This happened 52 years ago - right?
D-Day – 75 yrs ago .... we still remember! Battle of Britain – 78 Yrs ago ..... we still remember! End of WWI – 100+ yrs ago .... we still remember! Jesus was born 2019 yrs ago .... we still remember. You were married what, 45 yrs ago ....... and you would not dare to forget! Time has no relevance, it is the event that is, or should, be remembered.
Like I've said, umpteen times before, people don't tend to interact with you. Apart from the odd morsel of obsequiousness, or one liner, most of your posts either go unanswered, like "what's a reliable news source" or, end up as arguments with Paphitis/myself. Which it seems (surprise, surprise) is what's happened in this case, not to mention Assange. Do feel free to go back and check both those out. Like it or not, we've represented your staple diet. So, I'm not sure why all the anger. Why can't you understand that simple truth? Your views/posts are aggressive and unbending, so people avoid you. You should appreciate Paphitis and I more
I posted an identical ‘
What’s a reliable news source’ forum subject on another forum. It has to date attracted 165 views and 20 replies, all of them in general agreement with the context of the post. No abuse, no ridicule, no sarcasm ..... just comments.
This is a Cypriot site. Had I added a link to a Turkish or Greek source, no doubt it would have received many more replies.
I loved the attack on accusations of anti-semitism. Which, after many years of following your posts, I can confidently say - you have practiced venomously. Followed by the bit about how the Jews. Sorry! Sorry! we have to use the veneer of "Zionists" - are running the USA. No hypocrisy there then
Well of course you just happen to be the only person I have met that still thinks Zionism and Judaism are the same thing and that Red Indians run the Senate/Congress in the USA!
So, what's this post really about, if not trolling for an argument or - to vent your usual prejudices? In this case BOGOF.
No ..... it’s what a forum is all about! Raise a subject which you find interesting and discuss it with those who are also interested ......... simple enough for you?
Hopefully your hand can understand this because, for some reason, your head normally can't.
Don’t give up your day job .... funny you ain’t! At least what is in my head has not been scrambled, brainwashed and then tumble dried! In fact the last time the contents of my head were MRI examined ....... the Neurologist said that there was nothing there to worry about!