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Turkish thieves in Denia

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Turkish thieves in Denia

Postby kurupetos » Fri May 31, 2019 10:52 am

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Re: Turkish thieves in Denia

Postby Maximus » Fri May 31, 2019 2:50 pm

I see they are creating and attracting more hatred and “discrimination” towards themselves.

What pieces of shit you have to be to steal someone else’s crop at the time of reaping the harvest.

Where are the tc politicians to condemn this. Nowhere. Discrimination and thievery from gcs is what they do.

Only possible by standing behind the Turkish army.

What pieces of shit.

One day, they will reap what they sow.

That will be the day they will expect fair and equal treatment from gc and not be discriminated against. Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that.

They have No shame or honor. Look at what they do.
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Re: Turkish thieves in Denia

Postby B25 » Fri May 31, 2019 3:07 pm

And we are being told by Elroz how we should change so he doesn't feel discriminated against! Well, bugger me! Perhaps he is talking to the wrong audience.
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Re: Turkish thieves in Denia

Postby Maximus » Fri May 31, 2019 3:26 pm

Lordo will be here in a minute posting YouTube videos of ottoman war drums and making threats.

His arguments will be something along the lines of- it’s because the gcs don’t want to share.

This is just one example of what’s been going on through the ages but it’s the fault of the schools and the church for brainwashing the gcs.

Actually, this has been broadcast on the news to many gcs. Most people aren’t stupid. This is called state sponsored thievery/ terrorism.

They deserve their rogue status.
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Re: Turkish thieves in Denia

Postby MR-from-NG » Fri May 31, 2019 4:59 pm

Come on gentlemen, let's be realistic here. Surely this is not the norm. This scumbag probably has problems getting on with his neighbours. He probably steals TC crop on daily basis. He is clearly a thieving cunt. Painting all TC's with the same brush is just being silly. I bet he is a mainland Turk that most TC's cannot stand and want them out of Cyprus more than you guys.
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Re: Turkish thieves in Denia

Postby Maximus » Fri May 31, 2019 5:16 pm

Apparently, the tc is harvesting the crop under the protection of the Turkish army.

This is just the tip of the iceberg mr-ng. As we all know, your politicians sanction the theft of gc property. Most of your community don’t support its return to its rightful owners either.

I wish I could share your ideologue but the reality in the wider scheme of things is also like this. Property, religious and heritage sites, businesses etc. this is the norm.....!

This is what gcs and the world see, as part of the cy problem.

He clearly is a thieving cunt but unless any tc “officials” condemn it and rectify the situation, it’s state sponsored terrorism. I doubt it though, they have no problem usurping property and arguing about why theft from gcs is their right.

This crop is another mans livelihood.
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Re: Turkish thieves in Denia

Postby Maximus » Fri May 31, 2019 5:53 pm

Maybe it is a Turkish settler but that does not mean tc are not complicit with the Turks in stealing from gcs.

The thievery isn’t limited or stops at just this crop

Most of the “trnc” belongs to gcs but the tc believe it’s their right to keep what was stolen. Aided and abetted by the Turks. The official tc position in the negotiations is to let them stay in cy and to have Turkish guarantees to keep the thievery and discrimination against gcs going. To also keep what was stolen.

The mentality is the same.

And you expect gcs to love you and not discriminate and see you as “partners” while carrying on like this?
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Re: Turkish thieves in Denia

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri May 31, 2019 7:38 pm

This is a conspiracy, a gang, organised and financed to do such a deed. If it is allowed to fester, lawlessness will grow. What comes next is even more important; i hope this is not ignored. It is a sad day for people who live under this fear, and oppression, in Cyprus.

...indeed this is a great opportunity for the regime in the occupied north to demonstrate Justice seen. If there is no quick arrest, something like this will not be forgotten, and if it is repeated, now that it is public knowledge, it is all the more reason for concern.
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Re: Turkish thieves in Denia

Postby MR-from-NG » Fri May 31, 2019 9:59 pm

Maximus wrote:Maybe it is a Turkish settler but that does not mean tc are not complicit with the Turks in stealing from gcs.

The thievery isn’t limited or stops at just this crop

Most of the “trnc” belongs to gcs but the tc believe it’s their right to keep what was stolen. Aided and abetted by the Turks. The official tc position in the negotiations is to let them stay in cy and to have Turkish guarantees to keep the thievery and discrimination against gcs going. To also keep what was stolen.

The mentality is the same.

And you expect gcs to love you and not discriminate and see you as “partners” while carrying on like this?

I responded to a specific topic and a specific thieving scumbag. Now you've escalated it to GC land and next it will be"why the fuck did you conquer the island in 1571?" You guys need to learn to move on.
Loving TC's is not something you're capable of. Loving, respecting, accepting and protecting are qualities you do not possess. And I don't mean just for the TC's, you do not and cannot possibly have these feelings/qualities for anyone other than a fellow Greek.
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Re: Turkish thieves in Denia

Postby Maximus » Sat Jun 01, 2019 12:07 am

but what I have said is all true isn’t it?

If you disagree show me what is false.

I know you may not like what some of us have to say but some of us don’t like what some Turks and tc’s do. If they didn’t do it, we wouldn’t say it.

It’s not my fault but how can “you guys” move on when this behavior follows subsequent generations through the ages? :roll:
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