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USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby Londonrake » Sun Jun 09, 2019 9:14 pm

I would have thought an Israeli attack on a US ship would be right up your street. Yet, here you are, foaming at the mouth about one. :? Funny ole world.

This happened 52 years ago - right? :roll:

Like I've said, umpteen times before, people don't tend to interact with you. Apart from the odd morsel of obsequiousness, or one liner, most of your posts either go unanswered, like "what's a reliable news source" :wink: or, end up as arguments with Paphitis/myself. Which it seems (surprise, surprise) is what's happened in this case, not to mention Assange. Do feel free to go back and check both those out. Like it or not, we've represented your staple diet. So, I'm not sure why all the anger. :? Why can't you understand that simple truth? Your views/posts are aggressive and unbending, so people avoid you. You should appreciate Paphitis and I more :lol:

I loved the attack on accusations of anti-semitism. Which, after many years of following your posts, I can confidently say - you have practiced venomously. Followed by the bit about how the Jews. Sorry! Sorry! we have to use the veneer of "Zionists" - are running the USA. No hypocrisy there then. :lol:

So, what's this post really about, if not trolling for an argument or - to vent your usual prejudices? In this case BOGOF. :lol:

Hopefully your hand can understand this because, for some reason, your head normally can't. :lol:
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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jun 10, 2019 6:06 am

Londonrake wrote:I would have thought an Israeli attack on a US ship would be right up your street. Yet, here you are, foaming at the mouth about one. :? Funny ole world.

This happened 52 years ago - right? :roll:

Like I've said, umpteen times before, people don't tend to interact with you. Apart from the odd morsel of obsequiousness, or one liner, most of your posts either go unanswered, like "what's a reliable news source" :wink: or, end up as arguments with Paphitis/myself. Which it seems (surprise, surprise) is what's happened in this case, not to mention Assange. Do feel free to go back and check both those out. Like it or not, we've represented your staple diet. So, I'm not sure why all the anger. :? Why can't you understand that simple truth? Your views/posts are aggressive and unbending, so people avoid you. You should appreciate Paphitis and I more :lol:

I loved the attack on accusations of anti-semitism. Which, after many years of following your posts, I can confidently say - you have practiced venomously. Followed by the bit about how the Jews. Sorry! Sorry! we have to use the veneer of "Zionists" - are running the USA. No hypocrisy there then. :lol:

So, what's this post really about, if not trolling for an argument or - to vent your usual prejudices? In this case BOGOF. :lol:

Hopefully your hand can understand this because, for some reason, your head normally can't. :lol:

Well that contributed a lot to the discussion ......... didn't it? :lol:

'Same-old-same-old' ...... you have no counter argument so you attack the person expressing views you find it rather unpleasant to face! I am sure Paphitis appreciated your support .... he needs it! :roll:
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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby Londonrake » Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:05 am

Robin Hood wrote:Well that contributed a lot to the discussion ......... didn't it? :lol:

'Same-old-same-old' ...... you have no counter argument so you attack the person expressing views you find it rather unpleasant to face! I am sure Paphitis appreciated your support .... he needs it! :roll:

"Discussion"? Do you really think so? In reality, there hasn't been one - and never is. You dragged up an incident over half a century old - one that almost nobody gives a shit about nowadays, let alone the MSM - purely in order to try to use it as a stick to beat the US, Israel and Jews (sorry Zionists) over the head with, presumably on an otherwise dull weekend.

In response to 5 words from Cap you fire off a 300 word reply. Another very short come-back from Cap and you post twice, with multiple links. Yialousa adds two words and a couple of smileys. Later he posts some videos, without comment. What little's left has been all Paphitis. That's it! Otherwise you've lectured for about 80% of the thread. Absolutely par for the course.

The "same-old-same-old" is actually your same old anti-American, anti-Israeli, anti-Jewish (sorry - Zionist) stuff.

You've never been somebody who can be reasoned with. It's always been the case that it's your way and no other - whatever the issue. You've never - once - admitted being wrong and you've never - once - even acknowledged it, let alone apologised when you actually have been. Throughout, there's always been a total lack of reasonableness on your part. So, what on Earth has lead you to think you have a right to be treated reasonably in return?
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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:53 am

Londonrake wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:Well that contributed a lot to the discussion ......... didn't it? :lol:

'Same-old-same-old' ...... you have no counter argument so you attack the person expressing views you find it rather unpleasant to face! I am sure Paphitis appreciated your support .... he needs it! :roll:

"Discussion"? Do you really think so? In reality, there hasn't been one - and never is. You dragged up an incident over half a century old - one that almost nobody gives a shit about nowadays, let alone the MSM - purely in order to try to use it as a stick to beat the US, Israel and Jews (sorry Zionists) over the head with, presumably on an otherwise dull weekend.

