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extracting resources

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extracting resources

Postby Lordo » Mon Jun 10, 2019 1:49 pm

and there was some of my friends saying that by giving the gas to the yanks and israilis there was nothin anybody can do to stop you. now this nw comment certainly enlightens us on the matter on ho wmuch americans will protect your so calle "gas".

it seems mr palmer thinks otherwise.

<<<<< Regarding the tensions surrounding the exploration and drilling for natural gas in Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ), Palmer said that the US “recognises the right of the Republic of Cyprus to exploit its natural resources,” but within the framework of settlement. The US supported the equitable sharing of the revenue from the exploitation of natural gas between the two communities, Palmer said, repeating the US State Department’s position.>>>>

music to my ears.

the audacity of the man i mean gavole.

<<The Republic of Cyprus was a strategic partner for the US, which wanted to deepen and strengthen this relationship, Palmer said. Turkish Cypriots and Turkey are also friends and partners in the region, with whom the US is in regular contact.>>>>
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Re: extracting resources

Postby Lordo » Mon Jun 10, 2019 1:57 pm

i seem to remember some of our forum members believing kakapoo that terggy's time is up and what ever happened to iraq is likely to happen to terggy and she will be split and this and the other.

same report

<<<“We value our relations with Turkey,” Palmer said, noting that the US was “working closely [with Turkey] in the fight against the PKK, particularly in Iraq, as well as in the attempt to achieve stability in Syria with a view to a better future for the Syrian people.”>>>
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Re: extracting resources

Postby Maximus » Mon Jun 10, 2019 2:40 pm

Then why is noble drilling in the absence of a settlement?

The US, the EU, UK and Russia have also told Turkey to stop violated Cyprus EEZ. And not drill in what she claims as disputed areas. Everyone supports cyprus’s Rights to exploit its natural resources except turkey and the tc. Yet, they also want to share in it without talking about sharing from their own initiatives. Honestly! You don’t know how pathetic and hypocritical you sound that Cyprus has found something outside of your self declared illegal separate state. You want to keep your cake and to eat it too.

I wouldn’t count you chickens before they hatch. The UN is now saying that up to another 2 million Syrian refugees could flee to TUrkey because of the continued fighting. There is only one country in that area that is suspect of supporting rebels and keeping the fighting going. That’s right, turkey.

It won’t be long before greater powers will have to intervene to put an end to this. My guess is they will go after Erdogan. He is the perfect fall guy and an obvious suspect to cover their own asses if they ever contributed to the humanitarian problem in Syria before.

The illegal drilling in Cyprus eez and the s400 debacle are other issues that might contribute to it.
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Re: extracting resources

Postby Maximus » Mon Jun 10, 2019 3:51 pm

The EU is expected to discuss the appropriate measures they will take against turkey for violating and intending to drill in Cyprus’s EEZ at the next council of ministers meeting on the 20-21 June.

Then after the end of the month, US sanctions unless endogan reverses the s400 deal with Russia. This is the US’s deadline.

This doesn’t look good.

Personally, I don’t know why nicos is only focusing and talking about the eez issue now, there should be wider measures taken for the occupation and this is long overdue.

Embargo in the north is not enough, turkey needs sanctions.
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Re: extracting resources

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jun 10, 2019 5:37 pm any case Turkey is driving the rest of the world toward hostilities; the reason is not oil and gas.

I recall the rise of the Islam extremists, and the failure of the rest of the world to react in a united way against their most horrible acts. Erdogan has a reason to be so confident. Appeasement, and short measures have almost always been the result of threats, from the West.

His complete success will result in Turkey's supremacy over and under the sea. And it will not stop there. If Cyprus is left impotent, what of the lands in Iraq, Iran, and Syria, where Turkey has laid claim? Greece? What of the stability of the world itself, with Erdogan the "Protector" of Islam, as he sees it?

...for all this chatter, Turkey will get something, how much depends on "our" (those of us not "Turkish") resolve.
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Re: extracting resources

Postby Nikitas » Thu Jun 13, 2019 2:11 pm

The Turks and TCs are caught in a bind of their own making.

Akkingi wants a share of the loot, but he has not stated whether he recognises that islands in general and CYprus in particular have an EEZ as laid out in the Law of the Sea convention.

Turkey does not accept that islands have an EEZ, which no doubt makes it popular with island nations within the EU like Malta, Britain, Ireland, and EU nations that have islands in the Mediterranean such as France (corsica), Italy (Sicily, Sardenia) Spain (Balearic islands), Croatia and Greece with thousands of islands each.

Turkey recognises the TRNC but has never stated clearly whether it has an EEZ. This "state" seems to have very flexible frontiers that stretch according to the potential gain perceived. Although touting its separation from the (unrecognised) south, it asserts a right to resources way down south, while keeping silent on the issue of island EEZ trying to tow the turkish line.

Some counries see the incongruities and know the game being played.Maybe that is why the US undersecretary of state recently said that when it comes to the issue of EEZ and resource extraction "Turkey is a minority of one".
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Re: extracting resources

Postby B25 » Thu Jun 13, 2019 4:41 pm

Welcome back Nikita, long time no see.
Hope all is well?
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Re: extracting resources

Postby Nikitas » Fri Jun 14, 2019 12:48 am

Thanks for the welcome B25, all is well, had some business to take care of, now it is winding down.
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Re: extracting resources

Postby Maximus » Fri Jun 14, 2019 2:02 am

Nikitas wrote:The Turks and TCs are caught in a bind of their own making.

Akkingi wants a share of the loot, but he has not stated whether he recognises that islands in general and CYprus in particular have an EEZ as laid out in the Law of the Sea convention.

Turkey does not accept that islands have an EEZ, which no doubt makes it popular with island nations within the EU like Malta, Britain, Ireland, and EU nations that have islands in the Mediterranean such as France (corsica), Italy (Sicily, Sardenia) Spain (Balearic islands), Croatia and Greece with thousands of islands each.

Turkey recognises the TRNC but has never stated clearly whether it has an EEZ. This "state" seems to have very flexible frontiers that stretch according to the potential gain perceived. Although touting its separation from the (unrecognised) south, it asserts a right to resources way down south, while keeping silent on the issue of island EEZ trying to tow the turkish line.

Some counries see the incongruities and know the game being played.Maybe that is why the US undersecretary of state recently said that when it comes to the issue of EEZ and resource extraction "Turkey is a minority of one".

I don’t know what is greater, their arrogance or their ignorance.
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Re: extracting resources

Postby Nikitas » Sat Jun 15, 2019 11:22 am

There is no ignorance here, they know damn well the law of the sea and try to weasel out of it. First by not signing the convention while at the same time they exploit its provisions in delineating their Black Sea and east Mediterranean territorial waters at 12 miles. They claim that the Aegean is an exception as a "closed sea" while the Black Sea (the most closed sea in the world) is not.

They reject the law of the sea provisions for islands in general, but they do claim EEZ for the TRNC which is part of an island.

They impose partition but the partitioned TRNC is deemed to have a share in the EEZof the south according to some notion of shared resources that only they understand. But they reject any share of the south in the EEZ of the north and have started chasing away GC fishermen from the EEZ of the north. They want half the revenues from the resources of the south while they will not let the south take even
a single fish from the north.

The TC leadership accepts all these positions, it has never uttered a word in support of Cyprus as an island having rights under the law of the sea convention.

These are our "compatriots", the people we are meant to be partners with in a federal state.
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