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EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Benefits and problems from the EU membership.

Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby B25 » Tue Jun 18, 2019 10:54 am

Oh dear Lordo, your Erdocunt has just been caught with his pants down again.

Seems he lied about having a degree from a University in 1981, that didn't come into existence until 1982 :) ... BmZKjHEwWY

The Turkish constitution says that you have to have a degree with a min of 4 years study before you can apply to be a candidate for the job. Oh dear more corruption, and the poor MFs that helped him are going to be done too.

But wait, he can solve this, like he solved all the other problems, he can just arrest the leader of the opposition party that is complaining and put him away on terrorist charges xaxaxaxa.

Can't wait to see how he squirms his way out of this one.

Poor Lordo, your champion is going down in flames.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Maximus » Tue Jun 18, 2019 11:23 am

Erdogan orders another 128 people to go to jail over the attempted coup. ... len-links/

It seems that that is going to be the “never ending” excuse to bang people up at his will.

He just has to say they have links to gulen.

The country has been corrupted by erdogan and misappropriating public funds. He has probably paid off his supporters and awarded huge contracts for unfinished mega projects to his friends. That has resulted in some people being made homeless to make way for them. With promises of paying their rent if they moved, that hasn’t materialized.

Let’s not forget the palace he build for himself. :shock:

It has an underground bunker he can bolt himself up in when the yaraks hit the fan. :roll:

Everyone in turkey will pay the price.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Lordo » Tue Jun 18, 2019 12:20 pm

Maximus wrote:Erdogan orders another 128 people to go to jail over the attempted coup. ... len-links/

It seems that that is going to be the “never ending” excuse to bang people up at his will.

He just has to say they have links to gulen.

The country has been corrupted by erdogan and misappropriating public funds. He has probably paid off his supporters and awarded huge contracts for unfinished mega projects to his friends. That has resulted in some people being made homeless to make way for them. With promises of paying their rent if they moved, that hasn’t materialized.

Let’s not forget the palace he build for himself. :shock:

It has an underground bunker he can bolt himself up in when the yaraks hit the fan. :roll:

Everyone in turkey will pay the price.

everything you say about terggy is true and it is not just with erdogan, it goes back to the 60s with the coups thay had and since. how ever it is your new found friend americans who like him and the rest of tha bastards there because they serve american interests against the russians. even last week the yanke boy said how friendly they are with terggy. so terggish friend is yanks and you are friends with the yanks so you personally become responsible for what this bastard does.

get over it. it is how world politics works. denize dusen yilana sarilir. before 74 we had no idea if we would return to our homes once we left it and since than we have been safe. unless you have a good political system where you would investigate the bastard gc who kill tcs you are wasting your time. you can start by investigating all the murders you heros committed in the 60s and perhaps we can talk piiiis. otherwise piss off.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Maximus » Tue Jun 18, 2019 12:42 pm

Talking piss is easy lordo

Talking peace is something else.

What you try to force others to accept, you will eventually have to face it and accept it for yourselves.

You reap what you sow, as they say.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Lordo » Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:42 pm

i have never refused to accept what the tcs have done and would support any action that will bring the bastards to justice. persoanlly i dont think that is a good move as finding the remains and returning them to their families for proper closure is far more important and if these bastards face the music they will not divulge information but if they can get away with it they will divulge. the difference between me and you is that i accept what my side has done where as you believe that tcs rebelled and all the roc did was try to keep order. order kakapoos arse is what i say. you bastards cause the 63 troubles to get enosis and the troubles cause a lot of gc and tc innocent civilians murdered. add to that the fact that roc is a legally recognised country and she treats these bastards as heros to this day putting them on tv and rpeatng the lies to swines like you believing their narative and you get the picture of where i satnd dear boy. no off to mummy suck some more milk.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Maximus » Tue Jun 18, 2019 2:31 pm

Lordo wrote:i have never refused to accept what the tcs have done and would support any action that will bring the bastards to justice. persoanlly i dont think that is a good move as finding the remains and returning them to their families for proper closure is far more important and if these bastards face the music they will not divulge information but if they can get away with it they will divulge. the difference between me and you is that i accept what my side has done where as you believe that tcs rebelled and all the roc did was try to keep order. order kakapoos arse is what i say. you bastards cause the 63 troubles to get enosis and the troubles cause a lot of gc and tc innocent civilians murdered. add to that the fact that roc is a legally recognised country and she treats these bastards as heros to this day putting them on tv and rpeatng the lies to swines like you believing their narative and you get the picture of where i satnd dear boy. no off to mummy suck some more milk.

The 63 inter communal violence started because the government was in deadlock, because your community kept abusing the veto that was sown in to the constitution.

