Lordo wrote:again your stupidity nows no limits. more than half the world has no one man one vote. it has a federal structure an in federal structures all the federal government have equal power and are unable to influence the other. it is perfectly democratic and gues what it forces people to be civilised and not try to take advantage of other becasue their population may be less. it is win win.
accusing me of being lost says more about you then me.
tell me makarios was not trying to change the constitution through the back door without the tcs consent. tell me makarios had no wish to enosis tell me something that is true not the myths that you have been fed in the dar like a mushroom. to accuse the tcs of actually blocking the democratic system is as stupid as you can get. but unfortunately it is the most difficult thing on earth get an idiot to accept that he has been lied too that he has been made a fool of. i guess it is easier for you to sleep at night thinking your side did nothong wrong.
history knows different and records different
i have one question for you thopugh.
in 1964 did papadopoullos order his hench men to kill every single tc when the first tergish ships are visible or not. i am not asking you whether he said such a thing, that he said it beyond dispute. did he order it? tell me what you know? from where?
What are you talking about,
The then un sec general of the time said that the tc embarked on a campaign of forced segregation. They withdrew from government and dektash used some tc as pawns to further his aims of taksim.
Why are you going backwards though, what is your excuse today?
You see the map I posted in that cy mail article. How do you explain those claims to “south Cyprus’s” eez? Then at the same time call yourself a separate state with a border.
Why is it that tc can share the south but run a fascist state against the gc in the north?
Why is it that Turks can murder people in the south, then Run to the north and be let off?
Why is it that the gc can’t take a single fish out of their waters north of the green line but the tc expect 50% of anything in the waters in the south.
Why is it that someone from the north can steel crops from someone in the south and not a single word of condemnation or compensation or punishment from your a “authorities” in the north.
Why is it that the tc talk about give and take and sharing but it doesn’t include giving back the property that they have already stolen. Only expecting the gc to give some more...
I could go on and on.
This is happening today.
I can only imagine what was happening to gc 50, 100, 200 years ago having to deal with your community and the ottomans.
What is your excuse today?