enjoy. this is what a true cypriot sounds like, not like you pibol.
Maximus wrote:Try putting something coherent together if you want better dialogue.
RW and maybe some others want to know what you are trying to use him for?
What is the way forward by him as proclaimed by you?
Maximus wrote:That interview with Him is not informing us of anything we don’t already know or have not already said a million times.
It seems like you are the one that doesnt know what you are talking about bordo.
It seems that you are on a roll with posting things that others, particularly the gc commentators on this forum have been trying to drum in to you for years. Which you have been opposing and debating against.
Now you are trying to make out that this is our enlightened one and you have seen the light....
After all, he belongs to AKEL and his views are not dissimilar to theirs..........
You are going to win the Darwin Award.
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