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USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jun 09, 2019 12:12 pm

Paphitis wrote:Been in a friendly fire incident? No not me thankfully.

But I do know of a few that were and were almost killed by American Friendly Fire.

War is a very dynamic and fluid environment and these things happen to the very best as well.

I also know of our troops wanting to go green in some pretty unusual circumstances. Such as when witnessing a public execution of a minor. In your language, you would call that a war crime but not all of us will or are the same.

Our troops have witnessed some terrible things and done some great things too in helping normal people in the community.

You appear to be justifying the Israeli action against USS Liberty as 'friendly fire'?

If the Israelis had mistakenly launched a torpedo or an Israeli aircraft accidently strafed them ...... then that could be deemed 'friendly fire' with no malicious intent. But when the attack was preceded by several hours of airborne recognisance by Israeli Argos surveillance aircraft, on a ship flying a large US flag, was clearly hull numbered in Roman letters/numbers, not in Arabic, was obviously not an Egyptian ship and was then subjected to 25 minutes of 30 odd air attacks sorties including napalm, rockets and 30mm cannon fire; that was followed by an attack by three torpedo boats who not only launched four torpedo's but machine gunned not only the ship but life rafts ........... that is no accident, it is a war crime and that is what has come to light. The Liberty had just four 0.5” machine guns for defence ...... did the Israeli’s not wonder why the ship didn’t return fire? They wanted Liberty wiped off the face of the Ocean with all witnesses on board! :x

If you think otherwise I think you are sadly disillusioned by your Masters brainwashing and I feel sorry for you.

Remember that a war crime is only a war crime if you get caught! :x

If you ever find yourself in combat with the Israeli’s covering your ass ......... keep a good look out in your rear view mirror! :roll:
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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jun 09, 2019 12:29 pm

I am not justifying any Israeli action against a US warship. There never was any official Israeli action against the US.

Israel was at war with Egypt during the 6 Day war and its American supplied aircraft mistook a USN Ship for an enemy ship and hit it in a friendly fire incident which they regretted and apologised for.

It isn’t nice but let’s not over react because the US has always been an ally to Israel. Israel does not have any reason or will to attack a USN warship.
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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jun 09, 2019 12:48 pm

Paphitis wrote:I am not justifying any Israeli action against a US warship. There never was any official Israeli action against the US.

Israel was at war with Egypt during the 6 Day war and its American supplied aircraft mistook a USN Ship for an enemy ship and hit it in a friendly fire incident which they regretted and apologised for.

It isn’t nice but let’s not over react because the US has always been an ally to Israel. Israel does not have any reason or will to attack a USN warship.

But that is not what the survivors saw, nor what the evidence supports. It CANNOT be dismissed as a simple mistake resulting in over two hours of 'friendly fire, it does not fit the facts! You really should try looking at the video documentaries or reading the Moorer Report.

You are too quick to disregard (or not even read) the evidence or the videos and base your opinion solely on the official line without question. That is your loss as you are living a sad illusion! :(
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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:04 pm

I am not justifying any Israeli action against a US warship. There never was any official Israeli action against the US.

Of course .... that IS the official line, it was all a terrible mistake! So why try to cover it up?

Israel was at war with Egypt during the 6 Day war and its American supplied aircraft mistook a USN Ship for an enemy ship and hit it in a friendly fire incident which they regretted and apologised for.

The false flag event had misfired! What would you expect them to do? LBJ was a very strong supporter of Israel and he would not have Israel demonised ........ when he was told that the Liberty was under attack, he recalled the aircraft sent to protect it and when he was told the Liberty could sink with all hands, he said something on the lines "I don't give a damn about a few sailors ..... I will not have our ally embarrassed!' (That is a matter of record) Then they embarked on the cover up!

It isn’t nice but let’s not over react because the US has always been an ally to Israel. Israel does not have any reason or will to attack a USN warship.

Had the truth leaked out the Zionists that dominated the US Senate, Administration, banking and commerce would have fled for their lives. The American people are very patriotic and they would have responded with attacks on the Jewish community that were (and still are) running their country.

IMO: I think this could still happen as US, and to an extent European power and our society, starts to fall apart. It has happened so many times in history ...... I feel it will happen again eventually. :(
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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:18 pm

I seriously doubt the survivors would have seen anything much other than explosions and havoc.

The Israeli attack would have occurred in a split second.

What matters is what Israel did after it and they called the attack off when they found out they had a whoopsie moment!

They apologised and that is all there is to it.
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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Jun 09, 2019 3:57 pm

Cap wrote:This was clearly not intentional.

:lol: :lol:

Ok Cap-Stein. :!:
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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Jun 09, 2019 4:22 pm

Paphitis wrote:I seriously doubt the survivors would have seen anything much other than explosions and havoc.

The Israeli attack would have occurred in a split second.

What matters is what Israel did after it and they called the attack off when they found out they had a whoopsie moment!

They apologised and that is all there is to it.

The attack went on for hours you stupid little Koala. :roll: Previously the Juicers had identified the USS Liberty flying over it many times and the crew of the Liberty had waved at the Juicers thinking Is-Ra-Hell were their friends. :shock:
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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:12 pm

Paphitis wrote:I seriously doubt the survivors would have seen anything much other than explosions and havoc.

The Israeli attack would have occurred in a split second.

What matters is what Israel did after it and they called the attack off when they found out they had a whoopsie moment!

They apologised and that is all there is to it.

I really don't know why I bother to reply! You have done no reading or watching and are spouting what you have been told at some time in the past. :roll:

IDIOT! Several hours of surveillance, 25 minutes of strafing and bombing and almost an hour of strafing by gun boats .... after they launched four torpedo's! ..... and by your estimate it all occurred in a split second? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Israel said sorry! :lol: :lol: :lol: Big deal, they had no option. They were caught out with their trousers round their ankles in a deliberate attack on their number one ally! What saved them from the wrath of the American people was the stranglehold they had (have) on the American political system and banking. They kept it all very quiet and launched a massive cover-up and threatened the survivors to keep their mouth shut ....or else.

BTW: The Israeli aircraft were Mirages ..... and they were French not American!

It took them several hours to discover their 'whoopsie' moment ...... and that was the very inconvenient fact that the Liberty didn't sink with all hands, inspite of all their efforts, before the US cavalry arrived.

The only thing I would suggest happened in a split second was Israeli top political brass deciding that the unexpected arrival of USS Liberty could not be tolerated, was a serious threat to their plans and decided to remove the 'problem' by any means necessary and blame the ships disapearance on Egypt! :evil:
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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:26 pm

Six Day War Massacre: USS Liberty Veterans Reveal Truth About Israeli Attack

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Re: USS Liberty 52nd Anniversary.

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jun 09, 2019 8:38 pm

I started watching the first one but it was a bit slow. The presenter failed to make the programme follow a clear time line. The presentation tended to detract from the story line. But I will watch both .....

I did pick up on this though and it was entertaining.

At least RT covered the ‘incident’ on this edition of Cross Talk. A very interesting exchange ..... in July 2017. Two of the three contributors were credible ........ the fat guy in the light suit makes too many guesses as to what HE thought the reasons for the attack was. He even suggests it was planned two years in advance with the backing of LBJ! Watch the video .... it is quite entertaining.

Two years on and it is still covered up by the US Administration.

CrossTalk: Remembering USS Liberty
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