kurupetos wrote:repulsewarrior wrote:kurupetos wrote:repulsewarrior wrote:...in any case, these thieves represent the other half i call, "Turks".
Turks, their voting patterns, and Principals are no different to Greeks, as Cypriots.
There are a few good TCs, but the vast majority are filthy thieves and criminals.
...are you trying to say that most Greek Cypriots, are thieves, and criminals?
"Greeks", and "Turks" may be the same, in many ways, Cypriots, are not "them".
...in any case, Cypriots represent about (read: more than) half the voting public, anyway you cut it.
You are lost in your own stupid and meaningless definitions, old boy...
says xerodjeaholebothga. on your bike boy