Las Vegas?

Oh, definitely me!!
Total votes : 10

Postby Michael » Thu Feb 23, 2006 12:03 pm

Well it’s a very poor one. A very camp riposte
If the British had not left Cyprus in such a terrible state, how many Greeks you think would have immigrated to the UK? It’s as appalling as the treatment meted out to the Irish during the potato famine. The British not only left the country as backward as Turkey is now, but connived over the next twenty years for its ruin. Well they partly succeeded. Starting from scratch for the second time they have managed to build up a thriving economy again. This again is no thanks to the British. I think xenophobia is when a country seeks to ruin a people for its own interests. So the British were vermin then and are vermin now.
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Postby pumpernickle » Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:15 pm

Ha! hat's right, cyprus stagnated because the brits kept them down.....riiiight. ok.

sounds rather familiar to me. Have you ever heard of a continent called "Africa"?

I'll save my fingers the work of explaining my analogy.

If Cyprus was able to stand on its own two feet and shrug off outsiders, it would have had the ability to do so. Instead, it sits on its ass, and when it finally gets indepedence following the collapse of the British Empire, she decides to go in cahoots with a greek dictatorial junta and screw it all up for themselves,..

in the name of Nationalism. Which as any educated person knows, is the sanctuary of fools and idiots.

Keep waving that blue and white flag. You must be the only country on earth to favour someone else's flag over your own. Like Greece gives a flying sh1t about cyprus.
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Postby Michael » Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:49 pm

I think it’s an undisputable fact, that the contribution by the British to the well being of Cyprus was zero. I have heard of Africa, and there is no analogy. However it has a quite close one with your friends in Turkey, billions of dollars of loans has turned them both into welfare dependent military dictatorships. How exactly do you want Cyprus to remove British bases? Would you like Greeks to start bombing the London Underground, or shooting elderly British couples in the streets of Larnaca. You are so facile. A country of 55 million people has imposed its will on an island of 700 000. On the contrary and much to your chagrin, Greek Cypriots have worked hard and built a decent life for themselves. If they didn’t why are so many British living here? Finally, try and understand we are Greek. That is why we wave the blue and white flag. The white flag with Cyprus and olive branch was another imposed piece of bollocks from the likes of you.
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Postby pumpernickle » Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:02 pm

no way, I like that flag! The green olive motif is rather special, and well, nice. And its yours, be grateful.

As for hard work, I really dont think so. turning your house into a cafe, and waiting for tourists to turn up in the 1980s is not hard work, its luck and good fortune. What ya gonna do when the tourism boom wanes to its candle light flicker?
Suppose you could start by opening your shops longer. Not hard, seeing as they all do about a 2 hour day as it stands, wednesday, sats and sundays excepted. Then you're talking blanket closure.

also, the pop of UK if you could be arsed to find out, is closer to 60 million. I guess if you wanted to bring it down to 55, you'd have to get rid of the minorities that pack out vast swathes of London - fancy making a start with the cypriots? didnt think so. Far to busy earning a living and doing well. In Britain.

Like ive said before, if you bothered absorbing what I said, instead of seeing my name and hitting the post rely button regardless, I dont know about turks so Im not going to slag them off or support them. I do know that the British bases are a security blanket however ,for the big blubbering cry baby that is Cyprus and her sore inhabitants who dont like it that they've thrown all their candy floss and ice cream on the pavement.
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Postby Michael » Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:13 pm

Poor little cry baby. Is that best you have to offer? The disjointed mutterings of an embittered old congenital lunatic. If you’re so unhappy there why don’t you move?
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Postby pumpernickle » Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:22 pm

you right, I am an utter loon.

bark bark. woof, meaaaouw.

I might organise my own political party out here, cause a stir, recruit loads of OAP brits from Paeiga and storm parliament bearing beer guts and weapons made out of old keo cans and bus passes.

we'd send the incumbant president into exile in Dherinia, where he's serve his days as a mobile binocular stand so fellow cypriots can see famagusta and drink tea and toast the good old days when the town was one of the seven wonders.

I'd sit on the throne sipping cognac and puffing a huge pipe made out of balsa wood, singing she'll be coming round troodos mountain when she blows.

toot toot.
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Postby lysi » Fri Feb 24, 2006 3:16 pm

Why waste are time talking to an english prick like pimpernipples, he has nothing of intrest to say.
He sholuld piss off back to england but i dont think they would let him back in.
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Postby pumpernickle » Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:18 pm

Lysi-n to me, old boy.

I have no time for such flam flam and nonsensical dialogue.

Pay attention and answer my thread, and stop going off topic.

Ah, to be superior. It's a hard life.

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Location: A Mad Island somewhere in the Med

Postby Michael » Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:05 pm

pumpernickle wrote:Lysi-n to me, old boy.

I have no time for such flam flam and nonsensical dialogue.

Pay attention and answer my thread, and stop going off topic.

Ah, to be superior. It's a hard life.


Well you would be, living amongst your gay English friends in your little camp enclave. I would guess you are superior to the average Englishman but inferior to monkey shit.
Posts: 256
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:59 pm


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