When the gc realized they were back under the control of the Ottoman Empire, makarios put forward his 13 amendments to make the country more democratic.

Who refused that? It was apartheid or taksim wasn’t it.

It’s similar today, apartheid or taksim.

Anyway, denktash is on record stating that he created false flags to stir up the animosity between the communities, then off the tc went, burning and looting villages.

Get your facts right re....

This is Not about that anyway, what is your excuse for the way turkey and tc behave towards the gc today, 46 years later?

Not much has changed.

What i stole is mine and what’s left is mine as well.

Apartheid AND taksim......
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Lordo » Tue Jun 18, 2019 3:06 pm

i can understand it if you made such a statement in 1963 but to make today is unforgivable. the real facts are very simple.

makarios was hell bent on enosis
he wanted to reduce tcs power so they could be come a minority and not able to block enopsis
he decided to change the constitution without tc consent and decided to use the tax laws to begin the changes.
tcs voted against those laws because they were wise to makarios's tricks.

stupid idiot like you bough the lies and are repeating them 60 years later.

what is the point of having a discussion with idiots like you i do wonder sometimes. but i have hope, even the worst idiots on earth one day see the light. you however are still in the dark. learn your real hisotry you stupid idiot.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Maximus » Tue Jun 18, 2019 3:15 pm

You are lost,

Cyprus was undemocratic and not really free then, you want it to be undemocratic and not free now. and your politicos and turkeys behavior shows that.

As long as Cyprus is not free and is under some kind of ottoman yoke, and threats of violence from your quarter, you are happy. And to hell with the majority, their legitimate rights or what they want.

You will reap what you sow.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Lordo » Tue Jun 18, 2019 4:44 pm

again your stupidity nows no limits. more than half the world has no one man one vote. it has a federal structure an in federal structures all the federal government have equal power and are unable to influence the other. it is perfectly democratic and gues what it forces people to be civilised and not try to take advantage of other becasue their population may be less. it is win win.

accusing me of being lost says more about you then me.

tell me makarios was not trying to change the constitution through the back door without the tcs consent. tell me makarios had no wish to enosis tell me something that is true not the myths that you have been fed in the dar like a mushroom. to accuse the tcs of actually blocking the democratic system is as stupid as you can get. but unfortunately it is the most difficult thing on earth get an idiot to accept that he has been lied too that he has been made a fool of. i guess it is easier for you to sleep at night thinking your side did nothong wrong.

history knows different and records different

i have one question for you thopugh.

in 1964 did papadopoullos order his hench men to kill every single tc when the first tergish ships are visible or not. i am not asking you whether he said such a thing, that he said it beyond dispute. did he order it? tell me what you know? from where?
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Maximus » Tue Jun 18, 2019 5:01 pm

Lordo wrote:again your stupidity nows no limits. more than half the world has no one man one vote. it has a federal structure an in federal structures all the federal government have equal power and are unable to influence the other. it is perfectly democratic and gues what it forces people to be civilised and not try to take advantage of other becasue their population may be less. it is win win.

accusing me of being lost says more about you then me.

tell me makarios was not trying to change the constitution through the back door without the tcs consent. tell me makarios had no wish to enosis tell me something that is true not the myths that you have been fed in the dar like a mushroom. to accuse the tcs of actually blocking the democratic system is as stupid as you can get. but unfortunately it is the most difficult thing on earth get an idiot to accept that he has been lied too that he has been made a fool of. i guess it is easier for you to sleep at night thinking your side did nothong wrong.

history knows different and records different

i have one question for you thopugh.

in 1964 did papadopoullos order his hench men to kill every single tc when the first tergish ships are visible or not. i am not asking you whether he said such a thing, that he said it beyond dispute. did he order it? tell me what you know? from where?

What are you talking about,

The then un sec general of the time said that the tc embarked on a campaign of forced segregation. They withdrew from government and dektash used some tc as pawns to further his aims of taksim.

Why are you going backwards though, what is your excuse today?

You see the map I posted in that cy mail article. How do you explain those claims to “south Cyprus’s” eez? Then at the same time call yourself a separate state with a border.

Why is it that tc can share the south but run a fascist state against the gc in the north?

Why is it that Turks can murder people in the south, then Run to the north and be let off?

Why is it that the gc can’t take a single fish out of their waters north of the green line but the tc expect 50% of anything in the waters in the south.

Why is it that someone from the north can steel crops from someone in the south and not a single word of condemnation or compensation or punishment from your a “authorities” in the north.

Why is it that the tc talk about give and take and sharing but it doesn’t include giving back the property that they have already stolen. Only expecting the gc to give some more...

I could go on and on.

This is happening today.

I can only imagine what was happening to gc 50, 100, 200 years ago having to deal with your community and the ottomans.

What is your excuse today?
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