Paphitis wrote:Been in a friendly fire incident? No not me thankfully.
But I do know of a few that were and were almost killed by American Friendly Fire.
War is a very dynamic and fluid environment and these things happen to the very best as well.
I also know of our troops wanting to go green in some pretty unusual circumstances. Such as when witnessing a public execution of a minor. In your language, you would call that a war crime but not all of us will or are the same.
Our troops have witnessed some terrible things and done some great things too in helping normal people in the community.
You appear to be justifying the Israeli action against USS Liberty as 'friendly fire'?
If the Israelis had mistakenly launched a torpedo or an Israeli aircraft accidently strafed them ...... then that could be deemed 'friendly fire' with no malicious intent. But when the attack was preceded by several hours of airborne recognisance by Israeli Argos surveillance aircraft, on a ship flying a large US flag, was clearly hull numbered in Roman letters/numbers, not in Arabic, was obviously not an Egyptian ship and was then subjected to 25 minutes of 30 odd air attacks sorties including napalm, rockets and 30mm cannon fire; that was followed by an attack by three torpedo boats who not only launched four torpedo's but machine gunned not only the ship but life rafts ........... that is no accident, it is a war crime and that is what has come to light. The Liberty had just four 0.5” machine guns for defence ...... did the Israeli’s not wonder why the ship didn’t return fire? They wanted Liberty wiped off the face of the Ocean with all witnesses on board!

If you think otherwise I think you are sadly disillusioned by your Masters brainwashing and I feel sorry for you.
Remember that a war crime is only a war crime if you get caught!

If you ever find yourself in combat with the Israeli’s covering your ass ......... keep a good look out in your rear view mirror!