In response to 5 words from Cap you fire off a 300 word reply. Another very short come-back from Cap and you post twice, with multiple links. Yialousa adds two words and a couple of smileys. Later he posts some videos, without comment. What little's left has been all Paphitis. That's it! Otherwise you've lectured for about 80% of the thread. Absolutely par for the course.

The "same-old-same-old" is actually your same old anti-American, anti-Israeli, anti-Jewish (sorry - Zionist) stuff.

You've never been somebody who can be reasoned with. It's always been the case that it's your way and no other - whatever the issue. You've never - once - admitted being wrong and you've never - once - even acknowledged it, let alone apologised when you actually have been. Throughout, there's always been a total lack of reasonableness on your part. So, what on Earth has lead you to think you have a right to be treated reasonably in return?

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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby Londonrake » Mon Jun 10, 2019 12:22 pm

Yep. That’s exactly how I feel, when you churn it out. A lot of others, too, judging by the lack of responses. Well, apart from Paphitis’s and mine of course. :wink:
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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jun 10, 2019 12:42 pm

Londonrake wrote:Yep. That’s exactly how I feel, when you churn it out. A lot of others, too, judging by the lack of responses. Well, apart from Paphitis’s and mine of course. :wink:

At least I vary the theme .... your posts are always on the same subject, one which no one but you is the remotest bit interested in !

Take a tip from me ..... if I see a post that does not interest me or I know little about ...... I don't bother to read it and if I do decide to read it I don't post a comment. :roll:

I will give Paphitis due recognition ..... at least he comments! It may be IMO a load of rubbish or way off thread, but at least he makes the effort to produce a bit more than a one liner and his replies obviously fuels more 'debate'. :wink:
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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jun 10, 2019 12:59 pm

This happened 52 years ago - right?

D-Day – 75 yrs ago .... we still remember! Battle of Britain – 78 Yrs ago ..... we still remember! End of WWI – 100+ yrs ago .... we still remember! Jesus was born 2019 yrs ago .... we still remember. You were married what, 45 yrs ago ....... and you would not dare to forget! Time has no relevance, it is the event that is, or should, be remembered.
Like I've said, umpteen times before, people don't tend to interact with you. Apart from the odd morsel of obsequiousness, or one liner, most of your posts either go unanswered, like "what's a reliable news source" or, end up as arguments with Paphitis/myself. Which it seems (surprise, surprise) is what's happened in this case, not to mention Assange. Do feel free to go back and check both those out. Like it or not, we've represented your staple diet. So, I'm not sure why all the anger. Why can't you understand that simple truth? Your views/posts are aggressive and unbending, so people avoid you. You should appreciate Paphitis and I more

I posted an identical ‘What’s a reliable news source’ forum subject on another forum. It has to date attracted 165 views and 20 replies, all of them in general agreement with the context of the post. No abuse, no ridicule, no sarcasm ..... just comments.

This is a Cypriot site. Had I added a link to a Turkish or Greek source, no doubt it would have received many more replies.
I loved the attack on accusations of anti-semitism. Which, after many years of following your posts, I can confidently say - you have practiced venomously. Followed by the bit about how the Jews. Sorry! Sorry! we have to use the veneer of "Zionists" - are running the USA. No hypocrisy there then

Well of course you just happen to be the only person I have met that still thinks Zionism and Judaism are the same thing and that Red Indians run the Senate/Congress in the USA!
So, what's this post really about, if not trolling for an argument or - to vent your usual prejudices? In this case BOGOF.

No ..... it’s what a forum is all about! Raise a subject which you find interesting and discuss it with those who are also interested ......... simple enough for you?
Hopefully your hand can understand this because, for some reason, your head normally can't.

Don’t give up your day job .... funny you ain’t! At least what is in my head has not been scrambled, brainwashed and then tumble dried! In fact the last time the contents of my head were MRI examined ....... the Neurologist said that there was nothing there to worry about! :wink: :D
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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby Londonrake » Mon Jun 10, 2019 1:54 pm

See! That kept your juices flowing for an hour. You really should appreciate us more. You’re even starting to say nice things about Koala. :wink:

Who’s talking about the cranial hardware? It’s a software problem. A bit like the MAX?

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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby Londonrake » Mon Jun 10, 2019 3:11 pm's 49 years :(

84% :wink: :)
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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jun 10, 2019 3:34 pm

Londonrake's 49 years :(

84% :wink: :)

Not a bad guess then? :D
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